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Hirbe Powers Here


Hi guys, Hirbe here. Hi-ya, karate chop! Great news BMS-ers. With Avapro now in the rear view mirrow, the folks at Corporate have moved me to Dapa. POW! Look forward to great things from our team, BAM, and plenty of motivational hyperbole. Double drop KICK!!!

Hirbe here. BOOM. Looking forward to sharing a few good pearls with you regarding the Dapa launch. KUNG FU GRIP! I don't know about you, but I'm asking AmEx to re-book my room in Dallas for a spring time launch. LAUNCHING IT!

Hirbe here. HIYA folks. Dapa news looking positive, the FDA likes what they see. BING BANG. so get out your hair products, get a funky hairstyle like your pal HP and get ready for action. ACTION, with lights and cameras, ACTION like the positive energy at POAs.

I don't know about you but I'm refreshing my knowledge with reviewing my modules. Progress CHECK!

Hirbe! Good to hear from you, what's the good word on dapa launch?

Hirbe here. Sorry for the delay folks, been busy in Dapa meetings with the Leadership Team. LEADING the WAY for BMS. Looking good in the Diabetes Division, get ready for Merit announcements soon, CASH IN-HIYA. The raises will be generous on the heels of a productive week spent with the FDA. We like what we see, LIKING IT, WHAT WE SEE. Buckle up folks, it's going to be a great time in Dallas with Dapa Launching like a rocket ship... TO THE MOON.

Hi-ya fellow BMS'ers, Hirbe here with a dose of hard knocks, KNOCKING HARD! Word in HQ is that we are right sized for the Dapa approval and launch. Keep working extra hard on your DCEP extracurricular activities, knowledge is POWER!

Have no doubts, the Dapa launch plan and sales force plan of action will be announced shortly. HIRBE POWERS TIP: Stay limber out there my friends. Limbering up during pre call planning is a sure fire way to stay healthy, energized and prepped to enhance relationships for Dapa launch. LAUNCHING IT, LIMBERING UP FOR THE LAUNCH.

Hi-ya fellow BMS'ers, Hirbe here with a dose of hard knocks, KNOCKING HARD! Word in HQ is that we are right sized for the Dapa approval and launch. Keep working extra hard on your DCEP extracurricular activities, knowledge is POWER!

Have no doubts, the Dapa launch plan and sales force plan of action will be announced shortly. HIRBE POWERS TIP: Stay limber out there my friends. Limbering up during pre call planning is a sure fire way to stay healthy, energized and prepped to enhance relationships for Dapa launch. LAUNCHING IT, LIMBERING UP FOR THE LAUNCH.

Limber up. LOL.