Idorsia contract

What specifically?

I am not the original poster. But for me: They have unrealistic expectations that we can see HCP's without a product or samples. They are spending a lot of money in areas that don't help us. The lunch budget is not enough for a launch or to get in front of customers. No one seems super impressed that there is a new Insomnia drug in the market. The coverage is going to be bad. Too many meetings and too many ride alongs so far during just the unbranded stage. Anyone else feeling this way or seeing other things?

This is spot on. Unrealistic expectations. Ridiculous manager ride alongs with NO product to speak on. Nobody is “excited” about this new product coming to market. The ridiculous expectations around programs is crazy. I’m interviewing and hope to leave asap.

This is spot on. Unrealistic expectations. Ridiculous manager ride alongs with NO product to speak on. Nobody is “excited” about this new product coming to market. The ridiculous expectations around programs is crazy. I’m interviewing and hope to leave asap.

Getting very tired of 8 hour ride alongs with my manager with no product to sell, why did they hire us if we need constant supervision by them....getting on my nerves, also getting in my way.