Hybrid Working Model - Threatening People To Force It - F*CK YOU

its a disaster, parking the biggest issue but I waited 30 min for a coffee, 45 for m lunch...then, with 50 people in open space, I couldn't hear myself think. If their intent was to kill moral and productivity, bravo, quite the success

I'm young and single, this work environment is enertertaining, resembles a soap opera. The things I've overheard at work -

One guy gambles online all day

A gal is having an affair with a guy in Onc

One guy is selling real estate all day

One guy shows up early for 30 mins, leaves, then shows up for 5 mins around 4pm

One gal works out 3x per day

One guy told his wife he was gay

One guy did an online interview with BMS, I think he got the job!

Learned one guy doctored up a fake handicap placard so he had a premo parking spot

One area always has gals fighting about who solved Wordle first

There is now shame with this open concept, cannot wait to learn more about my colleagues. I wear headphones that don't work, gives the appearance I cannot hear.

I'm young and single, this work environment is enertertaining, resembles a soap opera. The things I've overheard at work -

One guy gambles online all day

A gal is having an affair with a guy in Onc

One guy is selling real estate all day

One guy shows up early for 30 mins, leaves, then shows up for 5 mins around 4pm

One gal works out 3x per day

One guy told his wife he was gay

One guy did an online interview with BMS, I think he got the job!

Learned one guy doctored up a fake handicap placard so he had a premo parking spot

One area always has gals fighting about who solved Wordle first

There is now shame with this open concept, cannot wait to learn more about my colleagues. I wear headphones that don't work, gives the appearance I cannot hear.

Loser! Get a life and mind your own business.

I'm young and single, this work environment is enertertaining, resembles a soap opera. The things I've overheard at work -

One guy gambles online all day

A gal is having an affair with a guy in Onc

One guy is selling real estate all day

One guy shows up early for 30 mins, leaves, then shows up for 5 mins around 4pm

One gal works out 3x per day

One guy told his wife he was gay

One guy did an online interview with BMS, I think he got the job!

Learned one guy doctored up a fake handicap placard so he had a premo parking spot

One area always has gals fighting about who solved Wordle first

There is now shame with this open concept, cannot wait to learn more about my colleagues. I wear headphones that don't work, gives the appearance I cannot hear.
good stuff, free entertainment!

Its all about the collaboration and bonding!

How the hell are employees allowed to bring kids to work. Yesterday a gal brought her 5 year old who was coloring. Today, another mom brought a 7 year old who was throwing a fit.

We all have obligations and life happens, stay home if the kiddos need an assist. And really, the gal painting her nails, the smell is horrible!!

How the hell are employees allowed to bring kids to work. Yesterday a gal brought her 5 year old who was coloring. Today, another mom brought a 7 year old who was throwing a fit.

We all have obligations and life happens, stay home if the kiddos need an assist. And really, the gal painting her nails, the smell is horrible!!
Also, do not allow the use of any elevator by any dumbass who uses the word kiddo

How the hell are employees allowed to bring kids to work. Yesterday a gal brought her 5 year old who was coloring. Today, another mom brought a 7 year old who was throwing a fit.

We all have obligations and life happens, stay home if the kiddos need an assist. And really, the gal painting her nails, the smell is horrible!![/QUOTE

This shit has turned everyone's life upside down.


they couldn't have hurt productivity more if they tired to, its a joke. between the parking mess, cafeteria lines and the noise in these open space work area, lucky if I get 1-2 hrs of work done a day now.

Anyone want to speak on this for a story? Will protect anonymity.
Closing down convenient locations throughout NJ and moving to a very far away location which is horrible to drive to and a mess when you get off rte 1 for the purpose to cut costs is very short sighted. The CEO does not know how to run a company other than cut costs. His plan will backfire and the next CEO will undo what this idiot bean counter has done.

What story? A corporation moving into its new headquarters and telling employees whom they pay that they need to perform their work at our headquarters a specific number of days per week?

Go fuck yourself.



yeahhhh see you might have a point if you had actually provided adequate parking and desk space. Which you didn’t. And responded to our concerns with patronizing noncommittal bullshit. So no, fuck you.

yeahhhh see you might have a point if you had actually provided adequate parking and desk space. Which you didn’t. And responded to our concerns with patronizing noncommittal bullshit. So no, fuck you.
We understand. We understand that you will come to work when you’re told or be fired.

Empathetically yours,
