Home Office Turnover - HR

"When an individuals desire for prestige becomes uncontrollable, whether at the sewing circle or at the international conference table, other people suffer and often revolt."

Yeah - yeah yeah...we get it - you have an axe to grind. Who cares .. This effects Sales in no way

Really? You don't think she can effect your sales?
Well your grasp on the business world is small my friend.
She can manipulate the home office to get rid of people she doesn't like that support your sales efforts, that develop your materials, and the help grow the core business.

Short sighted sales person mentaility.

Oh my golly, I just about crapped myself - you really believe anything the home office does has even the smallest effect on my sales ??? You are the one who is insane and smallminded my friend. I cannot think of one example where the home office crew at Ferring has impacted my sales in a positive way....except maybe the IT guys. Props to them

Oh my golly, I just about crapped myself - you really believe anything the home office does has even the smallest effect on my sales ??? You are the one who is insane and smallminded my friend. I cannot think of one example where the home office crew at Ferring has impacted my sales in a positive way....except maybe the IT guys. Props to them

Well if you like them, and want them around....
let's just say you would want her out of the picture.

U have not a clue do you? Who sees BR and AG every day? Not you my friend! Toxic venom is contagious. She doesn't like people that bring value or want to see you shine. Guess you will get the politics when you are on the unemployment line loser! Who do you think sends your warning letters out? Come on.....get a clue!

Take it from someone who knows. This place is wacked. Peeps at the top r bad news

Whatever - I maintain the H.O has zero impact on my sales. I also maintain there is not one person I know in sales who is not actively looking for another job as this place has become a graveyard. very sad. Maybe RR can take all our MaxPlans and work those himself. C'mon Richard...get in the game. Come out west and make some calls

Whatever - I maintain the H.O has zero impact on my sales. I also maintain there is not one person I know in sales who is not actively looking for another job as this place has become a graveyard. very sad. Maybe RR can take all our MaxPlans and work those himself. C'mon Richard...get in the game. Come out west and make some calls

"Look...see everyone - I have an inclusive leadership style: AS why don't you jump in here and tell everyone your thoughts" (the ones that are just like mine), "DB, Why don't we hear from you now" (say again what I just said but in your own words). "Okay then....everyone on board the RR train? whooohoooo!" Yeaahhhhhh

The place is great and getting better. You people have NO clue what it's really like out there. The woman tries very hard to improve this company, her staff stays and they are all very happy! If you dont like it then leave and don't let the door hit you on the way out.