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Huge Layoffs Coming in October 2024

MedTech Director here. We haven't even received targets yet for 2025, let alone been asked to do headcount reduction. So if HC is being impacted in a few weeks it's being done outside of Director level.

At those numbers, JNJ would be required to issue a WARN Notice. Nothing’s been filed. Must be done 60 days out.
JNJ standard is 30 day notice. For a mass layoff, I don’t see them giving ppl 60 notice except in states where required by law.
Also don’t fully understand WARN notice and how all of that works other than it requires 60 day notice in sone states.

Ever ask yourself why the CREDO Survey was moved from October to September a few years ago after 75 years of happening in October? It’s so you can give good scores BEFORE you and your colleagues are let go in October. Think October 13, 2022.

JNJ standard is 30 day notice. For a mass layoff, I don’t see them giving ppl 60 notice except in states where required by law.
Also don’t fully understand WARN notice and how all of that works other than it requires 60 day notice in sone states.
In states like CA, the laid-off employees are technically still on payroll for the warn period so the warn notice and layoff can happen at the same time.

What happened on October 13, 2022?
It’s probably a date of when a layoff occurred. I’m going to assume the person who posted
10 October 2024 is going off the timeline from 2022. These kind of posts are frustrating, like if you really had inside information and a confirmed date, why not share more details. This can affect people’s livelihood, especially a single working parent. We have no idea who the person is that started this thread and whether it’s true or not. Sone ppl have good intentions while others do not. For all we know, It could be a disgruntled ex- employee or someone who thinks they have inside information but got it wrong. It’s sucks seeing these kinds of posts

It’s probably a date of when a layoff occurred. I’m going to assume the person who posted
10 October 2024 is going off the timeline from 2022. These kind of posts are frustrating, like if you really had inside information and a confirmed date, why not share more details. This can affect people’s livelihood, especially a single working parent. We have no idea who the person is that started this thread and whether it’s true or not. Sone ppl have good intentions while others do not. For all we know, It could be a disgruntled ex- employee or someone who thinks they have inside information but got it wrong. It’s sucks seeing these kinds of posts
So ignore it and be very surprised if you think it’s fake news. In fact stop reading any CP posts if you want 100% accuracy. By the way your job is NEVER guaranteed so you better be proactive, gal.

So you are basically saying that the layoffs have not started and all these posts are wrong? Ok?
It’s probably a date of when a layoff occurred. I’m going to assume the person who posted
10 October 2024 is going off the timeline from 2022. These kind of posts are frustrating, like if you really had inside information and a confirmed date, why not share more details. This can affect people’s livelihood, especially a single working parent. We have no idea who the person is that started this thread and whether it’s true or not. Sone ppl have good intentions while others do not. For all we know, It could be a disgruntled ex- employee or someone who thinks they have inside information but got it wrong. It’s sucks seeing these kinds of posts
Enjoy the unemployment line.