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I work at amgen. ask me anthing. I'll answer honestly

I have no doubt that we have some very talented people. That being said, the team is not the end all, be all. Whoever keeps pushing these webcasts with the same speakers just makes our jobs harder. They don’t drive business and we have to beg people to listen just to check a box. Our iVAs are OK. I’ve seen better and worse. Whoever is in charge of the large conferences is awesome, for sure. Twitter is becoming a huge platform for doctors, especially nephrologists. Very, very poor use of that platform. Most electronic or paper advertising to the public or even to doctors does not make much impact, with the exception of the Tepezza commercial - that’s good stuff right there. ANY of the ridiculous segmentation that any marketing team comes up with is a joke, especially for rare disease. There could not be a greater waste of money right there.
Clearly Amgen will need people to work on each product, so I’m sure that if people in our marketing department want to move (and at their own expense), then there will be opportunity. It would be silly for Amgen to not offer it. Some people on here don’t seem to grasp that whatever people are doing in their jobs right now at Amgen have been deemed the proper amount of work for each role for the most part. They aren’t going to give their reps 2 specialty products to sell, especially with rare disease. They aren’t going to just throw 4 products onto the existing marketing teams. That being said, Amgen might not think that they need as many people as we have. The field should definitely worry about that given the recent expansion on the OBU & GBU. They will likely do their own analysis of targeting, frequency, etc. The GBU is one of the weirdest setups I have ever seen with one team only calling on one specialty & the other one calling on all others…all for the same indication. Then there’s the whole random referral rep situation. Plenty of support jobs & HQ jobs will be redundant, too.
At the end of the day, we are all expendable and easily replaced, so don’t bank on your talent to help you out.

Definitely doesn't look good for gbu neph reps and referral reps. I heard some of our marketing have been told they will offer relocation packages if they don't keep the home office open. Initial plan is keeping it as part of amgens expansion into rare disease.

LOL. They certainly ARE in for a rude awakening. Bob will tell them all they want to hear.

We we shut down between Christmas and New Years, and you get 4th of July week off. You WILL pay more for your health insurance--far more than most Pharma. The insurance isn't great and is expensive. Dental plan is on par with others.

401 K good 10% match

Product launches are a disaster. And they don't pay reps to relocate. Housing prices near Thousand Oaks are ridiculously high and you won't get a COLA.

Cars are nice and you just pay for mileage. IT comes out of the credit card you give on file. Trackers in the cars though so they can get rid of you easily. You won't work as hard at Amgen as I'm sure you do at Horizon, but your RSU's are a joke here.

Personal days some managers watch super closely and will say little things and others don't care too much. You will be on lots and lots of conference calls.

If you launch a drug here, watch out. They mess up every single product launch. Co Promotes are usually a MESS.

Our insurance here isn’t that great. Our cost is on the higher end ($500+ a month for a family). Do you have to pay a monthly stipend for the car on top of mileage (sorry if I missed that already)? Multiple companies charge that now. I’m looking forward to a company vehicle again. Our allowance situation is total crap here. After taxes you’re looking at maybe $600, and all they pay for is gas. We don’t even get paid for mileage! If you have a geography with multiple large states, you really get screwed unless you fly a lot, which has been a pain in the ass over the last year and a half.

If they keep our at target bonus dollar amount the same or close to it, this may not be THAT bad for most of us in the field that get to keep our jobs. There are already changes coming in IC that will minimize the crazy big bonuses anyway,

Our insurance here isn’t that great. Our cost is on the higher end ($500+ a month for a family). Do you have to pay a monthly stipend for the car on top of mileage (sorry if I missed that already)? Multiple companies charge that now. I’m looking forward to a company vehicle again. Our allowance situation is total crap here. After taxes you’re looking at maybe $600, and all they pay for is gas. We don’t even get paid for mileage! If you have a geography with multiple large states, you really get screwed unless you fly a lot, which has been a pain in the ass over the last year and a half.

If they keep our at target bonus dollar amount the same or close to it, this may not be THAT bad for most of us in the field that get to keep our jobs. There are already changes coming in IC that will minimize the crazy big bonuses anyway,

Not true Horizon will pay out even larger bonuses in q1

Our insurance here isn’t that great. Our cost is on the higher end ($500+ a month for a family). Do you have to pay a monthly stipend for the car on top of mileage (sorry if I missed that already)? Multiple companies charge that now. I’m looking forward to a company vehicle again. Our allowance situation is total crap here. After taxes you’re looking at maybe $600, and all they pay for is gas. We don’t even get paid for mileage! If you have a geography with multiple large states, you really get screwed unless you fly a lot, which has been a pain in the ass over the last year and a half.

