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Huge Reductions In Headcount Coming

Insider here. The following are being stongly considered for reduction: Internal reductions to include Directors, Managers, Associates on all levels to include Brand teams, market research, MH, Osteo, CV, Public Affairs and Account Mangement in MHS. External reductions will include Director, manager, and rep reductions to MH, Osteo, CV, Sr. Care, Biomeds, and field MHS Account Management.

No option but to make reductions as directed by recent CEO call. It is the belief that we have to get spending under control and cutting headcount is our only option.

Thank you Insider.

Oh boy the rep-on-rep violence is about to start! Everyone has those reps in their district who will claw and scratch their way to the top and take out any rep or DM who gets in their way! This time there will be a lot of DM-on-DM violence too. All the newbie DMs fighting it out with each other, the old DMs and their own reps for worthless rep spots. This should be fun to watch. Let me pop some popcorn!!

Oh boy the rep-on-rep violence is about to start! Everyone has those reps in their district who will claw and scratch their way to the top and take out any rep or DM who gets in their way! This time there will be a lot of DM-on-DM violence too. All the newbie DMs fighting it out with each other, the old DMs and their own reps for worthless rep spots. This should be fun to watch. Let me pop some popcorn!!

Sad part is that there are so many reps who want to get laid off with a package. Why not offer VEP right now? I know they don't want to pay the money but in the end it would be better for everyone.

Why didn't they just do this during the last reorg? Went through all of that only to have the reps who survived and the former/new DM's laid off anyway? Now I get to compete with my former manager (whose on my team) and my new manager for my spot all over again?

Leadership has no clue whatsoever. I swear they make this up as they go along. The climate hasn't changed that much since the last reorg, with the exception of Axiron and testosterone going downhill. Besides that how did they not see then that there wasn't a need for all of these reps. Especially selling some of our drugs that don't make a lot of money. I could see that but was assured by my new manager that we were "the perfect size now". Would have rather gone then than had the slow bleed less than 2 years later.

Oh boy the rep-on-rep violence is about to start! Everyone has those reps in their district who will claw and scratch their way to the top and take out any rep or DM who gets in their way! This time there will be a lot of DM-on-DM violence too. All the newbie DMs fighting it out with each other, the old DMs and their own reps for worthless rep spots. This should be fun to watch. Let me pop some popcorn!!

My dm is already trying to get her oncology rep job back. What a disaster. I'm sure that oncology and diabetes reps will be "coached out" during the next few months to make room for the new managers who will be losing their jobs. Better hope you have no fake calls, lunch signatures etc... in your iPad. That's always the easiest way to get rid of people when they need to make room for someone else.

My dm is already trying to get her oncology rep job back. What a disaster. I'm sure that oncology and diabetes reps will be "coached out" during the next few months to make room for the new managers who will be losing their jobs. Better hope you have no fake calls, lunch signatures etc... in your iPad. That's always the easiest way to get rid of people when they need to make room for someone else.

Good point. Good news is you can make as few calls as you want right now because managers are scrambling to get the hell out. Agree don't fake them. They will be looking for ways to get rid of reps. Current EL/ON/DB managers are friends with a lot of those managers and will knock their own people off to make room for them. Or will be instructed to by leadership. Better keep your nose clean. Managers will be after your job. Don't trust HR.

Good point. Good news is you can make as few calls as you want right now because managers are scrambling to get the hell out. Agree don't fake them. They will be looking for ways to get rid of reps. Current EL/ON/DB managers are friends with a lot of those managers and will knock their own people off to make room for them. Or will be instructed to by leadership. Better keep your nose clean. Managers will be after your job. Don't trust HR.

Will be interesting to see how many reps in those 3 divisions start getting the ax soon. Post on this thread so we can keep tabs. That is so something Lilly would do.

Merry Christmas everybody! Lilly strikes again right before the holidays. My division seems to be getting it in the spring, which is worse. Do us a favor and take care of everyone at once. It does give me more time to find another job than this first round so I guess that's a good thing. This company is like working on the Titanic. Can't make long term plans or buy big ticket purchases working here. Disgusting way to live. I'm getting out. Btw....don't plan on me making more than 10 calls per week until I leave. If that.

