You’ve spoken to her several times and now know her internet browsing history, and posting habits? Hmmmm.
You’ve spoken to her several times and now know her internet browsing history, and posting habits? Hmmmm.
I have spoken to Lee Ellen several times. She does not look at these boards or post on these boards. I've worked for Lee Ellen, and she's an amazing and supportive manager. Lee Ellen goes above and beyond to assist her reps and does far more than most managers do. So you can stop your nonsense right now.
You’ve spoken to her several times and now know her internet browsing history, and posting habits? Hmmmm.
No one admits, even to their closest work friend, that they post on this site. Be smarter.
That’s kinky. What’s your screen name, sugar?wrong. I admit to everyone I have come on these boards.
That’s kinky. What’s your screen name, sugar?
realfootlong_notlikesubwayNineInchNed. How about you honey?
Doesn’t really matter anymore what Lee Ellen thinks of Lee Ellen.Lol! No one has ever said that! She was terrible! She was terrible with her reps and the people she worked with!
Doesn’t really matter anymore what Lee Ellen thinks of Lee Ellen.
The decision has been made - she has been shown the .
Funny how that works - isn’t it?
What goes around, comes around.
She is now reaping - what she sowed.
So Buckle up - buttercup - Sue Ellen - I have a feeling she is about to ride on the highway to hell- nobody is going to hire her. Nobody.
Alright Lee Ellen - quit posting on here. - saying you have all these great opportunities - posing as someone else. BOTTOM LINE - LEE ELLEN GOT SHOWN THE DOOR! and she sealed her fate - karma works like that! No decent company with decent people are going to hire her unless it for some dumpster fire - primary care company. NOBODY - and she got nobody but herself to blame. Rraping what she sowed. Miserable hateful bitter crab -
Who is this Lee Ellen??? Is she still there ? Anyone know ?? - and she could not have been that bad…. Cmon people.
Reading some of this has me rattled. Do I want this job?
Any interview advice?