I know it's bad here, but what can I realistically make?

Depends on what you say. read the forum rules. break them and your post comes down. This site is trash anyway. Just a forum for ex-employees and prima donna sales people show their true colors.

Depends on what you say. read the forum rules. break them and your post comes down. This site is trash anyway. Just a forum for ex-employees and prima donna sales people show their true colors.

Have read them. No rules about stating "someone is hiding under their desk"... Is there? Don't have to break the rules for them to pull a post! That is why I said....Cafepharma must have friends at PPS..... WOW, You must be from PPS corporate office.

This is SOOOO TYPICAL for PPS. Not " how can I help patients", BUT " How much money can I make".... You fit right in there. To hell with patient care, just make me lots of money!!! I hope you or your family never need DME care. If so, I hope the person is more concerned at making money and NOT taking care of you or your family member. SLEEZE.....

Wow, what an asshole you are. Sorry if I'd like to know how much I could make before I consider applying for the role. I guess I should just take the job and then have a big fun surprise waiting for me when my first paycheck arrives!! wheeeeeeeee! That sounds like fun!


Wow, what an asshole you are. Sorry if I'd like to know how much I could make before I consider applying for the role. I guess I should just take the job and then have a big fun surprise waiting for me when my first paycheck arrives!! wheeeeeeeee! That sounds like fun!


You would fit RIGHT in there. Just a reminder MORON, An oxygen company should be concerned with PATIENT CARE!!!!!!!! NOT...MONEY,MONEY,MONEY...ME,ME,ME....Go apply, You will fit right in at PPS. Hell, with your attitude of ME,ME,ME, you will end up running the company.

Well, Kacey truly believes we will ALL get through this IF we stick together! We should not worry about whats going on at corporate, or overseas, we should just take care of ourselves!! PMA!! PPS people!!! (Positive Mental Attitude)

I saw this and wanted to puke! Don't address the real issue's at hand, just like Kacey. What a freaking tool that guy is, people need to understand the issue's, and have information as to what is going on, to be engaged. He will keep losing PCC's with his direction.

You would fit RIGHT in there. Just a reminder MORON, An oxygen company should be concerned with PATIENT CARE!!!!!!!! NOT...MONEY,MONEY,MONEY...ME,ME,ME....Go apply, You will fit right in at PPS. Hell, with your attitude of ME,ME,ME, you will end up running the company.

Dear fucktard -

I am interested in this position because it's closer to helping the patient, which I enjoy vs. the sample dropping pharma job that I no longer enjoy. Problem is, I make a lot of cash doing this mindless job and can't afford to take too much of a hit even though I would enjoy working closer to the patient. I stood out from my pharma peers because I was always more patient focused than my money hungry counterparts.

All I asked is what the salary was and you go all ape shit. You have some issues. I pray I wouldn't be working with you.

Dear fucktard -

I am interested in this position because it's closer to helping the patient, which I enjoy vs. the sample dropping pharma job that I no longer enjoy. Problem is, I make a lot of cash doing this mindless job and can't afford to take too much of a hit even though I would enjoy working closer to the patient. I stood out from my pharma peers because I was always more patient focused than my money hungry counterparts.

All I asked is what the salary was and you go all ape shit. You have some issues. I pray I wouldn't be working with you.

You are a true immature POS. You don't have a clue of what "patient care" is. Keep pill pushing, cause you will NEVER make it in patient care. Actually pill pushing AND PPS would fit your immature, uneducated ass perfectly. I can GUARANTEE you will never work with me. I am in patient care and you are in "ME CARE". I left PPS a while back because it is ran by uneducated, immature idiots like yourself.

Dear fucktard -

I am interested in this position because it's closer to helping the patient, which I enjoy vs. the sample dropping pharma job that I no longer enjoy. Problem is, I make a lot of cash doing this mindless job and can't afford to take too much of a hit even though I would enjoy working closer to the patient. I stood out from my pharma peers because I was always more patient focused than my money hungry counterparts.

All I asked is what the salary was and you go all ape shit. You have some issues. I pray I wouldn't be working with you.

