How long?

You're right. Can't wait to see how many deaths he's going to have on his hands by Keepin 'Merica great again and Gettin 'Merica running again. It will be amazing. Totally getting stuff done. But hey, at least you'll have you're 401k. #FU
Could be worse - “clueless” Joe Biden, not knowing what decade it is battling the Spanish flu - thanks for forgetting to reorder masks after our last virus, Joe - our hospitals, doctors, and nurses blood is on your hands.

Could be worse - “clueless” Joe Biden, not knowing what decade it is battling the Spanish flu - thanks for forgetting to reorder masks after our last virus, Joe - our hospitals, doctors, and nurses blood is on your hands.
It is dangerous to go out in the field right now. Many of my district members are afraid.

#29. Exactly. Clueless Joe. Ha, who does he think he is? Speaking grammatically correct and in complete sentences! Jerk. Don't worry, Trump will single handedly save the wolrd and grab that virus by the Pu**y! #trumpsupportersembarasshumankind

We hold these truths to be, oh, well, you know, you know that thing! Joe, "gee, your hair smells terrific!" "We're gonna win on Super Thursday - ha, it's Tues you dim wit. The one liners go on and on and on. His idiot family needs to pull him so he can save face, NOW! The Geezer thinks it's Lindsay Luhan Virus!

We hold these truths to be, oh, well, you know, you know that thing! Joe, "gee, your hair smells terrific!" "We're gonna win on Super Thursday - ha, it's Tues you dim wit. The one liners go on and on and on. His idiot family needs to pull him so he can save face, NOW! The Geezer thinks it's Lindsay Luhan Virus!
As a life long Democrat and a Bernie Sanders supporter, There is no way that Joe Biden guy makes it to November - he literally has dementia and is confused on a daily basis.

Leadership here. This international healthcare crisis has permanently changed what little remaining ability our representatives had to interact with healthcare providers. Restructuring/layoffs currently being discussed. More details in 4 to 6 weeks.

Leadership here. This international healthcare crisis has permanently changed what little remaining ability our representatives had to interact with healthcare providers. Restructuring/layoffs currently being discussed. More details in 4 to 6 weeks.
“Leadership”....what exactly does that mean???

Leadership here. This international healthcare crisis has permanently changed what little remaining ability our representatives had to interact with healthcare providers. Restructuring/layoffs currently being discussed. More details in 4 to 6 weeks.
I wonder how long you would rear your ugly dickhead!!
Go back and troll someone else Mr. Leadership here......

Realist here... How long do you think AZ can maintain a sales force the current size, with everyone working from home? Serious question. Guesses? A month, a quarter?

Shut up political losers.
The op asked thoughts on job security. Not your stupid red blue F’ing dumbass crying. No body cares.

Op. I’d say payed till July. Maybe then if we’re still not out, some layoffs

I have several family members who work in healthcare. They have been told they will be operating at this current capacity until June at the earliest , more than likely thru July , and will see moderate levels of impact for up to a year. Sadly , this industry , and life as we know it , will be forever changed by this tragic ongoing event.

I have several family members who work in healthcare. They have been told they will be operating at this current capacity until June at the earliest , more than likely thru July , and will see moderate levels of impact for up to a year. Sadly , this industry , and life as we know it , will be forever changed by this tragic ongoing event.
You paint a pretty bleak picture, and it will be rough sledding for a few more months. However,, science will save us; breakthroughs will happen before too long, making this a manageable situation and relieving the death grip it has on us now... and it’s the pharma industry that ultimately save the day. By the end of the year things will be much closer to normal.

You paint a pretty bleak picture, and it will be rough sledding for a few more months. However,, science will save us; breakthroughs will happen before too long, making this a manageable situation and relieving the death grip it has on us now... and it’s the pharma industry that ultimately save the day. By the end of the year things will be much closer to normal.

To prevent civil disorder, the government is not being fully transparent. We are being given false hope. Dr. Fauci's timeline is VERY optimistic. Don't listen to Trump. Don't listen to pharma executives. Best case scenario: it will be 12 to 18 months before a vaccine is discovered, tested, deemed safe (enough), mass produced, shipped, and injected into the arms of hundreds of millions of Americans!

News flash, the business does not dry up because you are not in the field. Patients still need meds, scripts are still filled. The real danger is later when AZ realizes business didn’t go down while you were at home.

Leadership here. This international healthcare crisis has permanently changed what little remaining ability our representatives had to interact with healthcare providers. Restructuring/layoffs currently being discussed. More details in 4 to 6 weeks.

right, because drugs launch themselves. You're an idiot. they've already announced breztri training to be conducted in may and launch later in the year. not to mention all of the other products in the pipeline. what are they gonna do lay everyone off and then once this is over turn around and rehire everyone back? yeah i don't think so.

right, because drugs launch themselves. You're an idiot. they've already announced breztri training to be conducted in may and launch later in the year. not to mention all of the other products in the pipeline. what are they gonna do lay everyone off and then once this is over turn around and rehire everyone back? yeah i don't think so.
Well said!

You paint a pretty bleak picture, and it will be rough sledding for a few more months. However,, science will save us; breakthroughs will happen before too long, making this a manageable situation and relieving the death grip it has on us now... and it’s the pharma industry that ultimately save the day. By the end of the year things will be much closer to normal.

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