How were the interviews this week?

I got to the last round of interviews and they still passed on me with no feedback or explanations. It was communicated through the recruiter. very poor! I agree with a previous post about no real discussion of sales strategy or goals. Only 45 minute Interviews, too short in my opinion. They don't plan to launch until June but start date in April which seems fishy to me. I really got nothing out of the interview. I am more than qualified for the position! Probably for the best.

I got to the last round of interviews and they still passed on me with no feedback or explanations. It was communicated through the recruiter. very poor! I agree with a previous post about no real discussion of sales strategy or goals. Only 45 minute Interviews, too short in my opinion. They don't plan to launch until June but start date in April which seems fishy to me. I really got nothing out of the interview. I am more than qualified for the position! Probably for the best.

also got to last round today and passed over!! disappointment and no feedback, I am qualified for this, I don't understand why send me??? Did I get cut on that round or was it the DM choice?? I know they are not just hiring people with women's health care experience.
Feel bad for the candidates who have been displaced and truly want these jobs, sadly they are hiring more of the ones who have jobs

who knows????

Best of luck to all !!!

also got to last round today and passed over!! disappointment and no feedback, I am qualified for this, I don't understand why send me??? Did I get cut on that round or was it the DM choice?? I know they are not just hiring people with women's health care experience.
Feel bad for the candidates who have been displaced and truly want these jobs, sadly they are hiring more of the ones who have jobs

who knows????

Best of luck to all !!!

Did you find out at the interview that you didn't make it or the next day?

I am sorry for those of you that did not get an offer. However, there is no need for the “sour grapes” responses. In the end, it may not be anything negative about you as the competition is tough and there are many good people looking for jobs.

Can anyone say if you find out that day if you get a offer?
Some found out directly today they got the job

Some of those posts ARE NOT sour grapes
Just saying what happened!!
Yes good ppl interviewed and good ppl were passed up!!!
We all know why this happens....
Best of Luck to all!!!
Sell and have great launch!!!

Some found out directly today they got the job

Some of those posts ARE NOT sour grapes
Just saying what happened!!
Yes good ppl interviewed and good ppl were passed up!!!
We all know why this happens....
Best of Luck to all!!!
Sell and have great launch!!!

Sorry you didn't get the job, there are a lot of people looking for jobs now so competition is fierce.

Just applied on site
Are the PA positions - filled??
Looking for Philadelphia or even applied to Allentown!
Am I too late

Do they really want women health experience??


Lupin... worst company I have ever worked for.. Run don't walk from this company..
The GPS is real.. Besides that they do track you.. They pay terrible bonuses and can't get the data right..
They are micro managers.. I have seen several people fired here.. They don't even give you a chance to fix the problem they just terminate you.. Seriously please do your research and ask around for references on this company..Save yourself grief..

Lupin... worst company I have ever worked for.. Run don't walk from this company..
The GPS is real.. Besides that they do track you.. They pay terrible bonuses and can't get the data right..
They are micro managers.. I have seen several people fired here.. They don't even give you a chance to fix the problem they just terminate you.. Seriously please do your research and ask around for references on this company..Save yourself grief..

Every company board has one of you complainers.

True, every company has complainers but these posts are the same!!

But did seem nice to interview with
I will accept my offer because I hate my present DM!!
This guy seems ok!!
If I get the real offer I want while I wait thru this long training, I will resign during training!!
Feel bad cause I know I took job away from unemployed people But that’s why we call it competition!!!
Big guys chose me
Go SM!!!

Worst company I have ever worked for. They have no clue what they are doing, so if you take a position, you can count on only being paid your salary. No bonuses here. Also, verbal abuse from sales manager is not uncommon. NSM only listens to ASMs when really all it would take is someone to actually hears sales perspective. TG in Clevelands entire team cant stand him. Hes a nightmare! Dont walk run!

Worst company I have ever worked for. They have no clue what they are doing, so if you take a position, you can count on only being paid your salary. No bonuses here. Also, verbal abuse from sales manager is not uncommon. NSM only listens to ASMs when really all it would take is someone to actually hears sales perspective. TG in Clevelands entire team cant stand him. Hes a nightmare! Dont walk run!
I agree, I left a while back and I came here to check out posts since I heard they were hiring. I couldn't wait to get out of there. Two of the ASMs are not bad but I heard they are hiring a bunch more so who knows? Main problem is the home office doesn't have a clue and they really think they can do no wrong. They blame the former company they bought, managers (AFTER they leave and suddenly they were the worst), and reach and frequency (so put a GPS in the cars to track everything), etc. Who set the goals? Only two or three people qualify for bonus and they feel SOOO generous when they give you a couple thousand instead of $0 because you did not meet their unrealistic goals. Terrible culture.

I take the gps thing with a grain of salt. It is cafepharma so whatever you read is not always true. If you search any board the gps thing comes up. If you work a fair job you will be just fine.

Then you are the perfect FOOL for them to hire. The GPS trackers are REAL, REQUIRED, AND IN EVERY CAR. Just ask them in your interview, hot shot. Oh, and, "working a fair job" will get you nowhere with these jackasses, so keep your resume dusted off, because you will need it in 6 months.