is this answer to question of ppl offered position for PA's job on Tuesday the 28?
what areas
Has anyone heard what vehicle we are getting? I know it doesn’t matter but was curious?
Ford Escape or fusion but it will be fully loaded.
Be patient, growing pains will work out. We're just getting started!
There are a lot of new benefits being rolled out in the near future to show our commitment to the division launch. There are initiatives being put in place to succeed so please be patient. We will be respected by the industry like no other.
You guys are really funny! We were offered fully loaded brand new cars. We got used cars from downsized previous reps who completely trashed them. The delivery company kept my car for an extra week trying to get the smell out of it. They said it smelled like something had died in it. Another rep said their car reeked of smoke, another (who has cat allergies) got one covered in cat hair, and my favorite, one got a car with the front bumper hanging by a thread. Fully loaded brand new... HA!
The broken promises start in the first week of employment with Lupin. And, they will continue!
Just leave you entitled scum. You are just a little POS and simple little sales rep that wants to but never will be anything but a sales rep. You want the world to be given to you, but you are just a crappy complaining rep. Why did you join the company? We don’t want lazy crappy cry babies so leave now as you are toxic waste and no one wants to hear from you.
I am proud to be a Lupin employee!!!
More like you weren’t offered the job. Sour grapes
Not true. I'm getting a brand new 2018 Ford Escape.You guys are really funny! We were offered fully loaded brand new cars. We got used cars from downsized previous reps who completely trashed them. The delivery company kept my car for an extra week trying to get the smell out of it. They said it smelled like something had died in it. Another rep said their car reeked of smoke, another (who has cat allergies) got one covered in cat hair, and my favorite, one got a car with the front bumper hanging by a thread. Fully loaded brand new... HA!
Those of us that actually work for the company know you are filling the board with lies. The things you list in this post are not true. Further at the time you posted this and another post, all reps were tied up in a working session at an off-site meeting. While the company has a few issues (like any company), it still is a good place to work. Since you are clearly a former employee, why don’t you just move on and get on with your life, versus filling up this board with a bunch of lies.