Iceberg Dead Ahead

We wish. That was Angry Derm Guy would be out of his misery.

Judging from the multiple posts of the same GU update on multiple threads, it looks like Angry Derm Guy is now angry with GU.

Man, it’s going to take a lot of effort to type out Angry Derm / GU Guy.

It is pretty embarrassing in reality, provided you ignore the angry derm guy.

AH stepping down, sure, sure he is. He was exposed for what he really was a no talent fraud that never sold and was protected by GR and TZ. The company is a better place.

zero loss. Nobody will miss him and he wasn't considered for the recent opening bc he had zero respect. Everyone laughed at his presentations. Karma caught up with him in the end. As cluless as he was in regards to selling he is somewhat polished and will land on his feet. Next subject. Who will get the job? Hopefully an external candidate.

zero loss. Nobody will miss him and he wasn't considered for the recent opening bc he had zero respect. Everyone laughed at his presentations. Karma caught up with him in the end. As cluless as he was in regards to selling he is somewhat polished and will land on his feet. Next subject. Who will get the job? Hopefully an external candidate.

Angry Derm / GU Guy,

Your excuses are gone. Shut up and deliver. ‘Fix it’ or get off the pot.

just need some new positive rvp leadership. Bm and GC were as fake as hell at the meeting. GA has no idea how we cant stand them. Nobody trusts those surveys are anonymous by the way.