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Hillary Clintons Parkinson's Disease Cover Up

I would have supported Cruz if he was the canidate. BUT he lost BIG and it wasn't even close. Ted NEVER had a chance and was soundly beaten. In the end he proved Trumps point. He Lied and broke pledge hence living up to his correctly branded name of "Lyin Ted" He also acted like a Holy Roller with the phoney Bible waving and trying to play out evangelicals who saw through the WWF style acting. I was waiting for him to start talking in tongues and bringing in the snakes. He's a marked man in politics and is History .....Sorry, I liked Ted but he's a professional politician.....Trump don't owe anyone favors and funded $50 Million himself.
All this while simataniously battling the lying liberal mainstream drive by media, and 17 other Canidates and now The Fat Felon is all his for the taking.
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Take your medication like a good little liberal, and drool over anderson pooper on CNN (Clinton News Network) Don't worry Trump won't be hard on you dregs of society
Actually, CNN has given Trump way more time than Clinton. If this is about name recognition, CNN has been promoting Trump all the way.

I would have supported Cruz if he was the canidate. BUT he lost BIG and it wasn't even close. Ted NEVER had a chance and was soundly beaten. In the end he proved Trumps point. He Lied and broke pledge hence living up to his correctly branded name of "Lyin Ted" He also acted like a Holy Roller with the phoney Bible waving and trying to play out evangelicals who saw through the WWF style acting. I was waiting for him to start talking in tongues and bringing in the snakes. He's a marked man in politics and is History .....Sorry, I liked Ted but he's a professional politician.....Trump don't owe anyone favors and funded $50 Million himself.
All this while simataniously battling the lying liberal mainstream drive by media, and 17 other Canidates and now The Fat Felon is all his for the taking.

Finally - someone I can relate to although not completely agree with everything in your post. Your assessment of his religious act was spot on. I was waiting for him to start healing people out of the audience.

But 2 questions on another thought.
1) What felonies has Clinton been convicted of?
2) Watch the man tell 2 completely different stories and then can you tell me Trump isn't a bald faced liar? One of the two versions has to be a lie - which makes him a liar and qualifies him tobe a politician in this country.


No felonies because it's a rigged system. Obama and Lynch gave Comey stand down order. The Statue of limitations are ongoing and she could be charged by new attorney general if trumps elected. There's also the Clinton foundation and benghazi matter in play.

ALL politicians are liars. Trump was a rookie and got confused at times and didn't have experience on dealing with liberal reporters who baited him. Trump lied a few times but NOT on the massive scale the fat felon did.

No felonies because it's a rigged system. Obama and Lynch gave Comey stand down order. The Statue of limitations are ongoing and she could be charged by new attorney general if trumps elected. There's also the Clinton foundation and benghazi matter in play.

ALL politicians are liars. Trump was a rookie and got confused at times and didn't have experience on dealing with liberal reporters who baited him. Trump lied a few times but NOT on the massive scale the fat felon did.

So you don't want a system that allows 5 unelected people to 'judge' yet you (one unelected person) decides someone is a felon? Based on what you've read? This is part of the problem.

No felonies because it's a rigged system. Obama and Lynch gave Comey stand down order. The Statue of limitations are ongoing and she could be charged by new attorney general if trumps elected. There's also the Clinton foundation and benghazi matter in play.

ALL politicians are liars. Trump was a rookie and got confused at times and didn't have experience on dealing with liberal reporters who baited him. Trump lied a few times but NOT on the massive scale the fat felon did.

NY Attorney General is now investigating the Trump Foundation.
Trump won't release his tax returns.
Trump has now delayed the promised release of his medical records.
Pending trial over fraud at Trump University.
Countless law suits by unpaid contractors who did work for Trump in Atlantic City.

What's next with this guy?

NY Attorney General is now investigating the Trump Foundation.
Trump won't release his tax returns.
Trump has now delayed the promised release of his medical records.
Pending trial over fraud at Trump University.
Countless law suits by unpaid contractors who did work for Trump in Atlantic City.

What's next with this guy?

Old news from JUNE 6th The desperation of the Trump haters is getting laughable.
The reason ? Trumps SURGING in KEY STATES....Love watching Y'all Squirm



NY Attorney General is now investigating the Trump Foundation.
Trump won't release his tax returns.
Trump has now delayed the promised release of his medical records.
Pending trial over fraud at Trump University.
Countless law suits by unpaid contractors who did work for Trump in Atlantic City.

What's next with this guy?

What's next ? The White House for 8 YEARS Wake up and smell the Roses medicated Libby

So you don't want a system that allows 5 unelected people to 'judge' yet you (one unelected person) decides someone is a felon? Based on what you've read? This is part of the problem.

Obama WAS elected and HE issued the directive. A fish rots from the head down. The thin smoking snake called the shots and comey bent over.


Actually, CNN has given Trump way more time than Clinton. If this is about name recognition, CNN has been promoting Trump all the way.

And Trump gave CNN YUUUUUGE ratings so they each benefited. Trump would bash them hard and they have him on the next day. It was a mutually beneficial relationship and Trump did CNN a favor appearing NOT visa Versa

Obama WAS elected and HE issued the directive. A fish rots from the head down. The thin smoking snake called the shots and comey bent over.

And Trey Gowdy spent $7 million of OUR MONEY auditioning for AG should Ronald McDonald win but never corroborated this mindless theory? :rolleyes:

And Trey Gowdy spent $7 million of OUR MONEY auditioning for AG should Ronald McDonald win but never corroborated this mindless theory? :rolleyes:

It Cost $$ to prosecute criminals and i have no problem. 15 years before i retired i was paying 6 figures a year in TAXES to support the 59 MILLION people NOT WORKING . Why should i be taxed more than someone else ? Because im smarter, more educated, have high drive to succeed and worked my ass off ? Thats BS ! My demographic FOOTS MOST of the bill for Govt waste by corrupt politicians and LAZY Govt workers who wouldnt last a day in private sector. Then i pay Taxes AGAIN on the already taxed $$$ .....WTF BOSS ???????

Bye Bye Fat felon Send in Joe Biden Or Bernie the crazy bum Yeah that will work out good.

Looking like Phase 3 Parkinsons ....... Will she be like Michael Fox ? At Ground Zero Sunday she looked like The Weekend at Bernies actor all propped up on that pole and being held up by Secret Service Agents turned handlers. Horrific sight TRUMP gained 5% over it and leads KEY STATES now


Looking like Phase 3 Parkinsons ....... Will she be like Michael Fox ? At Ground Zero Sunday she looked like The Weekend at Bernies actor all propped up on that pole and being held up by Secret Service Agents turned handlers. Horrific sight TRUMP gained 5% over it and leads KEY STATES now


Looking like you have phase three meth addiction. Try sobering up before your next post.

You realize of course (on the 300 views) that any inquiry on google with those words will lead to that post.

Meanwhile, Republicans have chosen a leader who believes Dr. Oz is a healthcare authority leading one to wonder if he views the presidency as a reality show. Other than that, Hillary has released her actual records. Nothing significant to report.