Why is the senior leadership and management not on our website?
The end is here. Labcorp here we come. Letting TD’s go, promoting tas’s to sd’s, GC, BM and AH still have jobs?? Make the necessary changes and do it correctly. People getting promoted bc the good old boy network vouches for them.
We are in this position bc friends promoted friends and buddies.
Damon should run everything with Andreola. All sales teams should report to them. Wait until you find someone who leads with results and experience then promote them.
Sold by xmas to labcorp
Labcorp or Quest will only buy a clean kosher global billing client list. Everything else has to be reconciled before they touch us.
Its funny how “ happy management guy” mentioned kids screaming in the background. AH reading the boards and took that one to heart.
Unproven shitbag is unprotected with zaves and GR gone. Cant wait to see your amazing powerpoint in Dallas. Why you are giving it know we all know you sucked your way to the top and we ALL have zero respect for you.
Maybe you’re just mad because sales makes more than you every year and you could never sell But then again BM and GC never sold either. So immsuper pumped to hear them speak also. Sooooo psyched
AH had VD!
For that he should of been fired.
As far as whats wrong that is obvious. But do an employee opinion survey in Dallas at our meeting and you will see. GC and BM woukd be out of jobs.
This should be the hierarchy:
LC- RVP of both regions
ML- Director of AM’s
AH-no need for him
GC and BM- they kill moral and abuse their piwer, they should be let go or demoted
JB Sales trainer if she wants it.
MB- has zero clinical experience and just promoted her bff or rumor has it BF ( BB).
Place has a future even in a luke warm market but not when people like this lead.
Even our dermpaths are looking to leave. Here cones the explosion. Cant wait tio hear Don Mooney aka kathy lee gifford give his speach in dallas. You just keep focusing on your lighthouse duties Don.
You can buy civil settlement with nine figures(and a stringent CIA), but committing healthcare fraud is a criminal activity.I think you are missing the bigger point. Going forward, a lot of practices will not be allowed. Wait with your seat belts fasten(as told), till the truth comes out.
What is list in all of this is if it truly was billing fraud/medicare fraud or anything to do with that AH was making the decisions with his self proclaimed “ director of profitability” title.
Why does this man/slime/no talent dildo still work for us? How can he live in Boston and make an impact? And please AH stay out of our cars, its insulting.