I love working here

Thanks for the input. I am not in any dire situation that I need this job, but the job I am in sounds similar to what you described as well as the other posts on this board.....minus the sex stories.

Can you go into more detail about why it is so bad here? It seems like its getting tougher to find a good company to work for in medical.


There are good jobs out there but they are found by word of mouth, not recruiters. This company is at the end of life cycle for all product categories. No strong leadership in management and huge potholes abound. Tread very carefully if you move forward.

There are good jobs out there but they are found by word of mouth, not recruiters. This company is at the end of life cycle for all product categories. No strong leadership in management and huge potholes abound. Tread very carefully if you move forward.

How do their imaging products and injectable products stack up to the competitor, which I have been told has roughly 80% of the market? Is selling Bracco's products like a constant up-hill battle because the "big guys" have the largest market share?

What is the management style as a whole with the company? Micro? Constantly on top of you? Lot's of field days with managers? Or do they let you do your thing and you either sink or swim?

How do their imaging products and injectable products stack up to the competitor, which I have been told has roughly 80% of the market? Is selling Bracco's products like a constant up-hill battle because the "big guys" have the largest market share?

What is the management style as a whole with the company? Micro? Constantly on top of you? Lot's of field days with managers? Or do they let you do your thing and you either sink or swim?

I seriously doubt anyone has 80% of the market in radiology contrast media, even with the NSF issues concerning Omniscan and other brands in MRI, unless GPO contracts have changed much in the past couple years.

Your success in the market is very dependent on the strength of GPO contracts in your area. If a lot of your hospitals and clinics are affiliated with HealthTrust GPO, you're in good shape. If it's VHA/Novation, you may not be doing as well.

I seriously doubt anyone has 80% of the market in radiology contrast media, even with the NSF issues concerning Omniscan and other brands in MRI, unless GPO contracts have changed much in the past couple years.

Your success in the market is very dependent on the strength of GPO contracts in your area. If a lot of your hospitals and clinics are affiliated with HealthTrust GPO, you're in good shape. If it's VHA/Novation, you may not be doing as well.

Thank you for that insight. I will have to check on that while I'm in the interview process so if a job is offered, I know what I'm up against.

If you're a current or former Bracco employee, can you please share with me what the culture of the company is like? What the managers are like? Compensation (base & commish).


Why don't you just stay where you are? There are better ways to research a company than on a msg board & your questions are starting to make you sound insecure about your skills.

Thank you for that insight. I will have to check on that while I'm in the interview process so if a job is offered, I know what I'm up against.

If you're a current or former Bracco employee, can you please share with me what the culture of the company is like? What the managers are like? Compensation (base & commish).


I actually worked for a competitor of Bracco (with HQ in the same community as Bracco's) and also interviewed for a position with Bracco a couple years after leaving that competitor.

But it's been several years since that happened. Salary was in the mid 50-60s, but it depended on experience and bonus was in the $20K area, but that was a long, long, time ago.

It's tough when you don't have product to sell b/c Isovue has been on back order for the last 5 months....
Anyone know when/if it's coming back and why it went on back order in the first place?

If so many products are on backorder, what are you selling and telling your customers?? Like I said, I do not need the job but is a $85,000 base reasonable? I don't want to take a pay cut.

If so many products are on backorder, what are you selling and telling your customers?? Like I said, I do not need the job but is a $85,000 base reasonable? I don't want to take a pay cut.

I would think $85,000 base unless you have a lot of experience and contacts in the market area is not reasonable. You might have a bit of help with a couple months of low sales due to backorders in the history (unless Bracco doesn't use history for quota and bonus purposes). My guess is that the 50s and 60s are more in line.

Wonder who they hired for Austin?

From reports, most of the Isovue product is coming off backorder this month.

I love being gone from here

Bracco is the worst hell hole in the contrast media business right now. They are losing good employees left and right and don't give a crap. The only ones who are safe are those protected by "old management". Younger\less tenured employees will be dumped for reasons that the tenured employees will not.
Become a greeter at Wal-Mart before going to work at Bracco

Re: I love being gone from here

Bracco is the worst hell hole in the contrast media business right now. They are losing good employees left and right and don't give a crap. The only ones who are safe are those protected by "old management". Younger\less tenured employees will be dumped for reasons that the tenured employees will not.
Become a greeter at Wal-Mart before going to work at Bracco

It ain't GE. Which is one plus for Bracco. Maybe the only one, but it's a plus that your major competitor is even dumber than you.

Considering GE dumb is a very dangerous move. They are cut-throat and will always land ahead of the idiots at Bracco.

Really? You mean the doofuses who screwed up the Omniscan mess by ignoring it? You mean the doofuses who set up their study proving the renal advantages of Visipaque by comparing it against Omnipaque instead of using a competitor's product and therefore hurting both brands when later data came out discrediting the study? The idiots who let DuPont and BMS walk all over them with their handling of Myoview vs Cardiolite?

Bracco may not be full of brain surgeons as it comes to business strategy, but they can't be worse than the back-stabbing corporate-bureaucracy types at GE. The only smart ones at GE were the folks who sold Amersham to Boss Immelt because they sold a bill of goods and made the loot ... like one guy who got $7-8 million from stock options at a cost of ZERO, with less than a year or two at Amersham. And he left, by the way.

Yeah, I remember back in 2004 being told to "just wait," as there was no question that GE would get the HPG contrast media contract from Bracco because GE had such a great relationship with HPG with their sole source equipment deal.

Within a year HPG changed their sole source agreement to a dual source agreement and when it came time for the contrast agreement to be awarded, GE was nowhere near to help. And then we were told we were no longer to call on HPG hospitals because our promotion of Visipaque was hurting the GE equipment business.

Fight! Fight! Fight! Finally the two retarded kids are fighting. I've got my money on the Bracco kid, he knows how to fight dirty. The Ge kid has no chance, keep kicking the special wheelchair!