I know it's bad here, but what can I realistically make?

Ummmm.....isn't that spelled idiots?


Dear Hater....sorry for my spelling error....but lets not forget I am on your side....this is the kind of behavior that runs thru PPS....everyone turns on everyone.....does my spelling error make you feel better about yourself? Lets just try to focus on the real issues. This forum is to warn others about working at PPS....not to bash each other that have been wronged by corporate. Please redirect your hate, I am not the one that screwed you over.

Dear Hater....sorry for my spelling error....but lets not forget I am on your side....this is the kind of behavior that runs thru PPS....everyone turns on everyone.....does my spelling error make you feel better about yourself? Lets just try to focus on the real issues. This forum is to warn others about working at PPS....not to bash each other that have been wronged by corporate. Please redirect your hate, I am not the one that screwed you over.

Boo hoo hoo! Crybaby! You put it out there and can't take it. Shove off!

A typical PPS employee/PPS corporate response. Put everyone down, degrade them, because it makes you look SOOOOOOO much smarter.......And you blame your company failure on competitive bidding!!!!!! Real geniuses

So true..........and I am not crying about anything.......I have a great job (six figures annually with a fortune 50 company) and doing fine...........looks like I have the last laugh hater!! You belong at PPS.

A typical PPS employee/PPS corporate response. Put everyone down, degrade them, because it makes you look SOOOOOOO much smarter.......And you blame your company failure on competitive bidding!!!!!! Real geniuses

Yeah...real geniuses- Kane and Farmer. What idiot in their right mind would sign on the line for the round 2 of competitive bidding? They know that PPS and no one signing on for that can provide quality service OR turn a profit.

I guess working for a company (PPS) who is under investigation by the FBI, VA and Medicare, makes you a very bitter, immature person. Either that or that big Phoenix university diploma on your wall.

you are too funny! The hater can only bash people....either they are still at PPS or they need to go back....he/she fits right in. I kind of feel sorry for him/her. It is a sad life when you are so bitter and full of hate.

Immature sums up PPS and the employees. So for anyone thinking of working for this company, take a look at the posts and see just how bitter, immature and miserable these people are. No job is worth it. You either become one of them or they fire you.....either way, you become bitter. It took me a few months to 'detox' once I got out. I am better off mentally, physically and financially. True peace and happiness. Those are two things you will never find at PPS. Good luck in life hater, with your attitude you will never achieve anything. Bet your mother is proud.

Could NOT have said this better myself. Yes...there is life outside PPS and it is sweet!

OMG, what a bunch of fucking babies. IF all of the workers are soooooo unhappy, and you really want to screw with Kane and other, then trust me ORGANIZE


if you are so unhappy do something positive, organize!

Couldn't be more of a dumbass.....trying to get our attention using "f*cking babies" does not work......btw....what dont you get, they fire people so quickly there is no time to unionize.....if you are not shoved out the door in 90 days, then you are working 16 hours days....once again no time to unionize. Dumbass.

Couldn't be more of a dumbass.....trying to get our attention using "f*cking babies" does not work......btw....what dont you get, they fire people so quickly there is no time to unionize.....if you are not shoved out the door in 90 days, then you are working 16 hours days....once again no time to unionize. Dumbass.

