Hill-Rom home care

No, the ones that will not miss all the BS and all the unethical behavior from the beloved home care reps. Dont go away mad, just go away

Sure hope you treat the AC reps better due to the FACT that nothing happens till you sell something. You can have the best service, marketing, accounting, and manufacturing: but none of it matters unless you sell something. You sound like you are jealous of the sales people making money for what they sell. Sorry, that's just they way it is. Deal with it and maybe you will not get RIFED next. Otherwise they will look to cast off attitudes they fell don't fit the HR way.
Sure hope you treat the AC reps better due to the FACT that nothing happens till you sell something. You can have the best service, marketing, accounting, and manufacturing: but none of it matters unless you sell something. You sound like you are jealous of the sales people making money for what they sell. Sorry, that's just they way it is. Deal with it and maybe you will not get RIFED next. Otherwise they will look to cast off attitudes they fell don't fit the HR way.

You are out of touch with reality. Has nothing to do with treatment, jealousy, or attitudes. Has a lot to do with ethics, reality, and fairness. No one is "jealous" thats ridiculous. Looked what the greed turned most HC reps into. Techs are out there in the middle of the night fixing something that has no problems because of a lie the rep told them, getting chewed out by a family when they show up to deliver because a rep told them the techs would be out there the day before, just to show off and look good in front of a planner or agency. Playing the end of the month game or the discharge game made up by the reps. As a tech I treat the way I am treated, AC, HC, or whomever, don't you try and act all innocent now that the hammer has dropped, makes you look foolish. And loose the almighty HC was a glue that held us together with revenue, NOT. Data will tell you otherwise.
AMs should just be model prisoners.....shut up, finish your time and get your early release. You have received Hill Rom liberty! Good luck in your new job. Unfortunately you'll be trying to sell straws and toiletries to all those people flipping burgers !!
You are out of touch with reality. Has nothing to do with treatment, jealousy, or attitudes. Has a lot to do with ethics, reality, and fairness. No one is "jealous" thats ridiculous. Looked what the greed turned most HC reps into. Techs are out there in the middle of the night fixing something that has no problems because of a lie the rep told them, getting chewed out by a family when they show up to deliver because a rep told them the techs would be out there the day before, just to show off and look good in front of a planner or agency. Playing the end of the month game or the discharge game made up by the reps. As a tech I treat the way I am treated, AC, HC, or whomever, don't you try and act all innocent now that the hammer has dropped, makes you look foolish. And loose the almighty HC was a glue that held us together with revenue, NOT. Data will tell you otherwise.

Anger Management classes would certainly help bring you back to reality. You obviously know nothing about HC as the reps have zero power in placements or if something bills. Talk about looking foolish! The liberating part of all of this is separation of attitudes like yours. Take a look in the mirror service man as CEO's have stated that the only reason they stuck with HR as long as they did was the service, but now that is gone so I have switched to Stryker and Linet. You play a part as well other than a blamer.
You are out of touch with reality. Has nothing to do with treatment, jealousy, or attitudes. Has a lot to do with ethics, reality, and fairness. No one is "jealous" thats ridiculous. Looked what the greed turned most HC reps into. Techs are out there in the middle of the night fixing something that has no problems because of a lie the rep told them, getting chewed out by a family when they show up to deliver because a rep told them the techs would be out there the day before, just to show off and look good in front of a planner or agency. Playing the end of the month game or the discharge game made up by the reps. As a tech I treat the way I am treated, AC, HC, or whomever, don't you try and act all innocent now that the hammer has dropped, makes you look foolish. And loose the almighty HC was a glue that held us together with revenue, NOT. Data will tell you otherwise.

Not sure you would know how to interpret data based on your misconceptions.
Anger Management classes would certainly help bring you back to reality. You obviously know nothing about HC as the reps have zero power in placements or if something bills. Talk about looking foolish! The liberating part of all of this is separation of attitudes like yours. Take a look in the mirror service man as CEO's have stated that the only reason they stuck with HR as long as they did was the service, but now that is gone so I have switched to Stryker and Linet. You play a part as well other than a blamer.

Good luck. Perhaps you can play "it wasn't my fault" and " I had no power of placements" with them, although it is highly unlikely. Its also amazing you come on here with your pathetic attitude of slamming CPS reps and somehow try to play a mirage of smoking mirrors to all of a sudden become the victim of someones attitude. None of which is working very well for you.
Good luck. Perhaps you can play "it wasn't my fault" and " I had no power of placements" with them, although it is highly unlikely. Its also amazing you come on here with your pathetic attitude of slamming CPS reps and somehow try to play a mirage of smoking mirrors to all of a sudden become the victim of someones attitude. None of which is working very well for you.

