Man For All Seasons
Man For All Seasons
Just the kind of deep post we've come to expect from you.
It's not worth it you guys. It's degenerating into the poli board, and this ain't the poli board. SPN was correct to take it private. Shit if I can bury the hatchett with some of the battles I have had with posters on here, we all can. I wasn't going to post, because I hate this topic and find it really boring. But, this has always been the "feel-good" board. These type of discussions usually run their course, and it's never a good one.
It's not worth it you guys. It's degenerating into the poli board, and this ain't the poli board. SPN was correct to take it private. Shit if I can bury the hatchett with some of the battles I have had with posters on here, we all can. I wasn't going to post, because I hate this topic and find it really boring. But, this has always been the "feel-good" board. These type of discussions usually run their course, and it's never a good one.
Libs, the content isn't the problem. The problem is personalities. There really hasn't been that much political stuff on here since the closing of the Poli board. The problem is that we have some on here who are not capable of behaving in a sane or fair manner (Vag and Broken Views this is you, but there are others as well.)
Disagree with me, vehemently if you wish but craft an argument, don't make up insane lies about me.
Sorry that the playground was always the feel good board. But things change. Just like things changed when Sarah shut down the poli board, a move I still consider to be a mistake. If I had my druthers, I wouldn't be here at all. But as long as we stay away from overt politics, then all's fair. What I find interesting is how narrow-minded and intolerant some of the supposed "broad-minded" veterans of the playground are!
transvestites do the same thing to meI don't like your tone. You creep me out
Exactly and it started its degeneration when certain poli people (who previously visited the PG and left saying they didn't care for it) decided to return and bring their acrimonious posting habits with them.
A certaIn poster here aLways reAps scorched earth.
Yeah like the mods would ever think of pulling a thread that bashed Christianity? Hell they let MedCunt's thread showing a crucified bunny up for months...years...I bet it's still available.
But start a thread making fun of Moses or showing pictures of Muhammed and see how long it lasts.
just sayin'
I couldn't have said it better. They act as if the playground is some sort of holy ground. They also call us intolerant yet are the most intolerant people around.
Hey did ya know guys like blow jobs? I guess I can see the allure of this place when that kind of knowledge is being shared.
ILA, you and I have been staunch allies throughout the political wars. However, this is EXACTLY the place for mindless talk about sex and other issues. This is where most of us go to lighten up and laugh. The poli board is probably not coming back, so I am not sure what to tell you about that. I know that Hairy has suggested a few poli boards to me, but I'm taking a break until 2012. Maybe Sarah will bring it back in time for the election season, but I for one really don't miss it at this point.
Vag, why did you delete all your posts?
Very strong take - I like it here alot better, If the Poli Board never comes back, I am good with that.
I explained this once before but - the only ones I deleted were ones that my 2stalkers had replied to via 'quote' directly beneath the post and so the post was duplicated. They're all still there just condensed so it doesn't take so long scrolling.
Vag frequently deletes posts, usually when he/she realizes that he screwed up. His/her usual M/O is then to deny ever having made the post. The concept is called "moral cowardice".