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If You Had The Power, What Changes Would You Make At AZ In 2011?


It will soon be 2011. Everyone at AZ knows that what we experienced in 2010 will be much worse in 2011. From your perspective, what are a few (I know you could list dozens!) of the major changes would you make at AZ going forth? I'll start off with a few.

1. Completely revamp/change management's philosophy (micromanagement) of dealing with the sales force. Maybe this would eliminate the "us vs them" feeling out there.

2. Eliminate the CSA group entirely, and combine Hospital & CNS. Eliminate ONC.

3. Approach our business as a "SALES" business, and drop out of the stupid, costly pharma

One more question for you to consider. Have we gone downhill so much, so that we can't recover at AZ?

When managers only have 6-10 reps and there is a hiring freeze there are way too many low level managers. There are plenty of them that check the box. Some get by staying in the field a few hours and making it appear that they are soooo busy. Others have their reps doing things that are against policy just to prop up their numbers. Face it they cost most and do less for the bottom line than the PSS. Heck how many reps out there were DSM's in their past life that continue at their DSM salary?

In order to solve a problem, one must first identify it.

AZ's problem: It is a gigantic, corrupt bureaucracy. The only common goal anyone here works for is enriching themselves (with money) personally.

Solution: Board of trustees throws every single upper management person out, on his or her ass, with minimum severance. Hire a "Chainsaw Al" CEO personality to come in and restaff the top, and then trickle down that style all the way to the sales rep.

Develop a true company mission that all of the new people reasonably can buy in to personally. Use the savings to bolt on acquisitions that have a real chance of adding top line growth at decent margins. The new leader must think independently of the rest of the industry and lead the company as an independent unit. New products and / or services for sale will rise from the ashes.

When managers only have 6-10 reps and there is a hiring freeze there are way too many low level managers. There are plenty of them that check the box. Some get by staying in the field a few hours and making it appear that they are soooo busy. Others have their reps doing things that are against policy just to prop up their numbers. Face it they cost most and do less for the bottom line than the PSS. Heck how many reps out there were DSM's in their past life that continue at their DSM salary?
Rate Physicians by value and accessibility. Then eliminate half of the sales force including all leadership position all the way up to NSD. Increase the phyical size of territories with one MC Pss carrying all products and covering community hospitals. Make the DSM position a real sales position. Use cheap contractors to sample the no or low access offices. What a waste of time and money having multiple PSSs calling on totally no see offices and we have been doing this for years.

I suppose it depends which side of the fence you are looking from. There is an old saying, if it aint broke dont fix it. Profitability for the U.S. market was pretty good all things considered this past year. In part I do not think the company will radically change as it did reasonably well on the balance sheet, and fear that too much change in direction could upset the apple cart may prevail. At least in the short term.

The day in the sun for the industry is past and most in Pharma are struggling given increases in managed care and the markets efforts to contain medical costs. With new technologies, efficiencies, and liabilities, it is impossible to imagine sales forces remaining as they once were. Unfortunately AZ and other companies have also experienced a gap in product launches. Pressures to produce have never been greater. Recent delays for ticagrelor, and Certriads demise, certainly dont improve upon the picture.

Facing a patent cliff we will also be in downsizing mode shortly, so I cannot see that the Gestapo like atmosphere, forced district rank, etc., is going anywhere soon. AZ has been quietly cutting staff and I can only see this increasing in the near future. Mr. Brennan has certainly made no secret of reductions and given his position I tend to believe him.

In all fairness the company did provide an extra holiday over Thanksgiving and many districts were able to have a holiday get together this year. However this may have been due to a surprised response to the results of the Focus Survey. Whether or not this a sincere effort remains to be seen.

So far as improving the work environment remotely similar to what we once knew? I used to think it possible, but over the past few years I have come to believe we are finished. Too much water over the dam so to speak - you can't carve rotten wood. Given AZs continued attitudes toward agencies, its customers, and most importantly, the cannibalization of its own people; I suspect we shall reap the whirlwind.