WOW.....You must be brain dead. There are over 20 post on here describing how horrible pacific pulmonary treats employees AND patients, and you are interested in knowing the salary so you could go to work there?? Good luck. Looks like luck will be your biggest hope. If you currently are employed, you better stay there.

Dear fucktard -

I am interested in this position because it's closer to helping the patient, which I enjoy vs. the sample dropping pharma job that I no longer enjoy. Problem is, I make a lot of cash doing this mindless job and can't afford to take too much of a hit even though I would enjoy working closer to the patient. I stood out from my pharma peers because I was always more patient focused than my money hungry counterparts.

All I asked is what the salary was and you go all ape shit. You have some issues. I pray I wouldn't be working with you.

understandable, no need for anyone to be name calling. This isn't high school. I have worked there for years and have seen this place at its worse. but I will say last yr was athe worse I have ever seen this company. it was disgusting all the fraud. Now its getting a bit better but there are a ton of signs that are sending the company right back on the FBI radar. I will be honest and mature in telling you that it isn't that easy. the patients are amazing. They are the only reason I stay at this company. I will say if you are a good PCC and you catch on quick to all the rules the right way and do what you are suppose to do you will make bank. but its still not that easy. you might have ever good intention but on the real, training is shit. no one knows what the real guidelines are. there are so many insurances anytime someone has a question you cant get a straight answer. my advice if you get the job go to people that have been there for a while and you can get a real good answer. Rhonda Cera is absolutely incredible. very informative and very busy. She knows her stuff. She is the head of the Revenue dept. she knows the rules inside and out. A good PCC will stay close to her and really learn a lot. if you post who your manager is I'm sure someone will tell you who you need to go to. some of the DOMS and DSMS are snakes. they could care less about the patients. if you get a center that deals with the Lexington center, there are some very well educated, informative reps there. Most those people actually care. But there are some who just are giving up because of issues with the management and some are just lazy and really don't care at all. Some of the Centers have awesome DSM and DOMS that know what to do and how to do it the right way. others have people who are only driving by numbers and thing its a good idea to pick up all my patients, piss off my doctors and alter numbers to make them look good. I asked my DOM a question once and the answer I got was way strange so I asked a care rep instead of my local CSR and was told that answer my DOM gave me ,was absolutely the reason why we were raided in the first place. Reporting things is a huge joke there. I have been to Hr. I have had other reps go to supervisors and other higher ups and nothing was done. We may be bitter but I will tell you my friend it is not without good reason. Be cautions.

Dear fucktard -

I am interested in this position because it's closer to helping the patient, which I enjoy vs. the sample dropping pharma job that I no longer enjoy. Problem is, I make a lot of cash doing this mindless job and can't afford to take too much of a hit even though I would enjoy working closer to the patient. I stood out from my pharma peers because I was always more patient focused than my money hungry counterparts.

All I asked is what the salary was and you go all ape shit. You have some issues. I pray I wouldn't be working with you.

Oh real mature. You would fit in at PPS. Go for it. You will be promoted the first month with your maturity and attitude.

Dear fucktard -

I am interested in this position because it's closer to helping the patient, which I enjoy vs. the sample dropping pharma job that I no longer enjoy. Problem is, I make a lot of cash doing this mindless job and can't afford to take too much of a hit even though I would enjoy working closer to the patient. I stood out from my pharma peers because I was always more patient focused than my money hungry counterparts.

All I asked is what the salary was and you go all ape shit. You have some issues. I pray I wouldn't be working with you.

Here is a common sense approach: If the sales reps made as much as they tell you in the interview, then why do they have so many sales positions open. Dont let the "you work hard, you get rewarded' line fool ya......That doesn't happen at PPS. The turnover is over 90%.....you have only 3 months to make their goals (which keep changing daily so you never make goal) then they fire you. Stay away from this company....Try Apria.

This is SOOOO TYPICAL for PPS. Not " how can I help patients", BUT " How much money can I make".... You fit right in there. To hell with patient care, just make me lots of money!!! I hope you or your family never need DME care. If so, I hope the person is more concerned at making money and NOT taking care of you or your family member. SLEEZE.....

Lets take note of the obnoxious post above responding to a reasonable request of salary expectations. Just remember who struck first in the immaturity department