I had the BALLS to leave pharma!

Thank you for your post. I am also a female in my 40's but am still in the industry, hating every minute of it. I took the job before I had kids over a decade ago, and even then, I knew that I should make a plan to get out. Fast forward years and kids later, and the benefits, free car, flexibility, and nice paycheck have kept me handcuffed to being a Pharma rep. In over 10 years, the stress of this job and the fact that you ultimately have zero value to the doctors, staff, your manager, you manager's manager, and the company leaves you empty inside. The reality is that you might think you have the best product, that you are changing lives of patients, that you are making a difference to a much needed problem in your disease state, BUT you are so disposable and dispensable that the job becomes automatic and you leave every day (that is, like you said, if you get out of your car) feeling worthless. A decade in and I cry almost on a daily basis over how this job makes me feel. I think over and over again about just walking away, even without something else to go to (because to be honest, this is what I am most qualified to do). Unless you have carried the bag, recently, and go through what we go through every day in this job, you just don't get it. Most reps I know that have been doing this for years are depressed, overweight, addicted to something, divorced, anxious all the time, or combinations of these things. For myself, I am trying to explore a side job that I can get going, that maybe someday will turn into a full-time job. When I think about my years in college and right after, and how confident I was in my abilities and passionate about certain areas of studies, and now I have no idea where that person is. It takes a certain person to do this job. I used to think it took a person like me, who is driven, smart, wanting to move up the career ladder, looking to make a difference. No, it takes a complacent person who is okay being a punching bag. It takes a "yes ma'am" kind of person who can put aside their logical independent thoughts when poor management and company decisions come down. It takes someone who is okay catering to doctors and their manager's ridiculous requests, often spur of the moment and demeaning. I know my ability to be that person is getting pushed to maximum capacity. I am struggling more than ever to fake smile and take the bullshit. I sometimes think that Pharma has taken away how strong I was when I first got into the industry, but, I hope that I do find some modicum of strength to be able to someday walk from this and never look back.

The job/money/perks didnt keep you handcuffed. You chose to live a certain lifestyle. You make your own bed you sleep in. Face it, you sold yourself out, and it was by choice. Now do what you say, walk out and dont look back. You love it. There are real people out there. This industry is full of fakes. If I were a doc, I'd be no see. Screw these fake people.

Thank you for your post. I am also a female in my 40's but am still in the industry, hating every minute of it. I took the job before I had kids over a decade ago, and even then, I knew that I should make a plan to get out. Fast forward years and kids later, and the benefits, free car, flexibility, and nice paycheck have kept me handcuffed to being a Pharma rep. In over 10 years, the stress of this job and the fact that you ultimately have zero value to the doctors, staff, your manager, you manager's manager, and the company leaves you empty inside. The reality is that you might think you have the best product, that you are changing lives of patients, that you are making a difference to a much needed problem in your disease state, BUT you are so disposable and dispensable that the job becomes automatic and you leave every day (that is, like you said, if you get out of your car) feeling worthless. A decade in and I cry almost on a daily basis over how this job makes me feel. I think over and over again about just walking away, even without something else to go to (because to be honest, this is what I am most qualified to do). Unless you have carried the bag, recently, and go through what we go through every day in this job, you just don't get it. Most reps I know that have been doing this for years are depressed, overweight, addicted to something, divorced, anxious all the time, or combinations of these things. For myself, I am trying to explore a side job that I can get going, that maybe someday will turn into a full-time job. When I think about my years in college and right after, and how confident I was in my abilities and passionate about certain areas of studies, and now I have no idea where that person is. It takes a certain person to do this job. I used to think it took a person like me, who is driven, smart, wanting to move up the career ladder, looking to make a difference. No, it takes a complacent person who is okay being a punching bag. It takes a "yes ma'am" kind of person who can put aside their logical independent thoughts when poor management and company decisions come down. It takes someone who is okay catering to doctors and their manager's ridiculous requests, often spur of the moment and demeaning. I know my ability to be that person is getting pushed to maximum capacity. I am struggling more than ever to fake smile and take the bullshit. I sometimes think that Pharma has taken away how strong I was when I first got into the industry, but, I hope that I do find some modicum of strength to be able to someday walk from this and never look back.

I was in the industry for 23 years and got harassed out as a 50 year old, which in retrospect, was the greatest "gift" I could have been given. I got seduced by the easy money, perks, and flexible hours...The whole industry is a complete sham, that (as you say) seeks out the easily brainwashed, pliable punching bag types...The Barbies and Kens with their powder puff liberal arts degrees...(I had one of those degrees too!)

