How many docs did you see today?

Merck management is (and has been for many years) fully aware that people are reporting at least 66% fake calls ever day. They set up their call reporting requirements so that the rep is forced to lie, everyday, every week, every month. The rep is literally forced to lie to keep the job.

If you are liked by your CTL and part of the "club" they conveniently overlook the daily charade and life as a rep is pretty good. Out by 10 and home by 2 is a pretty good gig.

If they don't like you, and they haven't been able to shove the Kool- Aid down your throat, they will use your lies against you to force you out. Trust me on this...Welcome to the world of being forced to lie, so that those they don't like, can be accused of being liars.

Good enough for you. Amgen is experiencing huge layoffs and firing reps for cause. They've been caught falsifying seeing providers and the axe is going on as we speak. You schmerck fucks are next. You're right-management does know. And your time is limited. FU Couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch of douche bags.

Take those policy letters and shove 'em up your fucking ass you pricks

Okay, so what exactly is the definition of a "Call"? Has it been officially described lately? What behaviors have to take place for a rep to report a Product Discussion or Detail?

Okay, so what exactly is the definition of a "Call"? Has it been officially described lately? What behaviors have to take place for a rep to report a Product Discussion or Detail?

Policy 069 states that if you say hello to a patient in the parking lot that just had an appointment with the M.D. you are trying to see them you can enter a detail call. This is an indirect call.

Policy 069 states that if you say hello to a patient in the parking lot that just had an appointment with the M.D. you are trying to see them you can enter a detail call. This is an indirect call.

"Indirect Call" ...... Perfect! Now I can relax and achieve my call metrics with no guilt or stress. Thanks!!!!!

I will have direct contact with all of my key oncologists today at the tailgating party. Money well spent on entertainment and solidifies my number one status.
Arrived home last night very late but one that doesn't slack off up early for a foursome at the CC and then to the stadium for the evening game. Significant betting on the spread and bound to win my share as usual.

Then u r off Mem day to Lab day, cannot leave the children unattended during the summer mos.

What world do u live in? UR Toast :D
Drain the job share swamp, expose these mams for what they are. Oh wait, better take a vacation day after that hard 2 days last week. You will never ever work a Mon , Fri , days near holidays or summer days. This shat must stop.

Funny wonder how many shares are actually working this week. So if they get half the vacation time accrued they would need to be employed here 50 years to legitimately take all the days off they do. Sounds like they are manipulating and falsifying things so they can camp out at the homestead. I have dealt with this years ago, document everything especially how they schedule their time. If their antics screw up counterparts efforts then report it, quite simple, 2 then 3. Not 3 then 1 or 5 then none. Staycations not permitted not is 9-12 then lunch then home. Watch these positions carefully as they can get out of hand without ctl oversight.

Arrived home last night very late but one that doesn't slack off up early for a foursome at the CC and then to the stadium for the evening game. Significant betting on the spread and bound to win my share as usual.
Going Xmas shopping for my key oncologists today in order to optimize my zero based budget for next year. Spreading the wealth helps my sales and company worth.

This is a creepy Charles Charles move but it is effective.....get to know what car your targets drive so you can confirm they are in when you pull into their parking lots.

Merck management is (and has been for many years) fully aware that people are reporting at least 66% fake calls ever day. They set up their call reporting requirements so that the rep is forced to lie, everyday, every week, every month. The rep is literally forced to lie to keep the job.

If you are liked by your CTL and part of the "club" they conveniently overlook the daily charade and life as a rep is pretty good. Out by 10 and home by 2 is a pretty good gig.

If they don't like you, and they haven't been able to shove the Kool- Aid down your throat, they will use your lies against you to force you out. Trust me on this...Welcome to the world of being forced to lie, so that those they don't like, can be accused of being liars.

Years ago I kept track of how many hours I worked. Hours worked defined as the minute I leave home and The minute I return home or done for day plus any conference calls, dinners, training, computer work. Hour work week defined as 40 hours

I took 35 1/2 weeks vacation/time off in a year. It came out I Worked 17 - 40 hour weeks.

Ended in middle of pack that year and year after.
Bonus is not worth working hard. I work for the money not the awards or praise. So what did I do with the 35 weeks vacation? Built a business over 10 years and produces an income more than double my previous salary. Yes, I no longer work in pharma.

Years ago I kept track of how many hours I worked. Hours worked defined as the minute I leave home and The minute I return home or done for day plus any conference calls, dinners, training, computer work. Hour work week defined as 40 hours

I took 35 1/2 weeks vacation/time off in a year. It came out I Worked 17 - 40 hour weeks.

Ended in middle of pack that year and year after.
Bonus is not worth working hard. I work for the money not the awards or praise. So what did I do with the 35 weeks vacation? Built a business over 10 years and produces an income more than double my previous salary. Yes, I no longer work in pharma.

Pharma attracted a lot of LDS men to the rep position as it allowed them to perform church activities during the week.

The last time I was on territory for a full five day week (no meetings , holidays , days off , etc) I saw (actually talked to with a product discussion) 14 providers. there was a time that this was the norm for a day.

The last time I was on territory for a full five day week (no meetings , holidays , days off , etc) I saw (actually talked to with a product discussion) 14 providers. there was a time that this was the norm for a day.

Agreed but to justify the ctl's existence we are bogged down with: teleconferences , visits, meetings, useless reports and more. ALL to keep the ctl with something to do, these peeps need more direct reports, period.

Agreed but to justify the ctl's existence we are bogged down with: teleconferences , visits, meetings, useless reports and more. ALL to keep the ctl with something to do, these peeps need more direct reports, period.

There are CTLs with only 8 reps. Eight Veteran Reps! There is no hiring, no firing, no promotions, no development, simply nothing for these CTLs to do except validate compliance which could be just as easy to do with 15- 20 veteran reps. You are right. Span of control has to increase. Merck could cut field management by 67% and achieve the same sales results.