If they keep our at target bonus dollar amount the same or close to it, this may not be THAT bad for most of us in the field that get to keep our jobs. There are already changes coming in IC that will minimize the crazy big bonuses anyway,

IC is capped at Amgen in two ways. First, it is set by your job level. Most will come in at ACT 2. IC goal will be in the 40k range with a cap at doubling (to 80k). I don’t think they lower salaries. Scroll back. Cars has been covered in detail.

will we get in trouble or promoted if we leave the water on the bathtub and flood our hotel room while having relations with a co worker at the NSM? Just asking for a friend.

will we get in trouble or promoted if we leave the water on the bathtub and flood our hotel room while having relations with a co worker at the NSM? Just asking for a friend.

Promotions or punishment is determined by your selected and projected pronouns. Choose wisely before engaging in any risky activities

Not true Horizon will pay out even larger bonuses in q1

Maybe you’re in a different BU, but not in the GBU. Ask anyone on the IC team. It’s the same target bonus - same budget, but less variance in pay out…especially neph…no more milestone payout & 50% pay on vials (unless they change it again).

IC is capped at Amgen in two ways. First, it is set by your job level. Most will come in at ACT 2. IC goal will be in the 40k range with a cap at doubling (to 80k). I don’t think they lower salaries. Scroll back. Cars has been covered in detail.

Hmmm, I guess we will see what they do for rare disease in terms of IC. You seem to keep assuming that rare disease will be treated the same as non-rare disease. Typically bonus target is higher with rare. That’s standard for even bigger companies like Novartis. I know that they let Chemocentryx keep their base salary. I did not ask the rep about IC.

Hmmm, I guess we will see what they do for rare disease in terms of IC. You seem to keep assuming that rare disease will be treated the same as non-rare disease. Typically bonus target is higher with rare. That’s standard for even bigger companies like Novartis. I know that they let Chemocentryx keep their base salary. I did not ask the rep about IC.

(I’m the OP) This is still being discussed. I’ll keep you informed as things progress.

There are some valuable opinions. I just caught wind of this forum, but I have worked for both companies. Here are some differences.

car - no allowance. Company car. Max of $1800 a year cost. All depends on usage. You’ll get a rental when you star. No choice of temporary anything. Enterprise then fleet.

phone - no expense. Company phone.

401k - Amgen automatically gives you 5%. Then they match 5%.

insurance - more expensive at Amgen. Family cost is roughly $300 more a month.

espp - 5% versus 15%

Commission is capped.

salary caps at pay levels (1 through 3)

Horizon’s is $496/mo just for medical. I doubt it’s $800/mo at Amgen!

Maybe you’re in a different BU, but not in the GBU. Ask anyone on the IC team. It’s the same target bonus - same budget, but less variance in pay out…especially neph…no more milestone payout & 50% pay on vials (unless they change it again).

I'm on the IC team...more $ for payouts. Yes less variance which means more money for more people. Not on the IC calls for Neph...they should be looking for jobs. Not looking good for them in any scenario.

Also 50% pay on vials isn't happening at all on the Rheum side.

Houses in Camarillo years ago were $750. Now I'm sure they are well over $1.2 and they aren't much. I relocated there about 8 years ago and paid $750 for 3000 sq . feet. I'm sure it's far more now. I moved back to the Midwest.

Amgen does not know how to do "rare disease" so they will be clumsy for quite some time. One rep will get credit for the Dr. if the Dr. travels. If you have a more rural area, you will be screwed if the Dr. also goes to a large teaching institution.

You can fake calls if your DSM is not trying to get rid of you. As someone else said, Amgen is the most arrogant company out there. They refuse to play ball with high salaries and just tell good candidates, don't come here if you won't take a pay cut. A friend of mine making $165 at Novartis was going to move over, and the most NuBu would pay here was $130. She was going to have to take a $35 K pay cut. She didn't come over.

The RSU's are a total joke-and as someone else said, I won the trip a few years ago and got $2600. You have to stay , too, to get the RSU's . It's like 5 years so you never get them.

Personal days...red flag for sure on Fridays and definitely not before any shutdown or holiday. Micromangers do look at those reports saying which reps have taken how many personal days and when.

Amgen will never adopt your culture. They are the worst in the industry to make changes that benefit the field and the worst in the industry at product launches. They've messed up every product launch they ever had--the NuBu Aimovig launch and the Prolia launch were huge debacles. NuBu is still paying the price for poor product launches.
Raises are terrible 2 % or so.

