Idorsia contract

Wonder how many will leave after this payout?
Does anyone else believe this is the worst mistake of their career coming here? It’s embarrassing to include on a resume.

it was the only job available - why is it an embarrassment on a resume? It’s a job. Selling is spinning. If you can’t spin yourself in a job interview, then you need guidance.

it was the only job available - why is it an embarrassment on a resume? It’s a job. Selling is spinning. If you can’t spin yourself in a job interview, then you need guidance.

Spinning is tricking. Making money by tricking people (HCPs) into buying (prescribing) an overpriced, ineffective drug. And then you spin THAT as a positive? Are you proud of yourself? Why are there so many narcissists and sociopaths in pharma sales? It's kind of frightening and yes I am leaving the industry for a respectable, ethical job that doesn't require spin or trickery or "persuasion." I care about patients and other human beings more than making more money in pharma. We all have choices in life; I'm done here.