Idorsia contract

I’m thinking T2A bonus will be last pay period in September!! But really why can’t they pay us sooner cuz on these T2B bonuses due to the layoffs, should just give us the money for T2A earlier

What does a bonus payout matter?
MOST of the Sr leaders have left. Recently.
FACT. No one in their half of a right mind can say something’s not seriously going on. It has officially hit the fan, and the fan blades are slinging it everywhere.

You must feel proud of what you did. Hope payroll takes a look at this. Better yet, I’ll send payroll an email on Monday alerting them of a thief at the company stealing time. With technology and a look through ADP, should not be too hard to find you. And if they don’t, karma will deal with you.

This must be tiny little troll Phil talking. You're so tough behind that computer little man. You're so worthless, you literally do nothing for this company but bully people.

In a desperate move, I interviewed in Houston for Idorsia contract. I had a very weird vibe from the hiring manager. She was really rude and seemed like she would be a nightmare to deal with. After viewing these posts, I sure am glad I dodged that bullet.

In a desperate move, I interviewed in Houston for Idorsia contract. I had a very weird vibe from the hiring manager. She was really rude and seemed like she would be a nightmare to deal with. After viewing these posts, I sure am glad I dodged that bullet.
You’d probably be more happy with an unemployment check. Unless you thrive on misery and a lessened QOL, don’t come here! 9 out of 10 employees are probably looking.

Guessing bonus is next pay??? I want my money so I can quit.

They have to pay it out next paycheck to be within the window of 90 days. Anyone see a scorecard? They are laughing at us and shitting all over us. When are we ever going to stand up to the manipulation that goes on?
I hope half leave for the next launch at a company that starts with A and ends with Z. :p