It's a suck up culture. If you don't suck up, you won't go anywhere. 10% match is great, but others offering it too. Don't buy Amgen stock at the discount as it's a joke of a discount--like 5%. Not worth it.

Cars are nice when you can get them.

Shutdowns are nice, but many companies now giving summer shut downs too.

You will be on web exes and conference calls and validation calls and calls to talk about what you should be doing. You will have business plans no one looks at.

Welcome to Amgen.

not sure how many times Horizon people can explain to you that vial reporting is not tied to doctor. It’s tied to infusion site Yes, we have enrollment forms, too, but they don’t always get used. There’s more complexities than pills/self-injectables. You do not know how they will choose to define credit, but at most companies it’s based on where the infusion occurred.
Also, we have HUGE geographies. If we cover the university, then we cover the rural area.
There’s a more complex situation with the GBU and referrals. It will be interesting to see how Amgen handles it. It’s very weird. I can’t imagine that it won’t change.

Hmmm, I guess we will see what they do for rare disease in terms of IC. You seem to keep assuming that rare disease will be treated the same as non-rare disease. Typically bonus target is higher with rare. That’s standard for even bigger companies like Novartis. I know that they let Chemocentryx keep their base salary. I did not ask the rep about IC.

Every single employee has a capped IC. Not sure why you’d think rare disease would be different from oncology. I expect the two units to be treated the same.


I'm on the IC team...more $ for payouts. Yes less variance which means more money for more people. Not on the IC calls for Neph...they should be looking for jobs. Not looking good for them in any scenario.

Also 50% pay on vials isn't happening at all on the Rheum side.

1) this started with you or another person saying I was incorrect about the crazy big bonuses coming to an end (as you agree, less variance). So, yes, I WAS correct.
2) It’s still not MORE money FOR payouts for Q1. Same amount of money in budget, Different dispersement.
3) I do agree that NSAMs should worry about their jobs. I can see Amgen making rheum territories a little smaller and then having the rep call on all specialties. They like small geographies…always had much smaller geographies in rheum than competitors. I bet rheum reps will eventually be realigned no matter what. At least some definitely do not have the same opportunity based on number of doctors and claims (though they are supposed to).. I know for a fact that JH gave special treatment to certain people.

Every single employee has a capped IC. Not sure why you’d think rare disease would be different from oncology. I expect the two units to be treated the same.

Don’t know where you’re getting that I don’t think that it would be capped. Saying that the at target (100%) amount would likely be higher than Enbrel reps. Ours is currently $64k. I also would not EXPECT Oncology to be the same. I depends on what Oncology gets paid. Plus, at another big pharma company that has onc, rare disease, and standard specialty, and the rare disease team gets paid more in base and IC. The rare disease roles are a higher band/pay grade. I guess we will see.

Hmmm, I guess we will see what they do for rare disease in terms of IC. You seem to keep assuming that rare disease will be treated the same as non-rare disease. Typically bonus target is higher with rare. That’s standard for even bigger companies like Novartis. I know that they let Chemocentryx keep their base salary. I did not ask the rep about IC.

Amgen doesn't even know. They aren't going to give y'all special treatment. You will be treated like micromanaged children here. Every division is expected to abide by their rules. You aren't getting higher bonuses. And your salaries will be kept. They don't pay high salaries here so keeping you at your high bases may not work out in the long run if you know what I mean.

Amgen doesn't need our Marketing department! Predict nobody in Marketing will be offered a job at Amgen. Best to start exploring opportunities at Abbvie, Abbott, Baxter, Astellas. We should be alright in Sales for at least a year and then who knows.
Most of our marketing personnel came from these companies and were not on the top of food chain for creativity and smarts. Sorry but transparency is a must.

1) this started with you or another person saying I was incorrect about the crazy big bonuses coming to an end (as you agree, less variance). So, yes, I WAS correct.
2) It’s still not MORE money FOR payouts for Q1. Same amount of money in budget, Different dispersement.
3) I do agree that NSAMs should worry about their jobs. I can see Amgen making rheum territories a little smaller and then having the rep call on all specialties. They like small geographies…always had much smaller geographies in rheum than competitors. I bet rheum reps will eventually be realigned no matter what. At least some definitely do not have the same opportunity based on number of doctors and claims (though they are supposed to).. I know for a fact that JH gave special treatment to certain people.

(I’m the OP) Everyone calm down! When I know more then I’ll relay the info to you all