How many docs did you see today?

You're all a bunch of fucking liars
And everyone knows it

The company expects us to show daily call activity. With such restricted access, we cannot fulfill the requirements of the job without stretching the definition of a call/product discussion. If anyone has any tips on how to improve access so that we can actually do what we are reporting, please share. Otherwise, we have to roll the dice and report virtual calls and play the game. Not proud of it but it is the only option if we want to stay employed, at least for the short-term.
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The company expects us to show daily call activity. With such restricted access, we cannot fulfill the requirements of the job without stretching the definition of a call/product discussion. If anyone has any tips on how to improve access so that we can actually do what we are reporting, please share. Otherwise, we have to roll the dice and report virtual calls and play the game. Not proud of it but it is the only option if we want to stay employed, at least for the short-term.

Merck management is (and has been for many years) fully aware that people are reporting at least 66% fake calls ever day. They set up their call reporting requirements so that the rep is forced to lie, everyday, every week, every month. The rep is literally forced to lie to keep the job.

If you are liked by your CTL and part of the "club" they conveniently overlook the daily charade and life as a rep is pretty good. Out by 10 and home by 2 is a pretty good gig.

If they don't like you, and they haven't been able to shove the Kool- Aid down your throat, they will use your lies against you to force you out. Trust me on this...Welcome to the world of being forced to lie, so that those they don't like, can be accused of being liars.

Ima job share so my year end shut down starts on Hallow wen. i shall return mid January 17. cya fools.

Then u r off Mem day to Lab day, cannot leave the children unattended during the summer mos.

What world do u live in? UR Toast :D
Drain the job share swamp, expose these mams for what they are. Oh wait, better take a vacation day after that hard 2 days last week. You will never ever work a Mon , Fri , days near holidays or summer days. This shat must stop.

This practice is unprofessional and unethical!

Agreed! In fact, I submit that the only honest reps are the ones with lots of gaps in their weekly call calendars simply because access is so bad that there is no way anyone can be making actual calls with details Monday through Friday from 8:30-5:00. If you see call activity like that, it has been falsified.

Agreed! In fact, I submit that the only honest reps are the ones with lots of gaps in their weekly call calendars simply because access is so bad that there is no way anyone can be making actual calls with details Monday through Friday from 8:30-5:00. If you see call activity like that, it has been falsified.
come on!! 70-75% of all calls are fake. The elephant in the living room is not only unavoidable but he his pissing on our heads. Just try for one millisecond to put yourself in the shoes of your typical PC doc. Reimbursements down, endless prior authorizations, step edits, managed care chaos, EMR. Should I go on? The last thing these folks have time for is some dopy rep pushing a product that will more often than not cause them even more aggravation and headaches and cut into what little time they have left to actually make money and stay afloat. The 1990s are long gone and will not be reincarnated because of stupid challenger sales models, fancy detail pieces, or slick reps looking like models strutting down a fashion runway

The sad irony is that the 15 year old "Charles Charles Success Story" video on YouTube that we all found so humorous years ago would probably be viewed as a legitimate "best practice" today

come on!! 70-75% of all calls are fake. The elephant in the living room is not only unavoidable but he his pissing on our heads. Just try for one millisecond to put yourself in the shoes of your typical PC doc. Reimbursements down, endless prior authorizations, step edits, managed care chaos, EMR. Should I go on? The last thing these folks have time for is some dopy rep pushing a product that will more often than not cause them even more aggravation and headaches and cut into what little time they have left to actually make money and stay afloat. The 1990s are long gone and will not be reincarnated because of stupid challenger sales models, fancy detail pieces, or slick reps looking like models strutting down a fashion runway

the only thing thats worse is the fucking ctl assholes who come in and pester rep and provider. all these fucks need to to go

The sad irony is that the 15 year old "Charles Charles Success Story" video on YouTube that we all found so humorous years ago would probably be viewed as a legitimate "best practice" today

So true! You nailed it! "Hello team, I went coast-to-coast ...." Great stuff, ha, ha , ha..Charles Charles was classic.