How to save MS sales jobs

How do you know this poster is a male and married? Is your assertion here that only a married male could make these hate-filled posts?

Any other stereotypes you’d like to add?
Over 50?

Suggest while you are throwing stones, you take a look in the mirror, your biases are showing.

Wow you just described the demographic of the 16 that will be laid off to orrow.

No, this is a revenue-driven geographic exercise that consolidates and redraws territory boundaries in an effort to equalize potential. There are however 16 fewer territories on the map.

People with performance issues will also be displaced which increases the number of reps to more than 16, as some of these individuals are not currently assigned to one of the 16 territories being eliminated. Total cut equals 19 or 20.

For those impacted today, there is life after Genentech and though the process sucks, seems unfair and inhumane, use it as a chance to reinvent yourself for future opportunities. I hear that EMD Serono is expanding in MS, not sure about their culture or the opportunity but it shows there are other options outside this company.

For those impacted today, there is life after Genentech and though the process sucks, seems unfair and inhumane, use it as a chance to reinvent yourself for future opportunities. I hear that EMD Serono is expanding in MS, not sure about their culture or the opportunity but it shows there are other options outside this company.
Good luck today to my Gene colleagues. As Pilot Sully once said, “prepare for impact”. It’s not gonna be pretty, but you’ll survive. Remember, it’s all about perspective. Godspeed.

Good luck today to my Gene colleagues. As Pilot Sully once said, “prepare for impact”. It’s not gonna be pretty, but you’ll survive. Remember, it’s all about perspective. Godspeed.
Totally agree! Most of the BOLD displaced have now found jobs or are biding their time and enjoying the severance. You will be OK but it just stinks - especially in a growing franchise. Not with MS but hate to see how that franchise is being run. Very short-sighted and will come back to haunt in the end. But....the present leadership will be gone and others left to pick up the pieces. Flawed system to promote franchise heads after 1 year in the position. If they knew they'd be around for a few years they might make better strategy decisions as the consequences would affect THEM and their precious careers.