I know it's bad here, but what can I realistically make?

Lets take note of the obnoxious post above responding to a reasonable request of salary expectations. Just remember who struck first in the immaturity department

If you are looking to make big bucks, PLEASE, PLEASE stay out of patient care and go elsewhere. I shake to think of people taking care of my family, and their primary concern is ... How much money can I make off of them! Go sale cars. PLEASE

Lets take note of the obnoxious post above responding to a reasonable request of salary expectations. Just remember who struck first in the immaturity department

It amazes me how from time to time, corporate(Kacey) come on here and acts like someone "wanting to apply to PPS". Notice they are always in pharma and get very defensive when someone makes a negative comment, and their immature name calling side comes out. This is why this company is in the shape they are in!

It amazes me how from time to time, corporate(Kacey) come on here and acts like someone "wanting to apply to PPS". Notice they are always in pharma and get very defensive when someone makes a negative comment, and their immature name calling side comes out. This is why this company is in the shape they are in!

Right on!

It amazes me how from time to time, corporate(Kacey) come on here and acts like someone "wanting to apply to PPS". Notice they are always in pharma and get very defensive when someone makes a negative comment, and their immature name calling side comes out. This is why this company is in the shape they are in!

Not to mention the over sensitive, disgruntled employees who are so delusional they think corporate would waste their time posting on here. This is why this company is in the shape they are in.

It amazes me how from time to time, corporate(Kacey) come on here and acts like someone "wanting to apply to PPS". Notice they are always in pharma and get very defensive when someone makes a negative comment, and their immature name calling side comes out. This is why this company is in the shape they are in!

So true!


Just wondering how a driver gives a sob story to DOM that he and his wife only have one vehicle and he really needs this job.... but in order to keep his job he asks if there is any way he could use the company van until he's able to get another car...he's allowed to use company van everday back and forth to work whether he's on call or not...but I thought it stated in the policy that no company vehicle was to be taken home for any reason....this employee was hired a yr and a half ago and is still using company van....looks like since the company is having a hard time making $, that abusing and using a company van might not be tolerated...this employee has not had to buy gas, auto insurance, or pay for upkeep in almost 2 yrs...also uses company van for personal use off the clock...also PPS provides a cell phone that is used for personal use...hmmmmmmm doesn't seem quite right to all other drivers who are not allowed to take vans home...and to all other drivers who are responsible adults and provide their own vehicle and phone and don't take advantage of company and expect the company to pick up the tab....oh i might mention that Ms Terri Rhodes is allowing this at a Texas center....Descrimination??????...a lawyer would love this one!!!

Re: Amazed!!!!!!!

Just wondering how a driver gives a sob story to DOM that he and his wife only have one vehicle and he really needs this job.... but in order to keep his job he asks if there is any way he could use the company van until he's able to get another car...he's allowed to use company van everday back and forth to work whether he's on call or not...but I thought it stated in the policy that no company vehicle was to be taken home for any reason....this employee was hired a yr and a half ago and is still using company van....looks like since the company is having a hard time making $, that abusing and using a company van might not be tolerated...this employee has not had to buy gas, auto insurance, or pay for upkeep in almost 2 yrs...also uses company van for personal use off the clock...also PPS provides a cell phone that is used for personal use...hmmmmmmm doesn't seem quite right to all other drivers who are not allowed to take vans home...and to all other drivers who are responsible adults and provide their own vehicle and phone and don't take advantage of company and expect the company to pick up the tab....oh i might mention that Ms Terri Rhodes is allowing this at a Texas center....Descrimination??????...a lawyer would love this

You really came on Cafepharma to bitch about this? Hating is the leading cause of wrinkles and obesity. Be careful.

Re: Amazed!!!!!!!

Just wondering how a driver gives a sob story to DOM that he and his wife only have one vehicle and he really needs this job.... but in order to keep his job he asks if there is any way he could use the company van until he's able to get another car...he's allowed to use company van everday back and forth to work whether he's on call or not...but I thought it stated in the policy that no company vehicle was to be taken home for any reason....this employee was hired a yr and a half ago and is still using company van....looks like since the company is having a hard time making $, that abusing and using a company van might not be tolerated...this employee has not had to buy gas, auto insurance, or pay for upkeep in almost 2 yrs...also uses company van for personal use off the clock...also PPS provides a cell phone that is used for personal use...hmmmmmmm doesn't seem quite right to all other drivers who are not allowed to take vans home...and to all other drivers who are responsible adults and provide their own vehicle and phone and don't take advantage of company and expect the company to pick up the tab....oh i might mention that Ms Terri Rhodes is allowing this at a Texas center....Descrimination??????...a lawyer would love this one!!!

Terri and Alex pretty well do whatever they want anyway. Corporate knows about it.

It amazes me how from time to time, corporate(Kacey) come on here and acts like someone "wanting to apply to PPS". Notice they are always in pharma and get very defensive when someone makes a negative comment, and their immature name calling side comes out. This is why this company is in the shape they are in!

Yes, corporate asks what the salary for a sales rep is. That makes a ton of sense

In your world maybe