Huge changes at AAIPharma since 10/10

We never got a 483 when Chris Smith was running QA. That is what happens when you fire or run off the talented people. It does not destroy the company right away; that happens slowly. The good customers fade away and we are left with crap.

Chrissie, is that you again????
You did not run quality, it ran you.
Chris had integrity and respect! It just did not fit with the plan of cut every corner you can to grow at unrealistic rates so the boys could flip us. It's all about money and greed.
This is what is wrong with the world, everyone wants the fast dollar. They are playing with peoples lifes and could care less. Just look at their resumes and past issues.
You are right. It is all about money for them. We will get screwed and will be left holding the debt.

Who will leave or get fired today? It is Friday that means someone will get walked out.
Chris had integrity and respect! It just did not fit with the plan of cut every corner you can to grow at unrealistic rates so the boys could flip us. It's all about money and greed.
This is what is wrong with the world, everyone wants the fast dollar. They are playing with peoples lifes and could care less. Just look at their resumes and past issues.

Chrissie: Talked a lot, said nothing. No room on the bus for dead weight.
Fast dollar? Growing at unrealistic rates? Like Apple?
The unrealistic “dream” was explicit from the very beginning: from 6% profit margin to 20%, announced to all employees pompously. Built on a pyramid scheme, appears to be, one step at a time.

First, you separate the raw materials group, physically and in accounting. Then, you push the sales force to focus primarily on raw materials work. Followed by all analytical groups working heavily for raw materials: All raw materials revenues kept in the raw materials account, all analysts costs kept in their separate accounts. “Miraculously”, the raw materials "exemplary", "world class" profit margins… Based on such numbers, Waters Street commits more money, so now Celcis is used to siphon revenues, but not cost, to AAI... The pyramid should not collapse, before the flipping takes place...

Fred tried in the end a pyramid scheme, with the channel-stuffing and quick Cephalon merger, but SEC was waiting on the corner (a bit late)…
All I read is negativity on AAI???? Is it really that bad there? or just a few disgruntled employee's. Trying to find out about the company....any info would be appreciated...thanks
All I read is negativity on AAI???? Is it really that bad there? or just a few disgruntled employee's. Trying to find out about the company....any info would be appreciated...thanks

Recognized as a “Great Place to Work” by the Great Place to Work Institute, as well as “Training Top 125” by the Training Magazine. There is a small caveat though: It refers to a different company (Quintiles), and in a different country (Mexico).
All I read is negativity on AAI???? Is it really that bad there? or just a few disgruntled employee's. Trying to find out about the company....any info would be appreciated...thanks

New laboratory built this year, state of the art analytical equipment purchased, more new clients than I have seen in my 10 years here, and it is a better atmosphere today than ever before.
This Site is full of haters and disgruntled x-employees.
New laboratory built this year, state of the art analytical equipment purchased, more new clients than I have seen in my 10 years here, and it is a better atmosphere today than ever before.
This Site is full of haters and disgruntled x-employees.

Einstein's anti-special relativity effects:

Time expansion, from 2 years to 10.
Shrinking 2 labs to 1, "state of the art".
"Better atmoshere than ever", in the spinner's mind.
Every company has spinners, some more than others... every company has lazy people that want to get paid for doing absolutely nothing while others around them work like crazy and are devoted to get a job done correctly... Many companies are currently experiencing lay-offs due to the state of the US and the want to do more in the far east, and the economy encompassing us all.
Can you give me some specific examples of the down side of working for AAI?

I know the good side: state of the art facility, brand new equipment, sexy young employees, generous salary and benefits, approachable management, family attitude, encouraging work environment, opportunity for advancement.

Why would anyone not want to work at AAI?
What are you smoking? You clearly do not work at AAI.

Working conditions are poor at best. State of the art equipment...what a joke!

Bad management who will fire you if you disagree with them...get on the bus or get the stick up your ......BOHICA

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