Idorsia contract

To the above. I’m so sorry you have to go through this. This is not the way to treat people.
What is wrong with the world these days? You need to find a company that respects you and values you. Who’s running this shit show? Someone needs to be held accountable and it’s not the reps. Godspeed.

I resigned and it's not easy overcoming how to tell hiring managers in interviews that you resigned without sounding negative or like you/they were a problem. How are you others wording it? Idorsia really put a lot of us in an unfair situation!

I resigned and it's not easy overcoming how to tell hiring managers in interviews that you resigned without sounding negative or like you/they were a problem. How are you others wording it? Idorsia really put a lot of us in an unfair situation!
I would say, the position was eliminated at no fault of your own. Keep it super positive and focus on what you learned in the position, new provider relationships you formed or deepened, upcoming lunches you have on your calendar.

I would say, the position was eliminated at no fault of your own. Keep it super positive and focus on what you learned in the position, new provider relationships you formed or deepened, upcoming lunches you have on your calendar.

Thanks. I am worried that if a company calls to verify employment dates that Syneos will say I resigned. I think they can legally say a person resigned. So, I don't think those who resign can say the position was eliminated unless they were fired. I wasn't fired, though.

Thanks. I am worried that if a company calls to verify employment dates that Syneos will say I resigned. I think they can legally say a person resigned. So, I don't think those who resign can say the position was eliminated unless they were fired. I wasn't fired, though.

Just say, "It's a good med but I think Idorsia grossly overestimated the market for it. They hired 450 reps and only a small handful met the objective in the first trimester. Nearly everyone believes there is a large layoff coming and I wanted to leave ahead of it.. I knew it wouldn't take long for someone with my track record and experience to find a better opportunity."

That's all you need to say. Saying anything more sounds defensive and this explanation won't be contradicted by anything Syneos says when called to confirm your employment.

Anyone interviewing you knows this happens in Pharma. Good reps are sometimes given impossible territories.

I think that employers can only give your employment dates and whether they would re-hire you.

Syneos, when called by a prospective employer, will NOT comment on whether they would rehire you.

Saying "they wouldn't rehire" someone is basically dooming that person to never being hired elsewhere which would result in lawsuits. All they will say is "yes, he/she worked here b/w X and Y dates." That's it. A company can ask Syneos whatever they want, but all they'll get is employment dates.

From what I've heard, they are not backfilling territories that have been unsuccessful and instead making them white space or dividing the targets up amongst the other team members. Thats why we are down 25 ish total territories since launch.