ok really. " your stupid, your a dumbass" is getting old and making me not even want to look this website up. Grow up. talk about some real shit. I work there too. yea it causes people to be bitter and pissed all the time but damn. im one who thinks this place is super corrupt and screwed up. there is no doubt about that. This is a site to vent your frustrations not to be a high school kid again. if this person who posted this thread hasn't learned by now that this isn't a good place to come work then let them do what they want to do. but come the hell on. get over the childish remarks. I know first hand how messed up this place is. im at the bottom of the food chain and have been there for years. you only get promoted if you are someone's friend, ass kisser or if the manager likes you for your looks or whatever. You think that would be a opinion but seriously its not. a list came out with the top PCCs who moved the most patients to billing. ROBERT P?! I can tell you that this PCC does nothing and to make those numbers but sit on his butt and let everyone do his work for him. all he does is collect checks. Shantanu doesn't respond to jack shit when you try to get him to help. he actually told us once he didn't have time to go to the dr office for paper work, but who collected the commission? Kris kane wants to talk about" we don't know why we got raided" UMMM yea you do. Omaha, kirt Johnson, The entire TX area!? What about the RO reps who know something is wrong and let it go to billing anyhow? come on. tired of all the bull shit!! own up! Lexington has its issues but , for the most part those people try hard. most of them. some don't give a shit. Managers do what they want and hire their friends and significant others into positions that they are not qualified for. This is true. HR has been notified time and time again. how are team works suppose to do their job when their supervisor Mindy doesn't know what the hell the answer is suppose to be. meanwhile her manager, Patrick stares at her tits. Seen that with my own eyes. And her team lead? might as well go find a circus monkey to ask for help, cause they sure as hell don't know. HR has been notified time and time again but no one does anything because they are all in the same friends loop. Now they have hired some new guy who worked for Xerox to come in and be the director? so pretty much you might as well go back to that monkey if you need help. Lets talk about TX. so they have that new CCM, well it don't matter anyhow cause tx is their own country. did you know that. they do what ever the hell they want. DOMS PCCS still setting up accounts without testing, RX's or chart notes. The DOM Sonya who was in charge of the San Antonio center that just had the new show up about billing deceased patients accounts, She is putting in pick up ticket with her monkeys on patients left and right without getting paper work we need to bill them. so I'm sure there will be some more deceased patients she can continue to bill. I know exactly what that tech they interviewed was thinking. Time for a new Job. Jason knight pulls on Sonya's psychotic puppet strings while she throws bananas at her monkeys. yea that was childish and was the unnecessary but whatever. at least I am talking about some real shit. California? where in gods name do people PCCS thinks its ok to talk down to people just cause you make more?? How about some food for thought. TRAIN YOU DAMN FIELD CSRS??!!!!! you stink these people in a building, give them a webex and think they have been trained. Monkey's getting better training that that? Then you wonder why they are filling out the DAMN CMNS own their own, writing their own progress notes, giving nocturnal patients tanks and calling out orders with no testing. some are pretty good but they are probably the ones that have been with the company for years. ill just wait out the storm and see what happens next. I stay because the job isn't bad its all the bull shit you have to deal with. The patients are actually amazing. I have only had a 3 bad experiences with patients but that was only because PPS did something stupid to piss them off. Either Tejin needs to come and whoop some asses into shape or shut the bitch down already and let our people go free! I just pray to god above that our patients are not the ones who have to take the punishment for this companies mistakes. blah blah blah nothing will change

you know there was a time ppsc was a great place to work, company was growing and expanding, employees were happy and worked together for the common good of the group. You would call another area for help with a patient going to that area and the answer would be lets make it happen. Then changes started occuring, we had a great presidents club weekend in SF one year and everyone left ready to work harder to accomplish things and share in the rewards, at the next years presidents club it was a completely different atmosphere. I told my area manager at the time that changes were coming and it was not going to be good. Sure enough started hearing about good people who built their centers from scratch being let go. Operations guys started coming around giving bad info and causing problems. My center and area manager caught a sales rep filling out her own cmns and reported it to Abdul, next thing you know they were gone and sales rep was still here. My center manager at the time Steve Williams was great, worked hard and had really built a team in our area and had opened four new centers and we all worked together to take care of the patients, our area manager was Pat Bailey, he was ok, a good sales man but not a manager Steve was the one that made things go. soon as they were gone kaos. Found out Abdul had been having a csr in our office spy on evryone during the investigation and then she spread all kinds of lies to get people in trouble, funny thing was she was about to be let go for poor performance before this happened. Then they kept bringing in these poor excuses for managers who would last 3 months, same with drivers and csrs, finally i had enough and quit. so no iwas not surprised when they got raided, but i was surprised at the news cast about the san antonio office, you can search for the story and video online. Donnt work here, run as far as you can.

