Huge changes at AAIPharma since 10/10

Don't scare the newbee off, we need fresh fools.

AAI is great as long as you kiss PWs butt you will be fine. Word of advice: never tell them the truth, just say yes and tell them they are right.
But I visited the website. I watched the video. That place looks awesome. The video didn't say anything about unkind management. I saw a bunch of hard-working, aspiring, young scientists moving the field of pharmaceutical development to new heights. Taking manufacturing where no manufacturing facility has ever gone before. Plus, that equipment looked state of the art to didn't look old. You are probably old.
But I visited the website. I watched the video. That place looks awesome. The video didn't say anything about unkind management. I saw a bunch of hard-working, aspiring, young scientists moving the field of pharmaceutical development to new heights. Taking manufacturing where no manufacturing facility has ever gone before. Plus, that equipment looked state of the art to didn't look old. You are probably old.

Sounds like a Sci-Fi slogan rip to me "where no manufacturing facility has gone before" LOL that's funny right there! You have to be part of the Walsh gang selling this fiction crap. 3/4 of the people here would leave today if there were other jobs avliable in the area. Until then we just take the BS and press on. This place use to be a great place to work, now it's just a source of income. No way this management team will last, If it does not sell soon WS will make changes and maybe get it right the second time.
Anybody want to split a Happy Meal with our new rasies? Oh, must have used all the funds up on the Company video showing our state of the art facilities.
Hey! No fair!

If your raise was enough to buy a happy meal then you got more than I did.

I bet you my raise that stability spends their money at jack in the box, not McDonalds. And I bet you don't know why.....think drive thru or ask an old timer....if you can find one.
I watched it too, the labs look nice, you can't see even one possum. Didn't know it takes a PhD to pipette blue stuff or point at a computer monitor. Now that is the suff we pay the big bucks for!!!
so 3/4 would leave if there were other jobs in the area? why would the other 1/4 stay? I am not trying to be a smart ass or anything like that. What is a typical day like. How is this new technology center? Who is Walsh? On the website he and a couple other people look pretty nice. I just don't understand...this looks like a top of the line place yet most of you describe it a little differently. What about Quality Chemical Laboratories which is also in Wilmington, NC. Do you guys do business with them? What are they like?
I think we would all leave if we could find something else. Quality Chemical pays less. Despite that a number of top people left for Quality. Mike B, Greg D, Phil T to mention juse a few. Saiad is a decent guy unlike PW who is a world class dick.
What do you all think is going to happen this week? I heard there is a staff meeting for the analytical people? I wonder what that is all about. I heard that there was low work in July so August work was completed to reach monthly goals and now there is no August work. I am very confused. Should I still apply for a job at AAI?
What do you all think is going to happen this week? I heard there is a staff meeting for the analytical people? I wonder what that is all about. I heard that there was low work in July so August work was completed to reach monthly goals and now there is no August work. I am very confused. Should I still apply for a job at AAI?

You posted this to the wrong company. It should be on the QCL board.
QCL: Quality Constantly Lacking
Layoffs have happened at AAI several times in the past and they will happen again. That is the way work is, the days of having a job for 30 years and gettin a pension are over. The boss will use us and throw us away.
This place is out of control! All the drastic changes have weakened us and too many good people have been fired or pushed out. And yet the troubles still continue! It might be time for some upper level house cleaning for piss poor direction and management. They can't point the finger forever without taking some of the blame.
I will guarantee there are a couple of the boys we all could agree could be pointed west and given a good kick! Take the sarcasm, attitude and nasty comments with them. But it will never happen. It would show management weakness and we could not have that. They are all in, either leave with a big pay day from a sell off or sink us and move on to the next one.
Until then be prepared for unhappy times! Lay-offs, demotions and threats will be soon.
This place is out of control! All the drastic changes have weakened us and too many good people have been fired or pushed out. And yet the troubles still continue! It might be time for some upper level house cleaning for piss poor direction and management. They can't point the finger forever without taking some of the blame.
I will guarantee there are a couple of the boys we all could agree could be pointed west and given a good kick! Take the sarcasm, attitude and nasty comments with them. But it will never happen. It would show management weakness and we could not have that. They are all in, either leave with a big pay day from a sell off or sink us and move on to the next one.
Until then be prepared for unhappy times! Lay-offs, demotions and threats will be soon.

Sure hope that I was one of the good ones that got kicked off the bus that you're talking about.. Loyalty, dedication , devotion ain't good enough for aai. You have to suck A$$ to keep your job with this outfit...
Do you think we will get paid? I heard that we were not going to make payroll and that the interest payments on the loans to buy Celsus and to build the new labs took what little we have been making. Do you think that is why they have been letting people go?

Who will get canned today......will it be FDL, another one from Bio, someone else from solids or sterile mfg????
Looks like Biotech was the big winner....another one bites the dust. That business used to be one of the big earners, now it is reduced to peanuts. Good job boss. Keep doing that and you will have reduced the business to zip.

Hiring Ex PPD E&L and Ex Covance people will not help the MS group....that was just a waste of even more money.
What are you talking about? There is no Biotech.

That business is dead, it was killed by PW.

A group that used to contribute 25% of the company’s revenue is down to nothing thanks to the excellent management by PW and his idiot pals. Meanwhile other CROs are making a killing in biosimilars.

Waterstreet should hand him his nuts for that.