Merck management is (and has been for many years) fully aware that people are reporting at least 66% fake calls ever day. They set up their call reporting requirements so that the rep is forced to lie, everyday, every week, every month. The rep is literally forced to lie to keep the job.
If you are liked by your CTL and part of the "club" they conveniently overlook the daily charade and life as a rep is pretty good. Out by 10 and home by 2 is a pretty good gig.
If they don't like you, and they haven't been able to shove the Kool- Aid down your throat, they will use your lies against you to force you out. Trust me on this...Welcome to the world of being forced to lie, so that those they don't like, can be accused of being liars.
Good enough for you. Amgen is experiencing huge layoffs and firing reps for cause. They've been caught falsifying seeing providers and the axe is going on as we speak. You schmerck fucks are next. You're right-management does know. And your time is limited. FU Couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch of douche bags.
Take those policy letters and shove 'em up your fucking ass you pricks