This is proof of how those on the left truly feel. They are the least tolerant, most bigoted, hateful individuals in society. They never practice what they preach, but expect others to do so. Their inflated sense of superiority is why they got crushed in the 2016 election, and almost surely will again in 2020. They have no concept of truth (besides their own), and live in a bubble in their own world. They hate everything about the majority of us that ate happy and grateful we get to live in this, the best country in the world. Instead of getting angry at them, pity them because they live in misery every day.

You know absolutely NADA about me yet you’ve made an ASSumption that couldn’t be more wrong. The immigrant poster which I replied constructed a very poor grammatically written response which is FACT not opinion!

You are why we have such a crappy laughingstock president who is waaay unqualified and inadequate in every way possible. He’s accomplished nothing other than conniving and fooling folks like you. But I digress! I don’t give a rat’s you know what how you think or feel about me or your politics. Just answer the damn question regarding why Americans should be grateful to continue to be fleeced to pay $59 per pill versus $0.27 per pill like the Aussies?!?!? Is there no one who can provide an intelligent explanation to this fair question without being disagreeable?

You know absolutely NADA about me yet you’ve made an ASSumption that couldn’t be more wrong. The immigrant poster which I replied constructed a very poor grammatically written response which is FACT not opinion!

You are why we have such a crappy laughingstock president who is waaay unqualified and inadequate in every way possible. He’s accomplished nothing other than conniving and fooling folks like you. But I digress! I don’t give a rat’s you know what how you think or feel about me or your politics. Just answer the damn question regarding why Americans should be grateful to continue to be fleeced to pay $59 per pill versus $0.27 per pill like the Aussies?!?!? Is there no one who can provide an intelligent explanation to this fair question without being disagreeable?

This is easy. America aka greatest country on earth pays more per pill due to incurred costs and social pressures. Other countries get generic releases (hopefully bio-equivalent) because it’s the right thing to do for the epidemic.

As a for-profit company who enjoys the spoils to also fund r & d since the same public demands cures; well... America the Beautiful pays for the world! Thank all your presidents and insurance companies.

All responsible companies take similar measures. Capitalism. Look it up.

This is easy. America aka greatest country on earth pays more per pill due to incurred costs and social pressures. Other countries get generic releases (hopefully bio-equivalent) because it’s the right thing to do for the epidemic.

As a for-profit company who enjoys the spoils to also fund r & d since the same public demands cures; well... America the Beautiful pays for the world! Thank all your presidents and insurance companies.

All responsible companies take similar measures. Capitalism. Look it up.
Exactly right, basically what I said earlier. But alas, this is not the answer this person wants, so they will post “Just answer the question blah, blah, blah.” No reason to try explaining to someone like this, as they won’t listen/learn. Fortunately, they are in the distinct minority.

Exactly right, basically what I said earlier. But alas, this is not the answer this person wants, so they will post “Just answer the question blah, blah, blah.” No reason to try explaining to someone like this, as they won’t listen/learn. Fortunately, they are in the distinct minority.

You made another ASSumption! Not going to answer “blah, blah, blah.” I’m glad to be in the minority in your world unwilling to just shut up and pay $59/pill while someone else pays $0.27/pill FOR THE SAME DAMN PILL.

Oh shut the hell up. You got passed over- suck it up, loser.

Actually I was there just long enough to see how inept and pompous leadership is and how cheap they actually are.
Face it, their reputation is to charge egregious prices for their “best in class” treatments but they are at the low end of base salaries in this industry. Tons of money sitting off shore but too cheap to invest in their own resources.

Actually I was there just long enough to see how inept and pompous leadership is and how cheap they actually are.
Face it, their reputation is to charge egregious prices for their “best in class” treatments but they are at the low end of base salaries in this industry. Tons of money sitting off shore but too cheap to invest in their own resources.
Gilead has no pipeline and it will be great to see these thieves begging on the street! Say NO to Gilead Greed!

Not really sure what to think about our future. Could be descent..or not. The fact is, Bik is facing competition and there is a patient infringement law suit that has been filed. Pricing pressures will not help nor will the fact that we entered the "Pharma Guidelines". I'm not saying that the sky is falling, but there are clouds on the horizon.

Not sure about structure of other companies. No company is perfect. and no company is immune from downsizing. My guess is that we have another 1 to 2 years of life with Bik. Then we have to wait and see if those clouds are go to pass with a sprinkle or hit us with a storm. If and it's a big "if", the patent infringement is real and we are found to be guilty, it will be a $hit-show to be sure. Let's wait and see.

