How 'bout that new law suit ladies

Masimo's SpHb: celebrating 10 years of corporate bullshitsmanship.
Usefulness of non-invasive spectrophotometric hemoglobin estimation for detecting low hemoglobin levels when compared with a standard laboratory assay for preoperative assessment
A. A. Khalafallah1,3,4*, C. R. Chilvers2, et. al.
British Journal of Anaesthesia
"The precision of SpHb is within the Unacceptable range. This precision would be too low to base clinical decisions concerning treatment, such as the initiation of iron therapy in anemic patients."

How many allegations of patient endangerment, injury, product liability, negligence, wrongful death, loss of consortium...and the like...has Masimo faced in court this year? I lost track about a half dozen ago. OMG, here we go again...
“The apparent course of action taken by the researchers, executives at Masimo Corp and others directly involved in the design and execution of the SUPPORT trial represented a reckless disregard for the safety of the babies enrolled in the trial and major breaches of fundamental ethical principles and regulatory requirements governing research involving human subjects.” Many hundreds of infant subjects who enrolled in the trial were exposed without proper consent or parental awareness to the increased risk of blindness, brain injury and death.”

“The apparent course of action taken by the researchers, executives at Masimo Corp and others directly involved in the design and execution of the SUPPORT trial represented a reckless disregard for the safety of the babies enrolled in the trial and major breaches of fundamental ethical principles and regulatory requirements governing research involving human subjects.” Many hundreds of infant subjects who enrolled in the trial were exposed without proper consent or parental awareness to the increased risk of blindness, brain injury and death.”
We’ve heard from the joe kiani he says he is.
But here’s the only one he’s proven to be.

Dishonest angry management, toxic revolving environment. Otherwise a great gig. Comp plan sucks ass too. Bad people flock here by the dozens.
The culture of fear, fiction & hypocrisy will seem like a bad dream at first. But you’ll appreciate it later when you’re the life of every party, captivating guests with mind blowing stories about men in silky suits committing fraud, telling lies.

Humble pie maybe done him some good. the fool won’t talk about it, pretends nothing ever happened.
Says he's a theoretical victim, not of real judicial bias or bias per se, but of the theoretical potential for judicial bias which, although unsupported by so much as a shred of evidence and not alleged by anyone, may theoretically exist. In theory.

A notable volume of replies and views to this forum I’d say. provides a well-documented record of Masi sphb’s hard-lost market launch and 10 years of financial, clinical and legal hardship, i.e. defeat, that followed. Some might find the record inspiring, an example of how unimaginable corporate power and wealth can be attainable to just about anyone, with any incentive. Others may find this record inspiring in other ways, like how not to be and what not to do. I fall into yet a third group we’ll call sickened and motivated. I’ll venture to say I’m in good company in this group. (presumed) others and I are sickened and motivated by the well documented examples in this forum of certain things... like corporate hypocrisy, power and influence run amuck, inequitable conduct, lack of accountability and compliance and enforcement of standards, non-disclosure/conflicts of interest, disregard for public health, safety, authority, order, and so on and so on.....

A notable volume of replies and views to this forum I’d say. provides a well-documented record of Masi sphb’s hard-lost market launch and 10 years of financial, clinical and legal hardship, i.e. defeat, that followed. Some might find the record inspiring, an example of how unimaginable corporate power and wealth can be attainable to just about anyone, with any incentive. Others may find this record inspiring in other ways, like how not to be and what not to do. I fall into yet a third group we’ll call sickened and motivated. I’ll venture to say I’m in good company in this group. (presumed) others and I are sickened and motivated by the well documented examples in this forum of certain things... like corporate hypocrisy, power and influence run amuck, inequitable conduct, lack of accountability and compliance and enforcement of standards, non-disclosure/conflicts of interest, disregard for public health, safety, authority, order, and so on and so on.....
And GREEEEEED! plenty of that, the filthiest sweet soul-suckin’ greed you ever did see. It never leaves your head. Like the first time you got someone’s throw up on you, or saw a dead guy in the road.