How does eCardio get away with it?

How can you say that the system is not broken?

If you can use old Holter codes to get paid for event monitoring- that is a problem.

When event monitors were originally set up for billing there was ONE hook-up fee, ONE technical component and ONE interpretation done at the end of the monitoring period. Some doctors decided to bill for EACH of the recordings done during the 30 days, so that if a patient used the monitor 8 or 9 times (which was the whole point of letting the patient keep it for 30 days) these doctors were billing for EACH of those recordings instead of billing once at the end of the period when the monitoring session was complete. This is another problem with the system.

I honestly think that some people didn't understand and acted out of a lack of understanding rather than with an intent to do something wrong. But some saw a way to beat the system and took advantage. Doctors and medical organizations abuse the system in the same way that some people stay on welfare for life. If you can do it, then why not?

THAT is a broken system.

I agree with you. However, you are wrong on one point. When event monitoring first came out a physician and service could bill for each transmission. This was soon changed because of the enormous cost to CMS. Given this, why would any company believe they could now start to bill daily just because they place a misleading term like " mobile telemetry" on a device? The sad fact is that there have and are a lot of "end rounds" in the system. What about paying physicians for "education hook ups"? I don't care what your company's legal dept opinion is, for $500/hr, they will say/write anything, it is not appropriate. The fact is this seems to be the only way some companies can distinguish themselves, because if comes down to service,they can't compete.

Dear Phil and Twill,
Please get to work rather than posting on Cafe Pharma!!!!!!! We know you both are too smart for the rest of us, but at least we go out and earn our pay!!!!!!!Stop worrying about who is billing what and get a contract signed or a clinic writing so we all can keep our job!!

BC is sending demand letters to practices in Alabama for restitution of fraudulent charges. Ecardio has sold these docs a bill of goods, and is not providing NO support. Lawsuits are being filed. Ecardio is in deep sht now.. Don't believe? Call a cardiology practice in Alabama and check it out for yourself.

Name one group in AL that has been sent such a letter or requested to pay back monies or keep your thoughts to yourself!!!!

OK you eCardio folks, where are you now? Your office in Florida is gone. Why? Your employees down there were told it was because Medicare changed the way it pays and that you can no longer afford to keep that office. Hmmmmm, Medicare "changed" the way it pays. How about someone at Medicare finally figuring out the fraudulant billing practices and informed you that you can no longer get away with that crap. Well, you had a good run at the easy (improperly billed) gravey train. What is the next scam?

It had nothing to do with Medicare, reduced payments maybe. There were those in Houston who wanted Florida closed from the start because they felt threatened by people who understood EKG, billing and how to speak in complete sentences. You can call Robert Jordan and ask him. They killed RW just to make sure he didn't have to watch. Thank heavens our beloved owner is around to keep things honest before he starts another company. Where will this years Xmas party be... I want my picture taken with the devil in a sweater. Right Jill?

What happened to the eVolution? Now I can only find the er920w cardiac event monitor on your website, it looks the same and same features, but I really want the daily billing eVolution...... Since the er920w fits the 93237 code can we bill it that way? we will ignore that you call it an event monitor.

Ecardio will soon close their Houston office. 40 people were laid off in January after having a $30K Christmas Party. Another lay off is expect in February. I don't understand why the hard working people get the axe while others run personal business from Ecardio offices.

The highly industrious people that got the axe and the ones being retained that run personal business from ecardio offices is not the whole story. They retained several individuals knowing that this is their first job ever. They text, joke and email others in and outside of the office all day. Countless individuals in the past at ecardio were terminated for engaging in that type of behavior even if it happened once. Is there a double standard here?

One person in particular tells the employees that if she does not like you start looking for a new job. The executives have known about this behavior for quite some time. In spite of the recession many emplowees left at lunch and never returned because of this individual. It is a known fact that ecardio is her first job and of course she was retained after the layoff. Where is the prudent judgement?

A couple of the ecardio employees could not pass a background check to work anywhere else.

The nonethical decisions that are implemented on a consistant basis are what will eventually bring about the demise of this company. Financial meltdown is inevitable due to a lack of judgement in spending. The immoral and nonnethical behavior in the offices at ecardio is the main concern here and is being addressed in this blog because it is so rampant.

Regardless as to what anyone else blogs the statements in this blog are how this company has chosen to conduct business.

As a previous eCardio employee, I can vouch for the good & bad side of the company. I can speak from inside experience there was a lot of things that were done under the table and that was immoral and unethical. We were told repeatedly how we'd be taken care of us & so on but when it came down to it, they didn't think twice about firing over half of the employees across the company. To make matters worse, they're now talking about expanding to California! What happened to taking care of dedicated employees? The people who worked so hard for them and made them successful.
Not to mention when eCardio was a month or two behind; their lead techs had been given permission to delete reports and so on. There was also falsification of patient records. Or so I heard.

However, even with the typical bad habits of a company, they were able to make moves in the industry that no one else has done. They had immense potential and they may or may not recover from it. I don't wish anything ill towards them because everyone has a family to support.

Why be such a coward??? Mention names. Afraid? This "I can see the good through the bad stuff" is weird. You care more for the people who fired you and you claim cheated then you do for yourself. Man up, or shut up. Who cares about "good", they cheated, were unfair and shit on there employees because they couldn't make a straight move so they could get a quick pile of cash. You defend this? See the good in it? You want your job back? Care how they support their family after they shit on others? Great. Thanks for the inside look at the company. "So you heard" Lord.

Keeps taking the bait. Excellent. Fully and gainfully employed, but thanks for asking. You're correct on the punctuation, but usage in many areas has clearly always been an issue for you.

And when this dog goes down the drain like everything you touch Phil, you will have yet another dismal failure as a part of your legacy of being a worthless human being.