If you want to ruin your life and family join this company

Hilarious. You’re clearly too retarded to understand what is being said. A company who is afraid to answer questions about their integrity and how they treat their employees is clearly shelving turds. It has nothing to do with CP you moron. As for interview time being wasted, you are selling licensed creams and products to make people look like lizards you dipshit. Interview was a joke haha. A high school grad can make this crap in their basement. Get your head out of your ass and see how far the world has moved on. Thanks for all the help and confirming suspicions on how much of a turdfest this place is. appreciate you running your mouth
Public school failed our children.

Public school failed our children.
not surprised your kids failed in public schools - apple doesnt fall far. No wonder you are a rep at Galderma. And why the hell are you shedding tears about your kids failing public school on CP. What did you think was going to happen with someone of your IQ - procreate a genius? Go get a diaper / towel / your comms team to weigh in. Done wasting you and my time on you.

No, you’re just a dumbass. An idiot believes he is bright, hence you seeking advice on a complaint board. This is like trying to play chess with a toddler. Again, you’re a dumbass, which is how you became a rep.
love hearing how Galderma continues to think their reps are dumbasses. Love it. Keep going.

not surprised your kids failed in public schools - apple doesnt fall far. No wonder you are a rep at Galderma. And why the hell are you shedding tears about your kids failing public school on CP. What did you think was going to happen with someone of your IQ - procreate a genius? Go get a diaper / towel / your comms team to weigh in. Done wasting you and my time on you.
This from the moron who is seeking advice and interviewing to become a Galderma rep. Again, this is an impressive level of stupid.

Looks like you glitched out at the fanciest word you know. Maybe all that Galderma product malfunctioned your already fried brain. Your responses seem to confirm what people are saying about Galderma. Will definitely be bringing this up during interviews. Would love to hear how your leadership explains this.
Hey Josh … this as rocks as always…

Here’s how this company ruins lives. They asked someone to move for the role and gave them a moving package. Then less than 5 months later they fired that person and gave them 3 weeks severance, 1 year of broad non compete and medical coverage for 1 week. The person got no warning about poor performance or anything. Just bye bye. Shut down laptop immediately. This person had kids with pre existing conditions. Yes, company has every right to fire someone and it’s not their obligation to keep people around. It’s also their responsibility to give appropriate feedback. HR sucks b**ls at Galderma. BF is a fluffer at best no spine.

This event is one of many.. just call ex employees and ask. They will lie to get you to join and can you when they stabilize

had a conv with an ex-employee today and the person started by being neutral. Seemed nice. But then the pandoras box opened about the reality and how shady this company is. I asked the person why they left and he told me how they were belittled with nearly racist tendencies. No HR standards, winging it on a daily basis, some people work 2 hrs some work 16, everyone is scared of the global CEO, their is favoritism, politics, talent sucks etc. Its given me a lot to think about. Talk to someone before you consider Galderma - it will be revealing.

had a conv with an ex-employee today and the person started by being neutral. Seemed nice. But then the pandoras box opened about the reality and how shady this company is. I asked the person why they left and he told me how they were belittled with nearly racist tendencies. No HR standards, winging it on a daily basis, some people work 2 hrs some work 16, everyone is scared of the global CEO, their is favoritism, politics, talent sucks etc. Its given me a lot to think about. Talk to someone before you consider Galderma - it will be revealing.

had a conv with an ex-employee today and the person started by being neutral. Seemed nice. But then the pandoras box opened about the reality and how shady this company is. I asked the person why they left and he told me how they were belittled with nearly racist tendencies. No HR standards, winging it on a daily basis, some people work 2 hrs some work 16, everyone is scared of the global CEO, their is favoritism, politics, talent sucks etc. Its given me a lot to think about. Talk to someone before you consider Galderma - it will be revealing.

Here’s how this company ruins lives. They asked someone to move for the role and gave them a moving package. Then less than 5 months later they fired that person and gave them 3 weeks severance, 1 year of broad non compete and medical coverage for 1 week. The person got no warning about poor performance or anything. Just bye bye. Shut down laptop immediately. This person had kids with pre existing conditions. Yes, company has every right to fire someone and it’s not their obligation to keep people around. It’s also their responsibility to give appropriate feedback. HR sucks b**ls at Galderma. BF is a fluffer at best no spine.

This event is one of many.. just call ex employees and ask. They will lie to get you to join and can you when they stabilize

Above poster- I hope that person has filed a suit and has documentation.
Yes! This is exactly how HR works at Galderma. Please tell this person to pursue a case. There are many more that have been treated like him/her.

