No, you’re the moronic jerk that lives like there’s no tomorrow. You work in an industry that is known for its yearly layoffs. Why do you think you’re paid so much to do nothing? The day of a 30 yr. career is over. Reach 50 and you’re unemployable.
You’re one of the fake “rich” who lives way over your head on making minimum payments on your credit cards, lease your beemer, and are mortgaged up the ass with your home that you couldn’t afford unless mommy and daddy gave you the down payment. Your life is a house of cards. Missing one paycheck will be catastrophic because you spend more than you make and haven’t saved shit.
Do you max out your 401k? Do you save at least 10 % of your income?
You’ll be crying croc tears seeing the repo man take your beemer away, and panic when the bank starts the foreclosure letters. Why, because you didn’t listen to anyone about finances.
Reality sucks for people like you.
Start a Go-Fund me like many losers do.
I may be a dick, but you’re a dope.