Hill-Rom home care

I don't disagree about the incompetence of the management team. Why they didn't spin the HC business out years ago is beyond me. At the same time, the amount of potential reimbursement that was blown by poor billing practices and frankly incompetent team members and leadership of that department is appalling. I'm not talking a few thousand dollars, I'm talking millions per year.

Yes, MILLIONS per year was lost! It was just easier for them to "write it off" then deal with it. That was a quick and easy solution but I think the former leadership taught the current leadership how to do it.
After all the posts from Homecare Sales people whining about their lot in life, finally the hammer has fallen. You only have yourselves to blame. All this time, spending your days doing anything but the job you were PAID to do, whilst you try to blame everyone around you, especially the CPS associates. Nobody worked harder than the good people in Charleston, trying to qualify your half-assed referrals, whilst you swanned around like prima donnas. Welcome to unemployment. Sales are the Kings of a company, when they do a great job, and the Jokers when they act like you a-holes. Hill-Rom is well rid of the lot of you. LB and RJ - toxic, unpleasant people without an ounce of gratitude or humility, finally got what you deserved. In all my years in corporate America I have never come across such a dysfunctional and whining sales team. Good riddance the lot of you!!
OK, show over, move on...
I'm saddened over the loss of some of the Sales team, but some of you sat your lazy asses home most days, picked your bratty ass kids up, and had many lunches and travel perks at the expense of Hill-Rom. You knew 2 years ago the demise of home care. But that didn't stop you from turning in your expense reports, but yet didn't have a single placement that month and didn't help collect any documentation. All the time whining about CPS not responding to your emails, phone calls, etc. Well look where that got you. I hope in your new job you take all the "team building" training you have received and actually use it to better yourself!!!! C-ya!!
After all the posts from Homecare Sales people whining about their lot in life, finally the hammer has fallen. You only have yourselves to blame. All this time, spending your days doing anything but the job you were PAID to do, whilst you try to blame everyone around you, especially the CPS associates. Nobody worked harder than the good people in Charleston, trying to qualify your half-assed referrals, whilst you swanned around like prima donnas. Welcome to unemployment. Sales are the Kings of a company, when they do a great job, and the Jokers when they act like you a-holes. Hill-Rom is well rid of the lot of you. LB and RJ - toxic, unpleasant people without an ounce of gratitude or humility, finally got what you deserved. In all my years in corporate America I have never come across such a dysfunctional and whining sales team. Good riddance the lot of you!!
OK, show over, move on...

Calling other people unpleasant with the rant you just went on. Priceless! If you all even looked at the half assed referrals vs. putting them in your desk hiding them so you didn't have to work or stop shopping on line, things may have been different. Good luck waiting tables in Charleston.
Again stop focusing the blame on a group of people who did not have the power to make and/or implement policies. If you must point the finger, point it at the Chicago office and the rest of upper management. They are the ones who allowed this division to go down in a burning inferno. They never took the time to learn or understand home care from the bottom up. If they understood the concept instead of coming in changing things to what they thought might work, we may have been better off. They should have also owned up to their mistakes instead of reducing workforce. It was all about the dollars for their pockets never about the patients and the employees. We are all in the same boat...swallowed up by incompetent leadership. This was in the works for years it is just now that everything has come to a head. ELT never cared about anyone but themselves. At the end of the day, the patients are the ones who are going to feel the burden of not being able to get a Hill-Rom products.
Again stop focusing the blame on a group of people who did not have the power to make and/or implement policies. If you must point the finger, point it at the Chicago office and the rest of upper management. They are the ones who allowed this division to go down in a burning inferno. They never took the time to learn or understand home care from the bottom up. If they understood the concept instead of coming in changing things to what they thought might work, we may have been better off. They should have also owned up to their mistakes instead of reducing workforce. It was all about the dollars for their pockets never about the patients and the employees. We are all in the same boat...swallowed up by incompetent leadership. This was in the works for years it is just now that everything has come to a head. ELT never cared about anyone but themselves. At the end of the day, the patients are the ones who are going to feel the burden of not being able to get a Hill-Rom products.

And all of this BS being said across this thread is exactly why CPS and Sales never got along and never became a team.

It all really started under Steve Gray who would deflect,deflect, deflect, and then blame someone else. It was never a culture of metrics and accountability but blame the other guy. It all festered from there and basically became unrepairable. To bad as there are good folks in Charleston and the field.
This is all getting humorous. You have one poster or should I say (im)poster, claims he knows LB and RJ and they are such fine people. What a jackass. Then we have the CPS bashing the Reps, and the reps bashing the CPS, you cant make this stuff up. As someone close to the business let me say BS. CPS did nothing wrong, did their best. I know several CPS reps, and they were constantly yelled and cussed at for not pushing placements that were not "legally" ready, now the ones that did this have the gall to come on here and tell them good luck flipping burgers, Now theres some class for you, but not surprised by the tactic. They speak as though the CPS reps have no chance at a future somewhere else, and speak of themselves as though companies around the world are beating the door down to have loud mouth, unethical, sales reps 100X more interested in a commission dollar than a patients "real" condition, reps to come work for them, yeah ok. Greed was the downfall of this business. It was a mistake to make an employee commissioned that places products according to severity and benefits from it. They couldn't help them self.
After all the posts from Homecare Sales people whining about their lot in life, finally the hammer has fallen. You only have yourselves to blame. All this time, spending your days doing anything but the job you were PAID to do, whilst you try to blame everyone around you, especially the CPS associates. Nobody worked harder than the good people in Charleston, trying to qualify your half-assed referrals, whilst you swanned around like prima donnas. Welcome to unemployment. Sales are the Kings of a company, when they do a great job, and the Jokers when they act like you a-holes. Hill-Rom is well rid of the lot of you. LB and RJ - toxic, unpleasant people without an ounce of gratitude or humility, finally got what you deserved. In all my years in corporate America I have never come across such a dysfunctional and whining sales team. Good riddance the lot of you!!
OK, show over, move on...

