OP here. Can we get high at NSM? Asking for hairy friend
good question, yes you can. It’s perfectly legal
OP here. Can we get high at NSM? Asking for hairy friend
being cryptic isn’t being helpfulOP here...we are not considering Krystexxa "rare disease" (regardless of the official classification from the FDA). Nothing is decided yet that I know of- but I'm hearing they will be making territories smaller with some rep displacement. Most displacement will come from Rheumatology side. Reason being they (people making the decisions- not me) feel we will need nephrology experience for potential new products. I'm good friends with one of the people making the decisions. Some of the Rheum reps may be rolled into other divisions like cardio and bone health.
I'm here to help. Sorry for all the trolling.
I f on’t know who you are referring to when you say “we”, but Amgen is referring to it as a rare disease drug in the press, so clearly you & whoever else are not on the same page. I have never, ever heard of a company have an orphan status drug and not refer to it as RSDs disease. If those making the decisions to not approach it as such, then that will just be another reason for us to jump ship, as it is just a glaring indicator of how Amgen will tear down what those at Horizon have built.OP here...we are not considering Krystexxa "rare disease" (regardless of the official classification from the FDA). Nothing is decided yet that I know of- but I'm hearing they will be making territories smaller with some rep displacement. Most displacement will come from Rheumatology side. Reason being they (people making the decisions- not me) feel we will need nephrology experience for potential new products. I'm good friends with one of the people making the decisions. Some of the Rheum reps may be rolled into other divisions like cardio and bone health.
I'm here to help. Sorry for all the trolling.
I f on’t know who you are referring to when you say “we”, but Amgen is referring to it as a rare disease drug in the press, so clearly you & whoever else are not on the same page. I have never, ever heard of a company have an orphan status drug and not refer to it as RSDs disease. If those making the decisions to not approach it as such, then that will just be another reason for us to jump ship, as it is just a glaring indicator of how Amgen will tear down what those at Horizon have built.
I do hope that they make smaller geographies with one rep each. As others have said, having most territories 1 to 1 with rheum & neph reps is just stupid. We are dependent on each other for IC to a decent extent now & have no control over a good portion of that business since we are limited on who we can call on by speciality. Amgen would be wise to make that change immediately.
I f on’t know who you are referring to when you say “we”, but Amgen is referring to it as a rare disease drug in the press, so clearly you & whoever else are not on the same page. I have never, ever heard of a company have an orphan status drug and not refer to it as RSDs disease. If those making the decisions to not approach it as such, then that will just be another reason for us to jump ship, as it is just a glaring indicator of how Amgen will tear down what those at Horizon have built.
I do hope that they make smaller geographies with one rep each. As others have said, having most territories 1 to 1 with rheum & neph reps is just stupid. We are dependent on each other for IC to a decent extent now & have no control over a good portion of that business since we are limited on who we can call on by speciality. Amgen would be wise to make that change immediately.
OP here...many of your drugs are true rare disease- like neurology drug and eye drug. Don't kill the messenger- but they aren't considering Krystexxa "rare disease". You will be lumped in with our other Rheumatology reps. And I'm sure someone with your IQ is saying "what about Chemocentryx"...well we are considering that a rare drug. They have about 1/4 of the sales reps you guys have. You will see cuts and the majority of those will be reps that call on Rheum/Podiatry/Internal Medicine. Those reps will be allowed to interview in other divisions like cardio. If you want to jump ship then jump...we really don't care. And neither would any other company. All reps are easily replaced and with your bloated salaries for much cheaper. Fact. And that is anywhere not just at Horizon or Amgen.
4 touchdowns at Polk HighOP here...many of your drugs are true rare disease- like neurology drug and eye drug. Don't kill the messenger- but they aren't considering Krystexxa "rare disease". You will be lumped in with our other Rheumatology reps. And I'm sure someone with your IQ is saying "what about Chemocentryx"...well we are considering that a rare drug. They have about 1/4 of the sales reps you guys have. You will see cuts and the majority of those will be reps that call on Rheum/Podiatry/Internal Medicine. Those reps will be allowed to interview in other divisions like cardio. If you want to jump ship then jump...we really don't care. And neither would any other company. All reps are easily replaced and with your bloated salaries for much cheaper. Fact. And that is anywhere not just at Horizon or Amgen.
4 touchdowns at Polk HighI love how you act like you actually know anything. So far your predictions have been worthless. What happened to having our target bonus reduced? Where was your knowledge of the closing timeline? Non-existent. You and your “friend” can disagree with the FDA and your own leadership that published the press releases & commented in interviews referring to it as a rare disease if it makes you feel better about your crappy salary. Happy to give you that much.