You are truly an ignorant jerk. Read and try to process in that little mind of yours before you respond (although it's unlikely). The HC reps had no say in placements period! If there was a disagreement between CPS and the rep whether somebody should be placed or not it was elevated to the CPS supervisor and the ED. If it was not resolved there it was elevated to the Manager of CPS and the VP of sales. So I guess now we will hear what idiots and victims the ED's and the VP of sales are from you. In your words we will go away and not go away mad and maybe you can shut you uniformed pie hole.
You are truly an ignorant jerk. Read and try to process in that little mind of yours before you respond (although it's unlikely). The HC reps had no say in placements period! If there was a disagreement between CPS and the rep whether somebody should be placed or not it was elevated to the CPS supervisor and the ED. If it was not resolved there it was elevated to the Manager of CPS and the VP of sales. So I guess now we will hear what idiots and victims the ED's and the VP of sales are from you. In your words we will go away and not go away mad and maybe you can shut you uniformed pie hole.

I don't know about the jerk part as I don't know the poster. With that said, being a soon to be ex-HC rep. you are correct about the escalation process with placements. Clinical review also played a major part of placing or not. The AM could argue the point but in the end could not make the decision to place product.
You are truly an ignorant jerk. Read and try to process in that little mind of yours before you respond (although it's unlikely). The HC reps had no say in placements period! If there was a disagreement between CPS and the rep whether somebody should be placed or not it was elevated to the CPS supervisor and the ED. If it was not resolved there it was elevated to the Manager of CPS and the VP of sales. So I guess now we will hear what idiots and victims the ED's and the VP of sales are from you. In your words we will go away and not go away mad and maybe you can shut you uniformed pie hole.

Denial is always the first reaction. Not one post on here has been about elevated or questionable placements that would cause intervention from ED's or VP of sales. It all boils down to the $$. You need the numbers, and the ones intervening need the numbers, huumm now what could possibly be wrong here. Plain and simple ( just for you) the business was not profitable. It was driven into the ground by greed and corruption.
Denial is always the first reaction. Not one post on here has been about elevated or questionable placements that would cause intervention from ED's or VP of sales. It all boils down to the $$. You need the numbers, and the ones intervening need the numbers, huumm now what could possibly be wrong here. Plain and simple ( just for you) the business was not profitable. It was driven into the ground by greed and corruption.

Once again, you clearly don't understand the business but like to act like an expert which you are far from. It's laughable that now you attack more good people's character about the folks intervening need the numbers, hummm now what possibly would be wrong here. Wrong again on the profitability Einstein! HC lost money in 2012 but made money in 2013 and Q1 of FY 2014. It may not have been as much as HR wanted, but keep in mind that HC was one of only two segments within HR that were profitable in Q1. You really need to check your facts before spouting off because you really look silly at your lack of factual knowledge about HC. You have been inaccurate at almost every post you make and state your personal opinion like it is a fact.
Denial is always the first reaction. Not one post on here has been about elevated or questionable placements that would cause intervention from ED's or VP of sales. It all boils down to the $$. You need the numbers, and the ones intervening need the numbers, huumm now what could possibly be wrong here. Plain and simple ( just for you) the business was not profitable. It was driven into the ground by greed and corruption.

You must have been bullied as a kid and angry at the world. Give it a rest dude! If you are truly a service tech, go fix something and quit throwing grenades and personal attacks on peoples ethics and character. I'm pretty sure you don't know all the HC account managers that were affected with the closure of HC. It's not very ethical for you to characterize peoples ethics that you don't even know or been affiliated with. I wish the other poster would stop responding to you as it seems to fuel your anger. I wish all the AM's and CPS folks good luck in finding a better job away from this toxic place.
Why HC ceased:

1. Greed is evil. The more money that was made, the more money the executives took.
(I used to think if the HC AM's would have been willing to work five days a week then profits could have sky rocketed. I knew many of the AM's and it is a FACT that with most of them, their personal lifes always came first and the job second. There is NO possible way to tell me that I am wrong because this is FACT. I now realize if they would have actually worked five days a week then the executives would have just capitalized on the revenue even more and really stuffed their pockets! LOL!)

