I love working here

The GE kid isn't real ....look at the dumbass questions and responses....sounds more like a rumpswab from Bracco....Bracco is the most toxic shithole I have ever seen...mid level managers....VP Sales, Directors, Reg Mgrs, etc all chronic ffffiiing liar's...I don't know how they look in the mirror in the morning. They're all into themselves and are full of shit.
With Carlo gone and these idiots still here, you have to miss Carlo.

Hope in that downsizing they get rid of all the useless upper management first! This company is headed south quickly. Backorders, poor management, lack of qualified leadership and foolishly banking on injectors and data connectivity to save their asses. Take a look at where we are. Time to find a new employer before we find ourselves unemployed!

regarding unemployed.....I heard the sales force within the next couple of months will get down to 50....say what....that's right 50....wow ...letting good people go that are hard workers and have strong relationships, makes sense..... promoting the good family name Bracco with honesty and credibility....meanwhile that name and company doesn't give 2 shits about you ..... turning a blind eye on VP Sales, Directors, Reg Mgrs whom all are horrible and running the company into a deep shit hole.... HR knows and protects the wrong people.....

regarding unemployed.....I heard the sales force within the next couple of months will get down to 50....say what....that's right 50....wow ...letting good people go that are hard workers and have strong relationships, makes sense..... promoting the good family name Bracco with honesty and credibility....meanwhile that name and company doesn't give 2 shits about you ..... turning a blind eye on VP Sales, Directors, Reg Mgrs whom all are horrible and running the company into a deep shit hole.... HR knows and protects the wrong people.....

Spot on, my friend! Just heard the toilet flush!

Wow!!! I'm not a legal person, I'm just a measly Bracco Rep, that's interesting.... however when you think of it, a year ago they got rid of the Dir of HR and Legal Counsel the same week....Carlo was gone a month later....Wow again!!! What a f'd up company....meanwhile young Mr Bracco...owner and CEO doesn't really give a shit because he is so far over his head it's not funny.....as long as the models leave his chalet in the morning he's having a nice day.

Another Friday at Bracco...no reports nationally...no updates nationally...no standings.....wonder how much business we've lost so far this year and still losing at this writing....for certain this is the type of information mid to upper level management does not want to share with anyone....great group of decision makers...funny thing is that our customers do not want to ever see you bring one of these idiots in on your sales call!!!
Many of us have taken a lot of heat from customers that eventually get angry for bringing in your manager and/or director...they actually think they are the ones that are effectively selling....they have no clue especially when you have to apologize to your customer for bringing them in.

regarding unemployed.....I heard the sales force within the next couple of months will get down to 50....say what....that's right 50....wow ...letting good people go that are hard workers and have strong relationships, makes sense..... promoting the good family name Bracco with honesty and credibility....meanwhile that name and company doesn't give 2 shits about you ..... turning a blind eye on VP Sales, Directors, Reg Mgrs whom all are horrible and running the company into a deep shit hole.... HR knows and protects the wrong people.....

Let's face it, margins on nonionic contrast are down (remember, this was a $1/mL product at launch in 1986 and has been in the 10-15c/mL range for the last several years with probably only minor increases in total product volume sold).

Do you need 80 or 100 reps to sell the product, or maybe just 50 covering major institutions and leaving smaller accounts to GPO compliance or telephone sales support, especially when the cost of having a representative in the field is probably $200,000 or so once you include salary, bonus, benefits, expenses, car, field management, etc.?

yeah...take the job and get laid off in a few months(some territories aren't being filled)....sounds like the message before came from someone in HO sales and knows the hammers going to drop soon....either way, you lose....I will continue my search....

Another great meeting at a beautiful motel! We feel so special here at Bracco! Clearly they revere the reps with the treatment they give us! This place would have been condemned by the homeless!

Bracco .....Webster definition.....completely shithole, burning to the ground fast, dumb asses for upper and mid level management.....which most should be gone for sure....HR how can you sleep at night while you know all the bullshit going on and protect those idiots.....way to go Fulvio....you've proven to auntie that you're a spoiled little shit and could care less about the company running under water.....everyone is laughing and we're just shaking our heads.....no I don't love working here......this place BLOWS!!!