Simply, if the overall work force is unhappy, can you expect continued improvements in productivity? Sure, pressure and fear helps to motivate to a degree, but it is a law of diminishing returns. Sure, we are going to face cuts, but lets do it with dignity.

For the future I see a much leaner meaner organization.

Increase the phyical size of territories with one MC Pss carrying all products and covering community hospitals.

That was how it was when I was a Stuart rep. We carried every product, (I think up to 13 at one time) and had every community hospital in your huge territory. You were totally responsible for the sales in your territory.

That was how it was when I was a Stuart rep. We carried every product, (I think up to 13 at one time) and had every community hospital in your huge territory. You were totally responsible for the sales in your territory.

I was there too.

BS. We promoted 3 products, and did returns on the rest.

Don't imagine you ever sold $125 worth of Cefotetan. That was just a distribution of forecast to the side hospitals so they could pull the forecast down a little to the main hoispital rep.

One sincere request, PLEASE stop this insane micromanagement from DM's. Don't treat the very experienced reps like they just emerged from training. Try to manage with common sense, and don't drink too much of the kool-aid because it's bad for sales.

We are all afraid of losing our jobs in 2011, but don't be afraid to push back a little against the RSD. 2011 will usher in lots of changes at AZ, but treat us as you would want to be treated. Just try and relax a little. You'll live longer.

Happy New Year Everyone and may God bless.

One sincere request, PLEASE stop this insane micromanagement from DM's. Don't treat the very experienced reps like they just emerged from training. Try to manage with common sense, and don't drink too much of the kool-aid because it's bad for sales.

We are all afraid of losing our jobs in 2011, but don't be afraid to push back a little against the RSD. 2011 will usher in lots of changes at AZ, but treat us as you would want to be treated. Just try and relax a little. You'll live longer.

Happy New Year Everyone and may God bless.

Now do you really think that the DSM has any choice? He's doing what he said he was going to do when he was looked over with a microscope in the business center prior to gaining an entry level management club position. You think you were an eager beaver newbie -- remember when -- well that's the way he feels now too, only on steroids. His RSD is almost a god and the DSM doesn't say anything except "yes sir" to the DSM, even if it's a she.

One sincere request, PLEASE stop this insane micromanagement from DM's. Don't treat the very experienced reps like they just emerged from training. Try to manage with common sense, and don't drink too much of the kool-aid because it's bad for sales.

We are all afraid of losing our jobs in 2011, but don't be afraid to push back a little against the RSD. 2011 will usher in lots of changes at AZ, but treat us as you would want to be treated. Just try and relax a little. You'll live longer.

Happy New Year Everyone and may God bless.

Let's face it, we have a large number of Weak Sales Reps in this company, especially with tenured reps. Some have never been dealt with for things like Work Ethic, Attitude, etc and others are not willing to chnage with the current times. I don't think Micro Management is the real problem. We just have too many Cry Babies employed here that just love to Whine on this Web Site.

Let's face it, we have a large number of Weak Sales Reps in this company, especially with tenured reps. Some have never been dealt with for things like Work Ethic, Attitude, etc and others are not willing to chnage with the current times. I don't think Micro Management is the real problem. We just have too many Cry Babies employed here that just love to Whine on this Web Site.

Interesting you should say that. There was a time when we were expanding the sales force rapidly and some of us worthless tenured reps as you put it were doing first interviews and helping with training. It was surprising how quickly new recruits were going through without extensive training. Not too long after that I heard some in upper management saying that as a result steps would be taken to "rectify the problem."

Today negativity appears to have shifted towards tenured (there really is no tenure, we are all at will) reps. I wouldn't disagree that many older reps are less happy today. The longer the time with the company the more dissatisfied were the responses on the focus survey for example, however, that was true for many job descriptions other than sales.

