its a disaster, parking the biggest issue but I waited 30 min for a coffee, 45 for m lunch...then, with 50 people in open space, I couldn't hear myself think. If their intent was to kill moral and productivity, bravo, quite the success
I'm young and single, this work environment is enertertaining, resembles a soap opera. The things I've overheard at work -
One guy gambles online all day
A gal is having an affair with a guy in Onc
One guy is selling real estate all day
One guy shows up early for 30 mins, leaves, then shows up for 5 mins around 4pm
One gal works out 3x per day
One guy told his wife he was gay
One guy did an online interview with BMS, I think he got the job!
Learned one guy doctored up a fake handicap placard so he had a premo parking spot
One area always has gals fighting about who solved Wordle first
There is now shame with this open concept, cannot wait to learn more about my colleagues. I wear headphones that don't work, gives the appearance I cannot hear.