Pricing pressure is a larger concern. Based on the political climate and the flamboyant protests by the LGBTQ community, you will begin to see decreases in the prices of our meds. While this may be good for one segment of society, this type of socialistic and lack of personal accountability will ruin many careers and worse, future healthcare advances. Gilead has become the latest whipping boy as we have had too much success. Kinda crazy but true.

Pricing pressure is a larger concern. Based on the political climate and the flamboyant protests by the LGBTQ community, you will begin to see decreases in the prices of our meds. While this may be good for one segment of society, this type of socialistic and lack of personal accountability will ruin many careers and worse, future healthcare advances. Gilead has become the latest whipping boy as we have had too much success. Kinda crazy but true.


Seriously ? This is such an uncalled for and discriminatory characterization of a group of patients who are concerned about the high price of medications.

BTW - If it wasn't for ACT-UP in the 80s and 90s, the FDA would not have move to approved drugs on the sole basis of viral count as a surrogate biomarker (vs. mortality data). Companies like Gilead benefit tremendously with shorten trial duration, decrease required subject numbers, decrease costs of programs, and faster speed to Market.

You, my friend, have a lot to be grateful to for the LGBTQ patients - to start: YOUR JOB

Yes, Flamboyant! I suppose you would use the adjective of "passionate". But that would be just another political correct term used to disguise the truth. Listen, despite what you think, I am very "tolerant". Much more so than the "flamboyant" left would have you believe. We will save that argument for another day. But pricing pressures are real and there is a lot of pressure being placed on us. In a perfect world everything would be free. But we live in an imperfect world and always will. So we manage and we meet in the middle. At least we try to. Our division has headwinds in front of us. To deny that would be akin to you not liking the word flamboyant. It is what it is. Did any of you happen to listen to the report on NPR last week? We were exposed and it was not pretty. Educate yourself with facts my friend. The truth is what will set you free...not transgender restrooms. FYI, I'm gay and republican. Have been for twenty-four years. I kinda don't fit the narrative, huh? Get real and keep it real!

Yes, Flamboyant! I suppose you would use the adjective of "passionate". But that would be just another political correct term used to disguise the truth. Listen, despite what you think, I am very "tolerant". Much more so than the "flamboyant" left would have you believe. We will save that argument for another day. But pricing pressures are real and there is a lot of pressure being placed on us. In a perfect world everything would be free. But we live in an imperfect world and always will. So we manage and we meet in the middle. At least we try to. Our division has headwinds in front of us. To deny that would be akin to you not liking the word flamboyant. It is what it is. Did any of you happen to listen to the report on NPR last week? We were exposed and it was not pretty. Educate yourself with facts my friend. The truth is what will set you free...not transgender restrooms. FYI, I'm gay and republican. Have been for twenty-four years. I kinda don't fit the narrative, huh? Get real and keep it real!

If you are really gay and Republican than you are an absolute idiot and self-loathing. What a loser!

If you are really gay and Republican than you are an absolute idiot and self-loathing. What a loser!
I am not gay, but do work at Gilead and vote for who is best. This attitude is exactly why Trump got elected in 2016, and is why almost surely he will again in 2020. The “tolerant” left has disappeared, replaced by haters like you. Good luck name calling and telling people how they should feel, because you obviously know what’s best.

I am not gay, but do work at Gilead and vote for who is best. This attitude is exactly why Trump got elected in 2016, and is why almost surely he will again in 2020. The “tolerant” left has disappeared, replaced by haters like you. Good luck name calling and telling people how they should feel, because you obviously know what’s best.

Well, that answer that made you reply was on the brusque side. I am guessing the person meant that as a general rule, voting Republican is essentially voting to strip yourself of rights. Trump has been no friend to gay people, and even worse for the transgender population. As a strong supporter of gay rights, I cannot vote for someone like him. Not to even mention the disaster that is the "tax cut".

Well, that answer that made you reply was on the brusque side. I am guessing the person meant that as a general rule, voting Republican is essentially voting to strip yourself of rights. Trump has been no friend to gay people, and even worse for the transgender population. As a strong supporter of gay rights, I cannot vote for someone like him. Not to even mention the disaster that is the "tax cut".
Different poster here who works for Gilead and is a Republican. If this is all you crazy lefties have, it will be a bigger landslide than 2016 for Trump in 2020.

Different poster here who works for Gilead and is a Republican. If this is all you crazy lefties have, it will be a bigger landslide than 2016 for Trump in 2020.

You are a disgrace to the Gilead organization - we PRIDE ourselves in recognizing the equality of our LGBTQ+ community-at-large.

Do us all a favor, resign and let a more progressively minded person take your place.