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I recently left Eisai for a new sales position

I just took a position and the other company didn't have any idea who Eisai was or what we sold. The main thing I see is, other companies treat you like an adult and not like a primary care beginner sales rep. Yes, pay and benefits are better but, that is not why I am leaving, its the direction. My manager is also thinking about leaving which will be the 3rd in the last month. I guess it does not matter because no changes are ever made to rectify the issue.

Eisai isn't a terrible company. The issue I see is how they put blinders on to the fact that there is nothing in the pipeline. It's really hard to listen to the neuro leaders say that our pipeline is strong. Doctors constantly speak poorly about aduhelm and you think that lecanemab will fix it all?

You are clueless…$250K base is low for tenured managers at biotech oncology companies. Reps are making $225 bases, so what do you think managers are making?

Seriously, if you think that $250K is the base for low tenured managers, you obviously have no idea about the industryAND you really obviously have no idea about Eisai. The post about RBDs making about $250 is correct, but more importantly, they aren’t treated as RBDs, their ABLs (DMs) aren’t treated as DMs, and their reps are feeling the yo-yo effects from the different marketing teams trying to make their mark.

I just took a position and the other company didn't have any idea who Eisai was or what we sold. The main thing I see is, other companies treat you like an adult and not like a primary care beginner sales rep. Yes, pay and benefits are better but, that is not why I am leaving, its the direction. My manager is also thinking about leaving which will be the 3rd in the last month. I guess it does not matter because no changes are ever made to rectify the issue.

Preach it. Eisai is teaching/preaching to the lowest common denominator and managers are treated like hospital reps.

Eisai isn't a terrible company. The issue I see is how they put blinders on to the fact that there is nothing in the pipeline. It's really hard to listen to the neuro leaders say that our pipeline is strong. Doctors constantly speak poorly about aduhelm and you think that lecanemab will fix it all?

Must be a Neuro rep. The future is decent in that world, but only after after they lay off the division. Then, they can hire those that they want. However, who cares because Neuro doesn’t make any money. It’s only because Japan has some history in Alzheimer’s do they keep focusing on that world. Their oncology pipeline is their future. Now, if they would only realize that and start acting like they knew what they were doing.

Why is everyone leaving?

Eisai peaked over 20 years ago with the launch of Aricept and Aciphex. They convinced themselves those two blockbuster products were evidence of their brilliance. Instead, it was more a case of a broken clock being right twice a day. Since then, they’ve believed that the recapture of that past glory is just around the corner. It ain’t gonna happen, ever. Denial isn’t just a river in Egypt.

Must be a Neuro rep. The future is decent in that world, but only after after they lay off the division. Then, they can hire those that they want. However, who cares because Neuro doesn’t make any money. It’s only because Japan has some history in Alzheimer’s do they keep focusing on that world. Their oncology pipeline is their future. Now, if they would only realize that and start acting like they knew what they were doing.

Eisai is in Oncology?

Seriously, if you think that $250K is the base for low tenured managers, you obviously have no idea about the industryAND you really obviously have no idea about Eisai. The post about RBDs making about $250 is correct, but more importantly, they aren’t treated as RBDs, their ABLs (DMs) aren’t treated as DMs, and their reps are feeling the yo-yo effects from the different marketing teams trying to make their mark.

Eisai peaked over 20 years ago with the launch of Aricept and Aciphex. They convinced themselves those two blockbuster products were evidence of their brilliance. Instead, it was more a case of a broken clock being right twice a day. Since then, they’ve believed that the recapture of that past glory is just around the corner. It ain’t gonna happen, ever. Denial isn’t just a river in Egypt.

Is rsu part of the compensation package offered to EISAI employees?

And am happy I did. There are many current openings at several companies with much higher base and total comp. My main reason for leaving was the vaccine nonsense these ass wipes try force on employees. There is much more money to be made and I didn’t need to be vaccinated for Covid.

buyer's remorse is real.
when people have their priorities off (money over health), then they are going to suffer.

I would have taken a short term disability or something before the hysteria wore off on this thing.

good for you.

Unvaccinated for Covid ? I didn’t think there were many of those still around, very good chance they will get it and die.

actually, theres a very good chance you sheep who took the jab will die as well....Do you still wear your mask in the pool too? Or when you're outside walking your dog? Dumbass...

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