If you were correct I wouldn't. But as usual you are wrong.
Why be such a coward??? Mention names. Afraid? This "I can see the good through the bad stuff" is weird. You care more for the people who fired you and you claim cheated then you do for yourself. Man up, or shut up. Who cares about "good", they cheated, were unfair and shit on there employees because they couldn't make a straight move so they could get a quick pile of cash. You defend this? See the good in it? You want your job back? Care how they support their family after they shit on others? Great. Thanks for the inside look at the company. "So you heard" Lord.
Why be such a coward??? Mention names. Afraid? This "I can see the good through the bad stuff" is weird. You care more for the people who fired you and you claim cheated then you do for yourself. Man up, or shut up. Who cares about "good", they cheated, were unfair and shit on there employees because they couldn't make a straight move so they could get a quick pile of cash. You defend this? See the good in it? You want your job back? Care how they support their family after they shit on others? Great. Thanks for the inside look at the company. "So you heard" Lord.
It had nothing to do with Medicare, reduced payments maybe. There were those in Houston who wanted Florida closed from the start because they felt threatened by people who understood EKG, billing and how to speak in complete sentences. You can call Robert Jordan and ask him. They killed RW just to make sure he didn't have to watch. Thank heavens our beloved owner is around to keep things honest before he starts another company. Where will this years Xmas party be... I want my picture taken with the devil in a sweater. Right Jill?
[/QUOTE] was about money. They will tell techs in Houston what they have to. The Florida office was open because they said the quality of work in Houston from the HS students was awful. "We want quality, not quantity". Remember the techs in Houston who got fired for ignoring life threatening strips? Did they meet quota? Perhaps the Florida office is closed because the Evolution failed due to poor management and over billing.
A mole? Christ! What info would the techs in Florida have to leak? How did they get it 1500 miles from Houston? And how has Ecardio been so good to you? $13/hr? They will dump you soon enough....
QUOTE=Anonymous;3940488]Here's the answer to the question "why"?:
Part of the issue with that particular location was productivity. Even after updating servers and letting almost every technician that "knew" EKGs and could "speak in complete sentences" overread in effort to assist them in reaching their hourly quota, expectations were still not being met. In turn, Houston technicians had to scramble to make up the difference.
Secondly, somewhere there was/is a mole. Someone was feeding information to outside sources. Analogy: When you have 1 piece of bread with mold on it, don't you throw the surrounding pieces away?
Businesses and their owners will always have to make decisions, even if the real reason for doing so isn't broadcasted. However, firing an entire group of people a week before Christmas and then telling them that their benefits completely terminate December 31st is pathetic. I found that to be very heartless and unthoughtful. Even now I sit at work and think about it. How could the people that have taken such good care of me for the last year or so treat other people that way? I really do hope that the previous employees were able to find a job that can support their family.
Jeez Phil, what a shame, you are just showing yourself to be the babbling idiot living a fruitless and pointless life that so many now know you to be. Plenty of unemployed time on your hands now heh buddy?
Yipeee!!! Sure does get quiet around here when something hits home. I hope that they don't find any mold on the bread in Houston. I hear the Cafe has stirred some waves in our nice cushy executive suite. Got the lawyers looking to earn their money by pointing fingers. Do you get that it's an inside job yet?