Anyway, the job will literally suck your soul out of you, send you into a deep depression and/or existential crisis, and PTSD for many (Especially dealing with the idiotic managers that Pharma seems to breed.) Honestly, just get out...Your sanity ain't worth no stinkin' drug rep job...You will just need to make adjustments and see things in a different light. (And not through the prism of constant comfort and money.)

I was in the industry for 23 years and got harassed out as a 50 year old, which in retrospect, was the greatest "gift" I could have been given. I got seduced by the easy money, perks, and flexible hours...The whole industry is a complete sham, that (as you say) seeks out the easily brainwashed, pliable punching bag types...The Barbies and Kens with their powder puff liberal arts degrees...(I had one of those degrees too!)

Anyway, the job will literally suck your soul out of you, send you into a deep depression and/or existential crisis, and PTSD for many (Especially dealing with the idiotic managers that Pharma seems to breed.) Honestly, just get out...Your sanity ain't worth no stinkin' drug rep job...You will just need to make adjustments and see things in a different light. (And not through the prism of constant comfort and money.)

So what do you do now? What jobs are out there for pharma reps?

So what do you do now? What jobs are out there for pharma reps?

Very little to be honest...Especially at the age I was at when I was shoved out of my job by a "manager" half of of my age...(And from one of those Middle East countries we are constantly at war with...) But I digress...Depending on your age, these are your options post pharma:

Go back to school and completely re-train for something else that has some actual demand in the real world. In other words, not the fake, made up world of pharma where people get paid 100K a year for working part time and sitting around in their bathrobes most days.

Buy yourself a job (ie. a franchise opportunity) if you have the money and want to go that route with all that it entails...

Get a real estate license and try to make a go of that. Expect to walk your neighborhood constantly cold calling and introducing yourself.

Take one of the commission only bottom feeder sales jobs, in merchant services, solar panels, or a host of other low/no skill occupations that list a high school diploma as the only criteria to get hired.

There is also retail like Living Spaces, Home Depot, Lowes, that will hire ex-pharma reps.

There are some contract and 1099 opportunities in medical and medical-related industries that are an option.

If you are really desperate, the financial service companies that are lower on the totem pole may hire you to sell health insurance or other "products" that they broker.

You can start your own business with things like tutoring, piano or music lessons, pet care and dog walking, which is what I did. I supplement that by hitting a few thrift stores every week looking for items I can make a few shekels at on Ebay.

All in all, it's pretty ugly post-pharma if you expect to maintain the lifestyle you once had. You won't even be close. Gone are my yearly European vacations, massages and facials, fine dining, updated wardrobe. But my head is in a good place again and I woke up to a fact that becomes clearer every day:

Pharma sucks...

Thank you for your post. I am also a female in my 40's but am still in the industry, hating every minute of it. I took the job before I had kids over a decade ago, and even then, I knew that I should make a plan to get out. Fast forward years and kids later, and the benefits, free car, flexibility, and nice paycheck have kept me handcuffed to being a Pharma rep. In over 10 years, the stress of this job and the fact that you ultimately have zero value to the doctors, staff, your manager, you manager's manager, and the company leaves you empty inside. The reality is that you might think you have the best product, that you are changing lives of patients, that you are making a difference to a much needed problem in your disease state, BUT you are so disposable and dispensable that the job becomes automatic and you leave every day (that is, like you said, if you get out of your car) feeling worthless. A decade in and I cry almost on a daily basis over how this job makes me feel. I think over and over again about just walking away, even without something else to go to (because to be honest, this is what I am most qualified to do). Unless you have carried the bag, recently, and go through what we go through every day in this job, you just don't get it. Most reps I know that have been doing this for years are depressed, overweight, addicted to something, divorced, anxious all the time, or combinations of these things. For myself, I am trying to explore a side job that I can get going, that maybe someday will turn into a full-time job. When I think about my years in college and right after, and how confident I was in my abilities and passionate about certain areas of studies, and now I have no idea where that person is. It takes a certain person to do this job. I used to think it took a person like me, who is driven, smart, wanting to move up the career ladder, looking to make a difference. No, it takes a complacent person who is okay being a punching bag. It takes a "yes ma'am" kind of person who can put aside their logical independent thoughts when poor management and company decisions come down. It takes someone who is okay catering to doctors and their manager's ridiculous requests, often spur of the moment and demeaning. I know my ability to be that person is getting pushed to maximum capacity. I am struggling more than ever to fake smile and take the bullshit. I sometimes think that Pharma has taken away how strong I was when I first got into the industry, but, I hope that I do find some modicum of strength to be able to someday walk from this and never look back.
I’m the person you were responding to and I just wanted to tell you hang in there mama <3 you can always go back to pharma but you can’t always leave. So start getting those resumes out (do it while you’re on company time like me :D) & lets bounce up outta this bitch!!!!