2. The law suit a few years ago costs people their jobs, plain and simple. And this may have also acted as a very convenient excuse for the executives to tighten the rein and eliminate a lot of jobs while at the same time it expanded their bank accounts even further...oh yes...greed can be a sneaky snake!
Why HC ceased:

1. Greed is evil. The more money that was made, the more money the executives took.
(I used to think if the HC AM's would have been willing to work five days a week then profits could have sky rocketed. I knew many of the AM's and it is a FACT that with most of them, their personal lifes always came first and the job second. There is NO possible way to tell me that I am wrong because this is FACT. I now realize if they would have actually worked five days a week then the executives would have just capitalized on the revenue even more and really stuffed their pockets! LOL!)

2. The law suit a few years ago costs people their jobs, plain and simple. And this may have also acted as a very convenient excuse for the executives to tighten the rein and eliminate a lot of jobs while at the same time it expanded their bank accounts even further...oh yes...greed can be a sneaky snake!

If they weren't working 5 days a week then shame on them. But I will say that they are smart to put their personal lives and family first and the job should be after that. Just my personal opinion that family is far more important than this place.
If they weren't working 5 days a week then shame on them. But I will say that they are smart to put their personal lives and family first and the job should be after that. Just my personal opinion that family is far more important than this place.

And why should they work their asses off for a company that treats them like crap?
And why should they work their asses off for a company that treats them like crap?

Because they chose to stay there and draw a pay check! Where in the heck is everyone's sense of honesty and personal integrity? Two wrongs do not make a right! It's this kind of mentality that pulls everyone down and whether you like to admit it or not, it not only has an impact on your own self image and the way people really see YOU but it impacts your children and the entire world around you. How about this: Executives treated the AM's poorly, so hey, it was a handy excuse for the AM's not to work 40 hours a week. In other words; a mentality that says'"you scratch my back and I will scratch yours." In the end it did not work out that way, now did it? The reality? What happened was more like this: "Executives, you are butchering my job, so I will butcher yours and work when I don't have other things I want to do, and then, we will all still have a merry life. We will just keep joining hands and make a great income. The executives can "take" and I will just kick back and collect a pay check and eveybody will be happy, happy, happy!" Don't you see? No body won and you could not even leave the company with your personal integrity intact. I am not making excuses for the decisions and the actions which were taken by the executives but just looking at what I saw with most of the AM's, you did not do your part the way you should have and ultimately you ended up hurting yourselves. You lost your jobs.
Because they chose to stay there and draw a pay check! Where in the heck is everyone's sense of honesty and personal integrity? Two wrongs do not make a right! It's this kind of mentality that pulls everyone down and whether you like to admit it or not, it not only has an impact on your own self image and the way people really see YOU but it impacts your children and the entire world around you. How about this: Executives treated the AM's poorly, so hey, it was a handy excuse for the AM's not to work 40 hours a week. In other words; a mentality that says'"you scratch my back and I will scratch yours." In the end it did not work out that way, now did it? The reality? What happened was more like this: "Executives, you are butchering my job, so I will butcher yours and work when I don't have other things I want to do, and then, we will all still have a merry life. We will just keep joining hands and make a great income. The executives can "take" and I will just kick back and collect a pay check and eveybody will be happy, happy, happy!" Don't you see? No body won and you could not even leave the company with your personal integrity intact. I am not making excuses for the decisions and the actions which were taken by the executives but just looking at what I saw with most of the AM's, you did not do your part the way you should have and ultimately you ended up hurting yourselves. You lost your jobs.

I assume you probably worked in CPS. If so, you need to take a hard look in the mirror. The sheer incompetence of that group cost the company millions. I talked to one rep, who in one month had roughly $10k in no-bills that should have legitimately been invoiced. Multiply this by 25 reps and 12 months and you get a pretty good idea of the impact. The work ethic, incompetence and attitude of that group was absolutely pathetic.
Legitimate no bills......you mean the claims that were no billed due to falsified documentation? CPS was the only thing between you and stripes. Be thankful someone had a conscience.
Shifting the blame on CPS is not going to remedy the fact that Hill-Rom is laying off employees. Since you want to talk numbers concerning CPS no billing accounts, let's go into more depth. Did it occur to you that the no bills were caused by placements without prior auth (some payers do not retro authorization), various accounts on a do not call list (therefore that falls under the rep's responsibility) - not getting paperwork in a timely fashion, and compliance interpretation of the Medicare rule giving only 60 day timeframe to get paperwork and approval from clinical review to bill Clinitron. Also not too mention the $41.8 million settlement that Hill-Rom paid the government due to the whistleblower incident.