ok really. " your stupid, your a dumbass" is getting old and making me not even want to look this website up. Grow up. talk about some real shit. I work there too. yea it causes people to be bitter and pissed all the time but damn. im one who thinks this place is super corrupt and screwed up. there is no doubt about that. This is a site to vent your frustrations not to be a high school kid again. if this person who posted this thread hasn't learned by now that this isn't a good place to come work then let them do what they want to do. but come the hell on. get over the childish remarks. I know first hand how messed up this place is. im at the bottom of the food chain and have been there for years. you only get promoted if you are someone's friend, ass kisser or if the manager likes you for your looks or whatever. You think that would be a opinion but seriously its not. a list came out with the top PCCs who moved the most patients to billing. ROBERT P?! I can tell you that this PCC does nothing and to make those numbers but sit on his butt and let everyone do his work for him. all he does is collect checks. Shantanu doesn't respond to jack shit when you try to get him to help. he actually told us once he didn't have time to go to the dr office for paper work, but who collected the commission? Kris kane wants to talk about" we don't know why we got raided" UMMM yea you do. Omaha, kirt Johnson, The entire TX area!? What about the RO reps who know something is wrong and let it go to billing anyhow? come on. tired of all the bull shit!! own up! Lexington has its issues but , for the most part those people try hard. most of them. some don't give a shit. Managers do what they want and hire their friends and significant others into positions that they are not qualified for. This is true. HR has been notified time and time again. how are team works suppose to do their job when their supervisor Mindy doesn't know what the hell the answer is suppose to be. meanwhile her manager, Patrick stares at her tits. Seen that with my own eyes. And her team lead? might as well go find a circus monkey to ask for help, cause they sure as hell don't know. HR has been notified time and time again but no one does anything because they are all in the same friends loop. Now they have hired some new guy who worked for Xerox to come in and be the director? so pretty much you might as well go back to that monkey if you need help. Lets talk about TX. so they have that new CCM, well it don't matter anyhow cause tx is their own country. did you know that. they do what ever the hell they want. DOMS PCCS still setting up accounts without testing, RX's or chart notes. The DOM Sonya who was in charge of the San Antonio center that just had the new show up about billing deceased patients accounts, She is putting in pick up ticket with her monkeys on patients left and right without getting paper work we need to bill them. so I'm sure there will be some more deceased patients she can continue to bill. I know exactly what that tech they interviewed was thinking. Time for a new Job. Jason knight pulls on Sonya's psychotic puppet strings while she throws bananas at her monkeys. yea that was childish and was the unnecessary but whatever. at least I am talking about some real shit. California? where in gods name do people PCCS thinks its ok to talk down to people just cause you make more?? How about some food for thought. TRAIN YOU DAMN FIELD CSRS??!!!!! you stink these people in a building, give them a webex and think they have been trained. Monkey's getting better training that that? Then you wonder why they are filling out the DAMN CMNS own their own, writing their own progress notes, giving nocturnal patients tanks and calling out orders with no testing. some are pretty good but they are probably the ones that have been with the company for years. ill just wait out the storm and see what happens next. I stay because the job isn't bad its all the bull shit you have to deal with. The patients are actually amazing. I have only had a 3 bad experiences with patients but that was only because PPS did something stupid to piss them off. Either Tejin needs to come and whoop some asses into shape or shut the bitch down already and let our people go free! I just pray to god above that our patients are not the ones who have to take the punishment for this companies mistakes. blah blah blah nothing will change

NEED TO CLEAN HOUSE! problem is no one cares and wont do any. Ian Farmer really needs to get his junk together because things are out of control. try to escalate anything and it is bull shit. where is tejin??? they really need to visit all centers.