You will continue to survive as just one part of the "and company" part of Eli Lilly. You can join the likes of DowElanco, Elizabeth Arden and Icos just to name a few. Please don't worry my dear. It will only hurt a little.

I cant stand the stress. I cant stand it. every day its like..."is it going to happen today? " and then it doesn't and then the next day "will it happen today?"....LILLY, just please come and put a bullet in this pig and kill it wont ya?

Lilly has half the market cap of Gilead. Why, how could this happen? Are you people on crack? These are the stupidest posts ever

Are you really that absent minded and not paying attention that you don't even know what happened at 2:00 in the Madison Building, East Wing Hearing Room A on Tuesday, January 7th, 2014. Really?

You are kidding right?

Doesn't your company share anything with you until its too late. Check with UBS on 1-6-2014. They got it out the door so fast to their most valued clients that they didn't even have time to proof it. I mean look at page #6 (it would be embarrassing if I didn't understand what was going on here) too bad you guys are being kept in the dark still.

Doesn't your company share anything with you until its too late. Check with UBS on 1-6-2014. They got it out the door so fast to their most valued clients that they didn't even have time to proof it. I mean look at page #6 (it would be embarrassing if I didn't understand what was going on here) too bad you guys are being kept in the dark still.

If it was me, I would dump my Gilead stock so fast (just like "they" are doing) unless of course if you think it may recover when lily buys what's left of your burning carcass.

Are you really that absent minded and not paying attention that you don't even know what happened at 2:00 in the Madison Building, East Wing Hearing Room A on Tuesday, January 7th, 2014. Really?

Ummm. Seriously, how many of your "insider" detailed scoops have come anything near true? And inside your head does not count. Chill the hell out or take your meds.

I am actually going to enjoy you guys "Frying in the frying pan of Life" Pal - just don't forget to take your "meds" , they can really help with the stress when it all comes down on your head.

Well according to you, it should have already imploded on our heads last Tuesday. Sorry- missed the major market event. When it only happens in your brain because you wish it to be true, that doesn't make it true out here in the real world. There ARE meds for that.

Yeah, this board used to be a fun read until those two idiots from the Gilead and Idenix Yahoo finance board started posting all this Idenix crap. Those losers need to get a life. They post that crap day and night.