In part I think some dissatisfaction comes from knowing the value the company saw and expressed towards its people in the past. A newer employee knows only what they see today. At any rate here is a news flash, you too will age and likely face the same prejudice. Good luck. Either way there aren't many of us remaining.

A diverse culture includes age. I hope you are not in HR.

Interesting you should say that. There was a time when we were expanding the sales force rapidly and some of us worthless tenured reps as you put it were doing first interviews and helping with training. It was surprising how quickly new recruits were going through without extensive training. Not too long after that I heard some in upper management saying that as a result steps would be taken to "rectify the problem."

Today negativity appears to have shifted towards tenured (there really is no tenure, we are all at will) reps. I wouldn't disagree that many older reps are less happy today. The longer the time with the company the more dissatisfied were the responses on the focus survey for example, however, that was true for many job descriptions other than sales.

In part I think some dissatisfaction comes from knowing the value the company saw and expressed towards its people in the past. A newer employee knows only what they see today. At any rate here is a news flash, you too will age and likely face the same prejudice. Good luck. Either way there aren't many of us remaining.

A diverse culture includes age. I hope you are not in HR.

There is nothing stopping you and the other unhappy reps that get on this site daily to Bitch from leaving the company. If you are so unhappy, you are not valued by the company regardless of tenure.

There is nothing stopping you and the other unhappy reps that get on this site daily to Bitch from leaving the company. If you are so unhappy, you are not valued by the company regardless of tenure.

WTF are you talking about? Haven't you heard, there's 10% unemployment in the USA! That's stopping a hell of a lot of people from leaving the company (but you say, "there is nothing stopping you." You must be up around Band 8, in order to make such an asinine comment!)

This is the typical arrogant response from the out of touch conceited "leadership" that has taken over the power of the corporation from it's true owners, the shareholders. Rather than own up to their own shortcomings, they respond, "If you don't like it, leave!" Eat shit. We're going to bitch as long as you continue to fuck up, or until we are able to find a job with someone else.

There is nothing stopping you and the other unhappy reps that get on this site daily to Bitch from leaving the company. If you are so unhappy, you are not valued by the company regardless of tenure.

A more accurate statement would be, "you are not valued by the company, period". Whether you are unhappy or not doesn't matter. Your butt will soon be on the chopping block like everyone else, then we'll see what tune you will sing!

There is nothing stopping you and the other unhappy reps that get on this site daily to Bitch from leaving the company. If you are so unhappy, you are not valued by the company regardless of tenure.
Are you happy Mr. Jolly? I would venture to guess although some people on this board are more bitter than others and some of the immature name-calling is futile, everyone who surfs this site has some degree of discontent. And if you have ever surfed this site much less posted on it, you become slightly addicted. It's actually kindof sad and desperate. We are all either so desperate to find out some sort of inside scoop to give us a heads-up, keep us in the know regarding changes that could jam us up, vent our frustrations on a job we all at one time thought was a good career move or you can be like me who got "discharged" recently and needs this sight to make me feel not so bad and in many ways blessed that I'm no longer AZ's bitch.

But what really still pisses me off is self-righteous assholes who say shit like "its reps like you that has given pharma a bad name" or "you should be grateful for such a job and maybe you should put more effort....blah blah blah. Not one of us got into this to see how lazy we could become or to find out how little work we can do and get away with. The job, the company and maybe the industry holds much of that responsibilty. Now we all feel somewhat trapped or imprisioned by a job we know we really do not make a difference and in a industry that we know is terminally ill, but what the hell are you going to do, quit when we are in a huge recession?

So Mr.Feel Good, please find another site and let those who need to surf, post, bitch and vent to what they need to do.

There is nothing stopping you and the other unhappy reps that get on this site daily to Bitch from leaving the company. If you are so unhappy, you are not valued by the company regardless of tenure.

You are WRONG. There is a lousy job market with 10% unemployment that is stopping people from leaving. You must be one of the decision makers at AZ, since you are so fucking stupid that you aren't aware of that gigantic pink elephant sitting on your desk.