First, you do not know me or anything about my Christian spirit. I know your reticence to vigorously defend a Christian worldview on here. That says something.I am indeed flawed as are all Christians ( even said 'damn' while teaching an adult Sunday class and got a swift kick under the table from my wife for doing so). Then why are you trying to bust ILA's chops, you hypocrite?My problem is the way you two criticize the values of others on the board but do not hold yourselves to the same standards. Ah, I do hold myself to the standards I put forth. If you can't see that, then you are truly blind. You apparently want us all to sit in a circle and sing Kumbaya. Not all values are of equal worth. That's the point. I am going to vigorously assert that Christian values are superior. Others are free to advocate otherwise if they so choose. Are you so insecure that you can't engage in discussion?If we had a religious discussion, you would find me more aligned with much of what you profess here than against. I simple disagree with the pious attitudes and lack of Christian behavior you use in your criticism of others and how at least one of you wracked me for my foul language then days later use similar words. Be Christian and be consistent or knock off the pious attitudes. Dude, I am being Christian. The problem is that some on here are either so anti-Christian or so milk toast about their faith, that they go into spasms when someone vigorously, but appropriately puts forth a Christian worldview.Besides, you are now witnessing here, just criticizing the behavior and language of others.