How's it going out there?

I'm waiting for them to pay out any bonus and for the terms of my signing bonus to be up- then I'm out of this hell hole. I laughed at this place when I sold against them. I'm still laughing at them as they are paying me.

Are you one of the villains from the Batman series ? Or should we take you seriously ?

Since I'm one of NAH top sales performers it is a proven fact about me not being a "job jumper". I am just smart enough to remember what a sinking ship feels like. I am sorry for those of you that have forgotten...or lack the recognized talents to have other options other than to stay here.

Since I'm one of NAH top sales performers it is a proven fact about me not being a "job jumper". I am just smart enough to remember what a sinking ship feels like. I am sorry for those of you that have forgotten...or lack the recognized talents to have other options other than to stay here.

Wow. Don't worry about us. Most if not all have your talents too. Plus one more. The ability to not talk down and insult others who you feel are beneath you.

Out of curiosity, whatever did you do to maintain your stellar sales numbers when NAH dropped the ball in Lincoln back in 2012 ? Or are you a newbie that thinks your shit doesn't stink ?

Since I'm one of NAH top sales performers it is a proven fact about me not being a "job jumper". I am just smart enough to remember what a sinking ship feels like. I am sorry for those of you that have forgotten...or lack the recognized talents to have other options other than to stay here.

That's almost too funny! You've gone from one Titanic to another ! Good luck with your next company.

Wow. Don't worry about us. Most if not all have your talents too. Plus one more. The ability to not talk down and insult others who you feel are beneath you.

Out of curiosity, whatever did you do to maintain your stellar sales numbers when NAH dropped the ball in Lincoln back in 2012 ? Or are you a newbie that thinks your shit doesn't stink ?

My talent is worth paying more for.
One way I kept my sales up was by being better than you.

1. The person never identified as a guy
2. What was said that wasn't true? NAH are
paid more than the Virbarcians.

"Hey you guys" - a generic phrase. Yell it out and both the males and females will turn and look.

Maybe he/she/it gets paid more, big deal. Not the point. Re read the posts and see if you can spot the arrogance.

The point was that he/she/it's got a real attitude. Looking down the nose at the rest of the reps considering them to be lower life forms. You know the type, so much fun to call a colleague or do a ride along with.

I absolutely agree!
But let us not forget, upper management
helped to foster this person's attitude with
their hiring practices.

Yes, could be true. However, as someone who has the pleasure of hiring (and displeasure of firing ) , sometimes the bad apples look, sound and feel absolutely fantastic on the way in no matter how well vetted. And then their true rottenness emerges after they've been in the barrel a while. Been burned big time before. Most often no one says anything and the festering continues.

It's amazing how polite and polished one can appear at first. And second and even third glance. Couple that with reference checks that lie thru their teeth because they're thrilled to get rid of them and transfer the problem to's no wonder I'm sick of my job.

Yes, could be true. However, as someone who has the pleasure of hiring (and displeasure of firing ) , sometimes the bad apples look, sound and feel absolutely fantastic on the way in no matter how well vetted. And then their true rottenness emerges after they've been in the barrel a while. Been burned big time before. Most often no one says anything and the festering continues.

It's amazing how polite and polished one can appear at first. And second and even third glance. Couple that with reference checks that lie thru their teeth because they're thrilled to get rid of them and transfer the problem to's no wonder I'm sick of my job.

No background checks, only 1 interview, some random number of spots that was required to be filled. A focus on quantity, regardless of how it negatively affected the quality reps that were here first. This has failure written all over it

No background checks, only 1 interview, some random number of spots that was required to be filled. A focus on quantity, regardless of how it negatively affected the quality reps that were here first. This has failure written all over it

"It's a body" my old hiring guy used to say. Thought we could train anyone with a pulse. And then wonders why, after getting bit in the ass a few times, the good people left.

"Hey you guys" - a generic phrase. Yell it out and both the males and females will turn and look.

Maybe he/she/it gets paid more, big deal. Not the point. Re read the posts and see if you can spot the arrogance.

The point was that he/she/it's got a real attitude. Looking down the nose at the rest of the reps considering them to be lower life forms. You know the type, so much fun to call a colleague or do a ride along with.

Why should they be paid more? By paying them more is it not giving Novartis a perception that they are worth more.

Why should they be paid more? By paying them more is it not giving Novartis a perception that they are worth more.

Should only get paid more IF worth more. But then again that what recruiting is all about these days, paying more to get new people. Bypass the loyal suckers that've been there longer with more experience for the shiny newbies...who all think they're worth a fortune.