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How long are we going to put up with this crap for before someone takes a stand??


On behalf of the physicians at the clinic, I am requesting changes to be made effective immediately.

The physicians have discussed the frequency of rep visits, and are stipulating that reps space their visits no closer than 3 full weeks apart.
Please notice that the verbiage does not suggest that this is a request, as it is no longer a request. It is now a mandate; to continue allowing sample appointments.

We are also considering having lunch appointments booked online in 2013. Whether or not this route is taken, only one lunch is to be signed up for at a time.

There are to be no reps walking down MD hallways during lunch time. Respect that this is their lunch, too. Any literature you wish to provide may be left at the front desk. If you need a signature, please check with a staff member, and we will try our best to accommodate.

And finally, under no circumstance, is a rep to approach a physician for signature after the physician has already declined. This has been done previously - and will not be tolerated.

Please respect the wishes of our physicians or you (and your company) will be asked to refrain from further visits.

If you need any clarification, please feel free to contact me.

Patty L. RN


No one is going to take a stand. AZ management will do whatever it takes to stay just where they are and in the numbers that they have regardless of whether they are useless or not. I personally believe that letter 100 percent. I have had numerous physicians complain to me exactly that and about ONLY AZ!!!! The value score on this company is so low it is abysmal. Get a clue management! Yes, any good rep can get in to see an account or doctor. Problem is that no human being wants or needs to see a sales person with only one or two products but once a quarter let alone every week. We are on one or two week routes, which is way too much and very bothersome for the customer. Every other sales job I have had in the last decade, I maybe saw my key business drivers once a month or once a quarter tops. More time was spent planning and doing office work to perpare for the meeting rather than run around trying to check a face-time box. AZ SUCKS!!!!

Yep, It's called selling :) and if you can't do it "hit the bricks pal!!"

It's not "selling" you moron. It is called being a fcking pest. We don't sell anything. We present a value proposition to change behavior. You really think if the customer is irritated at seeing too many from AZ, they are going to change behavior? Idiot.

It's not "selling" you moron. It is called being a fcking pest. We don't sell anything. We present a value proposition to change behavior. You really think if the customer is irritated at seeing too many from AZ, they are going to change behavior? Idiot.

Some of us do sell, apparently you don't. I could move into the Wasau territory and get results tomorrow can you?

Some of us do sell, apparently you don't. I could move into the Wasau territory and get results tomorrow can you?

Oh, yeah, I believe that. This was probably written by some manager who "sold" two decades ago. You could not sell shit in Wausau unless you already had some relationships and something to actually sell. Why don't you go sell up in MN and let me know how well you do. Selling involves an actual transaction right there on the spot. We have NO transaction that can even remotely be called a "sale." Our "sell" is abstract and ambiguous at best considering our IMS data is pretty much a joke. Tell me again what you're selling? Crestor? Well, everyone loves that drug anyway.

Typical subpar rep attitude. If everyone from ALL companies in Wausau were selling the benefits of their products correctly the providers would welcome you in to be an asset to their practice. It seems to me that the quality of reps in the Wausau area of Wisconsin have been "taking it easy" for years and have allowed this to happen. Managed care.....blah blah blah. No access....blah blah blah. It is your job to SELL them if you can't do it someone else will. See you at my Kronenwetter's luncheon.

Typical subpar rep attitude. If everyone from ALL companies in Wausau were selling the benefits of their products correctly the providers would welcome you in to be an asset to their practice. It seems to me that the quality of reps in the Wausau area of Wisconsin have been "taking it easy" for years and have allowed this to happen. Managed care.....blah blah blah. No access....blah blah blah. It is your job to SELL them if you can't do it someone else will. See you at my Kronenwetter's luncheon.

If you were the only rep with the product maybe. give crestor to 5 reps with the same doctor to call on and see what happens. Secondly, you are not allowed to say anything different on each call because you have to follow the script. It is no wonder they hate us. I know what you are going to say. I can't sell because I didn't accentuate the word METEOR while I read the script. OMG Then lets add the managed care to the mix. So great one teach me how to sell in a market where the product is not covered and no one can pay cash?

Typical subpar rep attitude. If everyone from ALL companies in Wausau were selling the benefits of their products correctly the providers would welcome you in to be an asset to their practice. It seems to me that the quality of reps in the Wausau area of Wisconsin have been "taking it easy" for years and have allowed this to happen. Managed care.....blah blah blah. No access....blah blah blah. It is your job to SELL them if you can't do it someone else will. See you at my Kronenwetter's luncheon.

You are such an ass. You are right someone else is waiting in line to take our spots. What you FAIL to realize is that person is not going to have any better luck and certainly on better access. Not that I give a shit. Your job, my job will be gone in less than three or four years. I, at least, have advanced degrees and have other skills on my resume. You? You are probably an AZ lifer who has zero skills other than being an asshole and counting beans. Good luck doing anything else ever again because I know of NO other industry that thinks pharma managers do a damn thing worthwhile. Fact is that you don't do anything at all that is even remotely useful except bully people and look at spreadsheets. . . . I see a future for you selling used cars.

You are such an ass. You are right someone else is waiting in line to take our spots. What you FAIL to realize is that person is not going to have any better luck and certainly on better access. Not that I give a shit. Your job, my job will be gone in less than three or four years. I, at least, have advanced degrees and have other skills on my resume. You? You are probably an AZ lifer who has zero skills other than being an asshole and counting beans. Good luck doing anything else ever again because I know of NO other industry that thinks pharma managers do a damn thing worthwhile. Fact is that you don't do anything at all that is even remotely useful except bully people and look at spreadsheets. . . . I see a future for you selling used cars.

So I guess if no one can affect the business in that area, then we don't need to spend money and employ someone there.

Hmmm...I hope management isn't listening.

So I guess if no one can affect the business in that area, then we don't need to spend money and employ someone there.

Hmmm...I hope management isn't listening.

No, we don't need reps in many areas or maybe one at most. I happen to live in one of those shit areas and really could care less what management reads but they should at some point get a fricking clue. Zero access is exactly what it means and it makes no difference how smart, hard or good you work. I'd love to see the jerk manager who wrote that reponse walk into a zero access zero tolerance clinic or hospital. He would literally get a security escort to the door.

Well, then, give McBride a call or shoot him an email or better yet, head into one of the Dean clinics and just tell them that at the front desk. LMAO

Have you ever tried any of those things? I bet not. You never know what would happen unless you try. If you give up before you even try of course you will fail. It must just be the mentality of the midwest to expect everything to be handed to you.

Have you ever tried any of those things? I bet not. You never know what would happen unless you try. If you give up before you even try of course you will fail. It must just be the mentality of the midwest to expect everything to be handed to you.

You are such an idiot it barely deserves any response at all. I encourage you to number one read Dean policy on vendor interactions and two read the U.W. do not call or email EVER list. Honestly, I am speechless. Clearly, you are a totally clueless manager. Get McBride's email online. It's there and just send him an email asking to meet with him to discuss some important AZ business. Please do it. . . . OMG! You are a fucking r*****. I dare you.

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