There are too many Krystexxa reps. The Horizon people have been posting that long before your commentary on it. If any any decision maker at Amgen has half a brain, they will know that the team needs slimmed down. Even our managers admit that the expansion was a joke.
I am sorry for you that your life is so sad that you have to be fulfilled by pretending to have any inside information.
good question, yes you can. It’s perfectly legal
good question, yes you can. It’s perfectly legal
I love how you act like you actually know anything. So far your predictions have been worthless. What happened to having our target bonus reduced? Where was your knowledge of the closing timeline? Non-existent. You and your “friend” can disagree with the FDA and your own leadership that published the press releases & commented in interviews referring to it as a rare disease if it makes you feel better about your crappy salary. Happy to give you that much.
There are too many Krystexxa reps. The Horizon people have been posting that long before your commentary on it. If any any decision maker at Amgen has half a brain, they will know that the team needs slimmed down. Even our managers admit that the expansion was a joke.
I am sorry for you that your life is so sad that you have to be fulfilled by pretending to have any inside information.
Op here... target bonus will stay the same till fq2 next year. What I said before...and is 100% the 30k a bonus quarters are a thing of the past. You will make right around 16k a qtr starting fq3.
Just trying to help. I hope all of the Horizon employees aren't a bunch of know it all yet know nothing reps like you. You will be humbled real soon.
Horizon SAM here...hmm I don't know any rhuem rep dependant on the neph rep to make quota. Anywhere. I know plenty of neph reps begging us to put a referral on the PEF.
Let’s all just meet at the Jonathan club and have a Negroni.Hate to break to you, but YOU were not the one to tell us that our target bonus would be the same. I was the first to post it. You posted that based would be the same and that IC was still being discussed - more than once. Is keeping our target IC for a year was part of the original transaction agreement, so it wasn’t being “discussed”, at least not by anyone who had any insight whatsoever.
Ironic that you would accuse me of being a know-it-all when you are the one who comes on here spouting claims as if they are facts when you and your “friend” are so obviously not in the know.
Feel free to share what you have heard from someone, but do not tout this information as facts.
OP here...we are not considering Krystexxa "rare disease" (regardless of the official classification from the FDA). Nothing is decided yet that I know of- but I'm hearing they will be making territories smaller with some rep displacement. Most displacement will come from Rheumatology side. Reason being they (people making the decisions- not me) feel we will need nephrology experience for potential new products. I'm good friends with one of the people making the decisions. Some of the Rheum reps may be rolled into other divisions like cardio and bone health.
I'm here to help. Sorry for all the trolling.
i have not idea if you're being honest, but I'm going to hope that you are. So does your friend say they if they make the territories smaller, they will then have 1 rep per territory or am I missing something? If they are, please tell you friend that is the best decision that they could make. We have way too many people, and as someone else stated, having 2 different teams makes things quite frustrating for many reasons. If you're a SAM and your neph rep doesn't work, you're still competing with other territories who do have neph reps getting patients. Iff you're a neph rep, many of the nephs prefer to refer, but if your rheum rep won't go to the effort to have the nephs name put on the enrollment form - or try to get them to fill one out at all, we don't get credit for that start (neph has been paid on starts only until this quarter). Plenty of us just don't bother with the nephs who insist on referring if we have SAMS like that, so there's missed opportunity for business. Now neph reps are also paid partially on the vials for the whole geography, so, yeah, now we get credit in some way for the patients referred without the neph name on the enrollment form, but we are also paid on what the rheum reps do since vials aren't tied to a specific doctor. Its so wonky. No one likes getting paid on something that they have no control over, and this is a factor that's easily fixed by just having 1 rep per territory. Plus it would be more efficient with one rep with a smaller territory, so you spend less time going from one account to another. It doesn't seem like rocket science.
I, for one, am hopeful that Amgen can make some positive changes. Yes, there are benefits to being a smaller company, but there are also some downsides. There are definitely less checks and balances in place when it comes to the decisions of leadership. Its more like a monarchy than a democracy, and I've seen more decisions based on whims, assumptions, and opinions than on actual facts and logic.
I do not see how anyone displaced would be rolled into another division given the guarantee of our bases and target bonus, though. I would assume that there would just be a layoff, which most in sales would prefer versus making less money due to the RSUs that would vest upon termination.
4 touchdowns at Polk Highanonymous, anonymous and anonymous. Can't we all be friends? Why all the fighting?
4 touchdowns at Polk high