They should have cut this deep last layoff. Reps/mgrs who will all be out of jobs could all have new jobs by now. But no, we listened to We Lie Lilly and got screwed over per usual. Now we are all that much older with that much more team goal crap to put on our resumes and will have a whopping 3 months of money to find another job. All because of your horrible biz decisions that never end. Why do we even have a BOD? They continue to let these idiots run this once great company into the dirt and leadership is still there. Just disgusting. I refuse to wear my name badge anymore and damn sure won't be making any calls. Fire me!! Oh that's right, your about to anyway. I will be home all day, everyday looking for a job and occasionally dumping my samples so that when I get one I can quit on the spot.

Let me guess, we will be sized right after these are done? Such BS.

They should have cut this deep last layoff. Reps/mgrs who will all be out of jobs could all have new jobs by now. But no, we listened to We Lie Lilly and got screwed over per usual. Now we are all that much older with that much more team goal crap to put on our resumes and will have a whopping 3 months of money to find another job. All because of your horrible biz decisions that never end. Why do we even have a BOD? They continue to let these idiots run this once great company into the dirt and leadership is still there. Just disgusting. I refuse to wear my name badge anymore and damn sure won't be making any calls. Fire me!! Oh that's right, your about to anyway. I will be home all day, everyday looking for a job and occasionally dumping my samples so that when I get one I can quit on the spot.

Let me guess, we will be sized right after these are done? Such BS.

Remember we are the best of the best because last lay off all the "slackers" we're let go now we are going as well what a BS company.

They should have cut this deep last layoff. Reps/mgrs who will all be out of jobs could all have new jobs by now. But no, we listened to We Lie Lilly and got screwed over per usual. Now we are all that much older with that much more team goal crap to put on our resumes and will have a whopping 3 months of money to find another job. All because of your horrible biz decisions that never end. Why do we even have a BOD? They continue to let these idiots run this once great company into the dirt and leadership is still there. Just disgusting. I refuse to wear my name badge anymore and damn sure won't be making any calls. Fire me!! Oh that's right, your about to anyway. I will be home all day, everyday looking for a job and occasionally dumping my samples so that when I get one I can quit on the spot.

Let me guess, we will be sized right after these are done? Such BS.

The writing has been on the wall for years. You should of been looking for a new career since the last reorganization. Common sense tells you after the last reorganization that it was coming down the road again. The truth is, people become complacent in their role, and are afraid of change. They've had the golden handcuffs on for so long that they don't want to give it up. Reality has now set in and it's blame blame blame Lilly. Yes I agree Lilly has been going in the wrong direction for years now, but you should blame yourself for not proactively looking and having that next move lined up when the time came.

Here's the best advice I'm going to give everyone who get's laid off. Stay out of Pharma! Yes you will have to work 50+ hours to make the salary you are making now, but It will be more rewarding and challenging.

The writing has been on the wall for years. You should of been looking for a new career since the last reorganization. Common sense tells you after the last reorganization that it was coming down the road again. The truth is, people become complacent in their role, and are afraid of change. They've had the golden handcuffs on for so long that they don't want to give it up. Reality has now set in and it's blame blame blame Lilly. Yes I agree Lilly has been going in the wrong direction for years now, but you should blame yourself for not proactively looking and having that next move lined up when the time came.

Here's the best advice I'm going to give everyone who get's laid off. Stay out of Pharma! Yes you will have to work 50+ hours to make the salary you are making now, but It will be more rewarding and challenging.

The biggest myth out there is that you have to work 50+ hours per week to make what you make here. What a joke. Many co-workers have left and are making a lot more than they made here and work a normal work week.

The problem is that Lilly employees think a normal work week is 10 hours a week. The thought of working 40 hours a week makes them physically ill. That work ethic is exactly why our company has hit rock bottom. Lazy, entitled employees who lie about what they do the whole 2 hours a day that they work.

I don't feel sorry for anyone who gets laid off. If you haven't got irons in the fire and a backup plan laid out you are too stupid to feel sorry for.