Above poster- I hope that person has filed a suit and has documentation.
Yes! This is exactly how HR works at Galderma. Please tell this person to pursue a case. There are many more that have been treated like him/her.
The person, came across as articulate and intelligent, was kind hearted and just wanted to move on. Don’t think they pursued a case.. but the story was so disheartening. Karma will come for these assholes.

Here’s how this company ruins lives. They asked someone to move for the role and gave them a moving package. Then less than 5 months later they fired that person and gave them 3 weeks severance, 1 year of broad non compete and medical coverage for 1 week. The person got no warning about poor performance or anything. Just bye bye. Shut down laptop immediately. This person had kids with pre existing conditions. Yes, company has every right to fire someone and it’s not their obligation to keep people around. It’s also their responsibility to give appropriate feedback. HR sucks b**ls at Galderma. BF is a fluffer at best no spine.

This event is one of many.. just call ex employees and ask. They will lie to get you to join and can you when they stabilize
What business unit was this and in which market?

Time for little sales reps to grow up. Pull up a chair and take note how the world really works. You are a flunky, entitled, lazy-ass sales rep. You have no real skills. Seriously, no skill other than trying to dress the nines and look hot. But you’re tired looking and plastic now. You have a communication or psychology degree, which means you are a flunky. You partied and lazy as shit. The world knows it. You know it. We know it. Your weakness is evident in your crying, whining and complaining. Time to kick your ass to the curb. It’s best to turn reps and upgrade talent. I know I know. It’s basically turning one derelict rep with a communications degree with another. Not ideal. But this is what we have to work with. Now update your resume and please exit stage left. You are done here. You’re fired!

- sales managers everyone

Time for little sales reps to grow up. Pull up a chair and take note how the world really works. You are a flunky, entitled, lazy-ass sales rep. You have no real skills. Seriously, no skill other than trying to dress the nines and look hot. But you’re tired looking and plastic now. You have a communication or psychology degree, which means you are a flunky. You partied and lazy as shit. The world knows it. You know it. We know it. Your weakness is evident in your crying, whining and complaining. Time to kick your ass to the curb. It’s best to turn reps and upgrade talent. I know I know. It’s basically turning one derelict rep with a communications degree with another. Not ideal. But this is what we have to work with. Now update your resume and please exit stage left. You are done here. You’re fired!

- sales managers everyo

By the length of this post and the thought you put into it, you probably don’t even have that communications degree. You’re Probably an emasculated male who doesn’t actually have any power so resort to CP to “fire” people. F*ck off you minion. You hold no power over anyone. Time for you to take it up the rear end by your overlords. That’s YOUR value add to your masters at Galderma. No go cry to your significant other at home who clearly wears the pants.

Time for little sales reps to grow up. Pull up a chair and take note how the world really works. You are a flunky, entitled, lazy-ass sales rep. You have no real skills. Seriously, no skill other than trying to dress the nines and look hot. But you’re tired looking and plastic now. You have a communication or psychology degree, which means you are a flunky. You partied and lazy as shit. The world knows it. You know it. We know it. Your weakness is evident in your crying, whining and complaining. Time to kick your ass to the curb. It’s best to turn reps and upgrade talent. I know I know. It’s basically turning one derelict rep with a communications degree with another. Not ideal. But this is what we have to work with. Now update your resume and please exit stage left. You are done here. You’re fired!

- sales managers everyone
And you think you are any better? Why don’t you leave. It’s not only the reps, it’s everyone else too. This company cannot attract any talent and the few individuals who could have made a difference left.

The only reason galderma sells anything is because the predicts are half decent. The people, leaders and business execution absolutely sucks. Don’t join - it’ll be a waste of time. Read the thread Galderma is stupid. Haha, some good material there

A lot of drama here cupcakes. Your delicate feelings make the rest of us puke. So sick and tired of your pansies FjB people. I hope someone from Venezuela came and took your job. They work harder and happy with $5 a day

A lot of drama here cupcakes. Your delicate feelings make the rest of us puke. So sick and tired of your pansies FjB people. I hope someone from Venezuela came and took your job. They work harder and happy with $5 a day
I love Galderma. I get an anal probe inserted inside me to see how many calls I have made each day. The probe gets inserted further up my rectum when I grow my territory a very respectable 20% but didn’t hit my 40% quota increase so I suck and make a zero paycheck. The anal probe then passes through my anus into my throat and out my ear and I just say- “mother may I please have a another” and do this quarter after quarter till I love it and enjoy it like a freakie deakie crack whore.

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