You knocked it out of the park with what you said! I agree 100% and most of them know, although they will probably never admit, that they actually created their own demise.The Prima Donna attitudes were simply atrocious and so was their lack of ethics. There were certain AM's whose self indulgence just reaked with narcissism. Many days I just shook my head because I was so bewildered by their lack of respect for others and I thanked the good man above for who I am. I have respect for those who deserve respect and I have a wonderful work ethic yet most of the AM's did not. I suppose this self created ego was because they suddenly made more money than most so they thought of themselves as "special." Well guess what? Your money is gone so who are you now? Welcome to the world of unemployment checks and your brand new humbling life. Learn from this because there really is a lesson to be learned...you know it and so does everyone around you. Please wake up and work the hours that you are actually paid to work with your next job and treat your fellow employees with respect. Other wise you are going to end up where you are right now and it is going to keep happening to you over and over again until you finally learn.
Again stop focusing the blame on a group of people who did not have the power to make and/or implement policies. If you must point the finger, point it at the Chicago office and the rest of upper management. They are the ones who allowed this division to go down in a burning inferno. They never took the time to learn or understand home care from the bottom up. If they understood the concept instead of coming in changing things to what they thought might work, we may have been better off. They should have also owned up to their mistakes instead of reducing workforce. It was all about the dollars for their pockets never about the patients and the employees. We are all in the same boat...swallowed up by incompetent leadership. This was in the works for years it is just now that everything has come to a head. ELT never cared about anyone but themselves. At the end of the day, the patients are the ones who are going to feel the burden of not being able to get a Hill-Rom products.

Yes! Your last sentence says it all: The patients will suffer due to greed.
This is all getting humorous. You have one poster or should I say (im)poster, claims he knows LB and RJ and they are such fine people. What a jackass. Then we have the CPS bashing the Reps, and the reps bashing the CPS, you cant make this stuff up. As someone close to the business let me say BS. CPS did nothing wrong, did their best. I know several CPS reps, and they were constantly yelled and cussed at for not pushing placements that were not "legally" ready, now the ones that did this have the gall to come on here and tell them good luck flipping burgers, Now theres some class for you, but not surprised by the tactic. They speak as though the CPS reps have no chance at a future somewhere else, and speak of themselves as though companies around the world are beating the door down to have loud mouth, unethical, sales reps 100X more interested in a commission dollar than a patients "real" condition, reps to come work for them, yeah ok. Greed was the downfall of this business. It was a mistake to make an employee commissioned that places products according to severity and benefits from it. They couldn't help them self.

Waaaaaaaaaaa! Waaaaaaaaaa! Waaaaaaaaa! Moron.
This is all getting humorous. You have one poster or should I say (im)poster, claims he knows LB and RJ and they are such fine people. What a jackass. Then we have the CPS bashing the Reps, and the reps bashing the CPS, you cant make this stuff up. As someone close to the business let me say BS. CPS did nothing wrong, did their best. I know several CPS reps, and they were constantly yelled and cussed at for not pushing placements that were not "legally" ready, now the ones that did this have the gall to come on here and tell them good luck flipping burgers, Now theres some class for you, but not surprised by the tactic. They speak as though the CPS reps have no chance at a future somewhere else, and speak of themselves as though companies around the world are beating the door down to have loud mouth, unethical, sales reps 100X more interested in a commission dollar than a patients "real" condition, reps to come work for them, yeah ok. Greed was the downfall of this business. It was a mistake to make an employee commissioned that places products according to severity and benefits from it. They couldn't help them self.

You know several CPS reps because you are one you piece of shit!
You know several CPS reps because you are one you piece of shit!

Well you can say it over and over still does not make it true. I am a field tech, so of course I speak and converse with CPS folks quite a bit. From a field standpoint, you will not be missed. I'm not afraid to post my position, as you are.
That's pretty funny. I think they are the guys that tell patients "its to late call back tomorrow" or "the bed is working fine. Quit complaining" or "We need to hire a moving company to deliver it"

No, the ones that will not miss all the BS and all the unethical behavior from the beloved home care reps. Dont go away mad, just go away
No, the ones that will not miss all the BS and all the unethical behavior from the beloved home care reps. Dont go away mad, just go away

Yes!!!!! Please just go away HC Reps at least for right now and do not try to get back into this company either until you get your act together. As someone else mentioned earlier, learn some respect for others because if you don't then sooner or later you will land on your duff again whether it is with your next job, your marriage, etc. Some people never learn and after reading your disrespectful comments you obviously have not learned anything yet despite your termination. You have a choice: You can change your behavior for the better and you may end up being a happy and respected person which is worth more than a large income anyday. We need better people in this world and everyone needs to do their part including you.