Hybrid Working Model - Threatening People To Force It - F*CK YOU

I'm young and single, this work environment is enertertaining, resembles a soap opera. The things I've overheard at work -

One guy gambles online all day

A gal is having an affair with a guy in Onc

One guy is selling real estate all day

One guy shows up early for 30 mins, leaves, then shows up for 5 mins around 4pm

One gal works out 3x per day

One guy told his wife he was gay

One guy did an online interview with BMS, I think he got the job!

Learned one guy doctored up a fake handicap placard so he had a premo parking spot

One area always has gals fighting about who solved Wordle first

There is now shame with this open concept, cannot wait to learn more about my colleagues. I wear headphones that don't work, gives the appearance I cannot hear.
Lol they would not care if you did listen. You’re a nothinburger and just kick the can the road like we all do.

I'm young and single, this work environment is enertertaining, resembles a soap opera. The things I've overheard at work -

One guy gambles online all day

A gal is having an affair with a guy in Onc

One guy is selling real estate all day

One guy shows up early for 30 mins, leaves, then shows up for 5 mins around 4pm

One gal works out 3x per day

One guy told his wife he was gay

One guy did an online interview with BMS, I think he got the job!

Learned one guy doctored up a fake handicap placard so he had a premo parking spot

One area always has gals fighting about who solved Wordle first

There is now shame with this open concept, cannot wait to learn more about my colleagues. I wear headphones that don't work, gives the appearance I cannot hear.

I'm young and single, this work environment is enertertaining, resembles a soap opera. The things I've overheard at work -

One guy gambles online all day

A gal is having an affair with a guy in Onc

One guy is selling real estate all day

One guy shows up early for 30 mins, leaves, then shows up for 5 mins around 4pm

One gal works out 3x per day

One guy told his wife he was gay

One guy did an online interview with BMS, I think he got the job!

Learned one guy doctored up a fake handicap placard so he had a premo parking spot

One area always has gals fighting about who solved Wordle first

There is now shame with this open concept, cannot wait to learn more about my colleagues. I wear headphones that don't work, gives the appearance I cannot hear.

Are you willing to share any more information about the affair?

I'm young and single, this work environment is enertertaining, resembles a soap opera. The things I've overheard at work -

One guy gambles online all day

A gal is having an affair with a guy in Onc

One guy is selling real estate all day

One guy shows up early for 30 mins, leaves, then shows up for 5 mins around 4pm

One gal works out 3x per day

One guy told his wife he was gay

One guy did an online interview with BMS, I think he got the job!

Learned one guy doctored up a fake handicap placard so he had a premo parking spot

One area always has gals fighting about who solved Wordle first

There is now shame with this open concept, cannot wait to learn more about my colleagues. I wear headphones that don't work, gives the appearance I cannot hear.

I'm young and single, this work environment is enertertaining, resembles a soap opera. The things I've overheard at work -

One guy gambles online all day

A gal is having an affair with a guy in Onc

One guy is selling real estate all day

One guy shows up early for 30 mins, leaves, then shows up for 5 mins around 4pm

One gal works out 3x per day

One guy told his wife he was gay

One guy did an online interview with BMS, I think he got the job!

Learned one guy doctored up a fake handicap placard so he had a premo parking spot

One area always has gals fighting about who solved Wordle first

There is now shame with this open concept, cannot wait to learn more about my colleagues. I wear headphones that don't work, gives the appearance I cannot hear.

Do they honestly believe that making threats on what will happen to you if you dont comply is going to make people want to do it?

On the internal web site there is mention of how compliance to the hybrid working model will be used in performance reviews.

There are also threats of what they will do to you if you dont do it - disciplinary action and termination.

Threats are a surefire way to "innovate and experiment".

hey Merck - F*CK YOU

Rahway is so ghetto. I was driving on West Scott Ave and noticed some gang activity Again, Why did they move us here?

Rahway is so ghetto. I was driving on West Scott Ave and noticed some gang activity Again, Why did they move us here?

No kidding, definitely the barrio. I stopped quickly to get a soda at the liquor store. As I exited, some thugs already had two rims removed from my Tesla Model Y. A friend of mine went to work early in the dark using Scott Road, he slammed into a discarded sofa in the road. So yes, Rahway is ghetto.

I have a long walk due to lack of parking and they denied in-plant parking for me. I rest most of the day in my office down in b20 at wp! People have commented on hearing snoring but it is tough for them to pin point where it is coming from!

Facilities here.

The funny part of all this is NOBODY and I mean NOBODY thought to check with facilities to see if the campus could hold all the people that were coming in. It never occurred to any of the highly paid suits to actually look at logistics, they just demanded people return and stomped their feet. The Merck folks who were actually responsible for this were tying to blame our contractors, it was hilarious.

Facilities here.

The funny part of all this is NOBODY and I mean NOBODY thought to check with facilities to see if the campus could hold all the people that were coming in. It never occurred to any of the highly paid suits to actually look at logistics, they just demanded people return and stomped their feet. The Merck folks who were actually responsible for this were tying to blame our contractors, it was hilarious.

I don’t think they cared enough to check with facilities.

here is the kicker, I am hearing they still aren't happy, many not adhering to the 3 day mandate...there will be more threatening reminders of consequences if you do not comply coming soon...