The job/money/perks didnt keep you handcuffed. You chose to live a certain lifestyle. You make your own bed you sleep in. Face it, you sold yourself out, and it was by choice. Now do what you say, walk out and dont look back. You love it. There are real people out there. This industry is full of fakes. If I were a doc, I'd be no see. Screw these fake people.
such wisdom. I can tell you’ve really experienced a lot in life. The job & money WILL keep you handcuffed when you have a family to feed & take care of, you little dickhead. You don’t have that special insight yet bc you’re living by yourself in a shitty duplex, jerking off to porn every night.

The job/money/perks didnt keep you handcuffed. You chose to live a certain lifestyle. You make your own bed you sleep in. Face it, you sold yourself out, and it was by choice. Now do what you say, walk out and dont look back. You love it. There are real people out there. This industry is full of fakes. If I were a doc, I'd be no see. Screw these fake people.
such wisdom in your words. I can tell you’ve really experienced a lot in life. However, when you have a family to feed, the job & money WILL keep you handcuffed. I know you don’t have that special insight bc you live in a shitty duplex & you spend your evenings all by yourself looking at p0rn.
So really the only bills you have is your $400/month rent that you prob split with a fat pedo roommate & your cell data. That’s the same amount I spend on a months worth of math tutoring for my oldest.

such wisdom in your words. I can tell you’ve really experienced a lot in life. However, when you have a family to feed, the job & money WILL keep you handcuffed. I know you don’t have that special insight bc you live in a shitty duplex & you spend your evenings all by yourself looking at p0rn.
So really the only bills you have is your $400/month rent that you prob split with a fat pedo roommate & your cell data. That’s the same amount I spend on a months worth of math tutoring for my oldest.

Sell it all and grow up. If your spouse doesn't support, get rid of them too.

You are here to evolve, not devolve by getting tied up in the "money magic system".

In short, you are being played by a system that doesn't give a shit about you. Take your life back now. Find an escape route, where your overall spiritual, mental, and physical health take precedence over everything else OR you can just go back to your regularly scheduled programming and stay a "young soul" in this Matrix. Your choice. Best to you in your decision.

Sell it all and grow up. If your spouse doesn't support, get rid of them too.

You are here to evolve, not devolve by getting tied up in the "money magic system".

In short, you are being played by a system that doesn't give a shit about you. Take your life back now. Find an escape route, where your overall spiritual, mental, and physical health take precedence over everything else OR you can just go back to your regularly scheduled programming and stay a "young soul" in this Matrix. Your choice. Best to you in your decision.

Agreed. Previous poster thinks were in different places. We arent. I have kids too, but it's not about keeping up with the Jones in a fake fashion. It's about realizing there is more to life than money. It's about happiness. This industry is fake most of the time, and I dont want a part of it anymore. Good luck to all.

Agreed. Previous poster thinks were in different places. We arent. I have kids too, but it's not about keeping up with the Jones in a fake fashion. It's about realizing there is more to life than money. It's about happiness. This industry is fake most of the time, and I dont want a part of it anymore. Good luck to all.

Yes the industry is completely fake and many people in it make it and the one's who excel are the ones who simply play dirty politics, ignore true talent and opt for yea people and ass kissing which reminds me of high school. I was making a lot of money in a specialty role and thought it would be better, but the company I was at was just recycled same people from pharma. I recently left for a true hunter sales role with prospecting and hard to close sales and it is tougher indeed, but I feel that I am doing meaningful work and staying true to my chosen impression which is sales (which pharma is not) pharmacy toughest challenge for reps usually has to do with internal versus customers and the job is more about dealing with the organization and the whacky ”leadership” I am glad I'm out and know that the industry does you no favor by it being ”easy” money because when the layoffs happen (which are occiring more) and you are a dime a dozen, you will not have the skills to cut it in a real sales role. Sorry it stings but it is the truth.

Yes the industry is completely fake and many people in it make it and the one's who excel are the ones who simply play dirty politics, ignore true talent and opt for yea people and ass kissing which reminds me of high school. I was making a lot of money in a specialty role and thought it would be better, but the company I was at was just recycled same people from pharma. I recently left for a true hunter sales role with prospecting and hard to close sales and it is tougher indeed, but I feel that I am doing meaningful work and staying true to my chosen impression which is sales (which pharma is not) pharmacy toughest challenge for reps usually has to do with internal versus customers and the job is more about dealing with the organization and the whacky ”leadership” I am glad I'm out and know that the industry does you no favor by it being ”easy” money because when the layoffs happen (which are occiring more) and you are a dime a dozen, you will not have the skills to cut it in a real sales role. Sorry it stings but it is the truth.

