The unrealistic “dream” was explicit from the very beginning: from 6% profit margin to 20%, announced to all employees pompously. Built on a pyramid scheme, appears to be, one step at a time.
First, you separate the raw materials group, physically and in accounting. Then, you push the sales force to focus primarily on raw materials work. Followed by all analytical groups working heavily for raw materials: All raw materials revenues kept in the raw materials account, all analysts costs kept in their separate accounts. “Miraculously”, the raw materials "exemplary", "world class" profit margins… Based on such numbers, Waters Street commits more money, so now Celcis is used to siphon revenues, but not cost, to AAI... The pyramid should not collapse, before the flipping takes place...
Fred tried in the end a pyramid scheme, with the channel-stuffing and quick Cephalon merger, but SEC was waiting on the corner (a bit late)…