Yes the industry is completely fake and many people in it make it and the one's who excel are the ones who simply play dirty politics, ignore true talent and opt for yea people and ass kissing which reminds me of high school. I was making a lot of money in a specialty role and thought it would be better, but the company I was at was just recycled same people from pharma. I recently left for a true hunter sales role with prospecting and hard to close sales and it is tougher indeed, but I feel that I am doing meaningful work and staying true to my chosen impression which is sales (which pharma is not) pharmacy toughest challenge for reps usually has to do with internal versus customers and the job is more about dealing with the organization and the whacky ”leadership” I am glad I'm out and know that the industry does you no favor by it being ”easy” money because when the layoffs happen (which are occiring more) and you are a dime a dozen, you will not have the skills to cut it in a real sales role. Sorry it stings but it is the truth.

Sounds like you’re struggling big time. Sorry to hear it. Always be closing!

Agreed. Previous poster thinks were in different places. We arent. I have kids too, but it's not about keeping up with the Jones in a fake fashion. It's about realizing there is more to life than money. It's about happiness. This industry is fake most of the time, and I dont want a part of it anymore. Good luck to all.

Good for you.
Take a stand. You are smart and talented.

This industry is for low lifers at this point. I have been doing it for close to 25 years on and off, and I am very selective in what I sell.

But, the management is really starting to get to me, as I start passing them in age. Their lack of leadership and transparency is too much for me to handle at this point.

Moving on is smart. Downsizing is smart. The measurement has to change. Making money a priority in this life is beyond stupid. And those of the type of people we are around in this puke of an industry. No more for me. The next downsize will be my last, and I am off to do something with more integrity.

Best to everyone.

Yes the industry is completely fake and many people in it make it and the one's who excel are the ones who simply play dirty politics, ignore true talent and opt for yea people and ass kissing which reminds me of high school. I was making a lot of money in a specialty role and thought it would be better, but the company I was at was just recycled same people from pharma. I recently left for a true hunter sales role with prospecting and hard to close sales and it is tougher indeed, but I feel that I am doing meaningful work and staying true to my chosen impression which is sales (which pharma is not) pharmacy toughest challenge for reps usually has to do with internal versus customers and the job is more about dealing with the organization and the whacky ”leadership” I am glad I'm out and know that the industry does you no favor by it being ”easy” money because when the layoffs happen (which are occiring more) and you are a dime a dozen, you will not have the skills to cut it in a real sales role. Sorry it stings but it is the truth.

That is the thing: pharmaceutical sales is far from "easy" money. It is the most difficult because of the lack of respect, micromanagement, and lies.

Actually, it sounds like you have a lot of inner work to do.

My guess is you are an alcoholic with impotence problems.

Get help, and stop being a dick.

It’s worse than I thought for you...projecting your impotence/dick problems. Hopefully a contract company will get desperate and give you a mercy offer. I doubt it though. Nobody likes a bellyacher. Better go the Amway/MLM route.

"Go back to school and completely re-train for something else that has some actual demand in the real world. In other words, not the fake, made up world of pharma where people get paid 100K a year for working part time and sitting around in their bathrobes most days." News flash! These days many/most reps are working for companies with micromanaging cultures and/or micromanaging managers who pressure and track and generally make you feel like a wage slave where the autonomy that used to be an expected job perk is largely absent. Much has changed in recent years and the job has really lost it's appeal, especially for those with more than a few years industry experience. And I'm not referring to the stereotypical "lazy rep" - I'm referring to many hard working, dedicated reps who are being driven like slaves despite their good performances. Pharma is not the place to be these days and it's a dying industry.

"Go back to school and completely re-train for something else that has some actual demand in the real world. In other words, not the fake, made up world of pharma where people get paid 100K a year for working part time and sitting around in their bathrobes most days." News flash! These days many/most reps are working for companies with micromanaging cultures and/or micromanaging managers who pressure and track and generally make you feel like a wage slave where the autonomy that used to be an expected job perk is largely absent. Much has changed in recent years and the job has really lost it's appeal, especially for those with more than a few years industry experience. And I'm not referring to the stereotypical "lazy rep" - I'm referring to many hard working, dedicated reps who are being driven like slaves despite their good performances. Pharma is not the place to be these days and it's a dying industry.

That is indeed unfortunate for drug reps, as the autonomy and freedom was really the main selling point to putting up with the humiliation from idiot "managers" and becoming the butt of jokes at cocktail parties.

Back in the '80s when I started in pharma sales, she sure was a 'beaut! What a friggin' great job it was...

It's a shame and travisty what it became...