Hill-Rom home care


It sounds like 2009 was a rough year. Any thoughts on the new President & CEO?

Are Jeanne B and Kim D still there?

Can someone in Home Care give me details on the position and income expectations?
It sounds like 2009 was a rough year. Any thoughts on the new President & CEO?

Are Jeanne B and Kim D still there?

Can someone in Home Care give me details on the position and income expectations?

If Hill-Rom will expand their Respiratory Care business (beyond the Vest and Metaneb), then the position becomes more desirable. During the interview, you should find that out and then decide.
Lisa and her fast finger dialing to the rat line helped ruin this business. She collected her millions and now Hill-Rom has exited the Medicare business. The seniors and infirm are out of luck thanks to her get rich scheme. Yeah.. shes still there is Tenn counting her money, laughing at everyone. Pretending to care about the business. Nope...single handedly wiped it out. LB in TN and her buddy Ron in KY are as underhanded as they come.
REALLY? You want to blame it on the whistleblower?

Maybe you should look at the ethics of former upper management (KD). They were fully aware of their fraud, but were too greedy and incompetent to change it. Remember JDE implementation? Did it create billing issues?

I can't believe in this day and age you can't see the forest for the trees!
REALLY? You want to blame it on the whistleblower?

Maybe you should look at the ethics of former upper management (KD). They were fully aware of their fraud, but were too greedy and incompetent to change it. Remember JDE implementation? Did it create billing issues?

I can't believe in this day and age you can't see the forest for the trees!

I agree. Obviously the person that made that comment does not understand the business or the process that unfolded before it got to that point. If HR would have acted on the first few complaints it never would have got to this. If you want to blame someone, blame Compliance and JG who had a chance to fix it and turned a blind eye. I happen to know both Ron and Lisa and they are both honest fine people. Take a look in the mirror!
Lisa and her fast finger dialing to the rat line helped ruin this business. She collected her millions and now Hill-Rom has exited the Medicare business. The seniors and infirm are out of luck thanks to her get rich scheme. Yeah.. shes still there is Tenn counting her money, laughing at everyone. Pretending to care about the business. Nope...single handedly wiped it out. LB in TN and her buddy Ron in KY are as underhanded as they come.

If you really want to know who destroyed the Home Care business look no further than Tracey Brown and Luke Johnson. Thick as thieves.
If you really want to know who destroyed the Home Care business look no further than Tracey Brown and Luke Johnson. Thick as thieves.

Don't forget about the apathetic. If Jeanne B would have spent more time managing her team under her instead of only telling people above her what they wanted to hear perhaps a real sales leader could have nipped this in the bud.
No wonder Joe Ticer never engaged the Home Care sales team. He knew we were only a minor hindrance for a short while. Thank you Tracey Brown for the destruction of HC. Hope they toss your butt out as well. Idiot!
The whole sales team is just full of apathetic and winding babies! They're a bunch of idiots! The practice of sales I'm talking about legitimate sales and lack of sales became secondary and now they have no one to blame but themselves!
The whole sales team is just full of apathetic and winding babies! They're a bunch of idiots! The practice of sales I'm talking about legitimate sales and lack of sales became secondary and now they have no one to blame but themselves!

Did they happen to teach English at the school you attended?

The only thing that kept HRC in the game this long was the Sales Channel. Every other aspect of the business, but the billing and compliance groups in particular, were pathetic. I've worked with a lot Sales organizations, and I've never seen one that had to put up with the paperwork and general BS the HRHC sales team had to deal with.
The whole sales team is just full of apathetic and winding babies! They're a bunch of idiots! The practice of sales I'm talking about legitimate sales and lack of sales became secondary and now they have no one to blame but themselves!

Not worried about any blame as Hill-rom actually did us all a favor by freeing us from ass wipes like you. Good luck at your new job flipping burgers in Charleston.
You cannot be serious in blaming the entire CPS team. Upper management is the blame for all of this. They are the ones who make the decisions and implement policies and procedures. They did not care about ethical procedures and when things went wrong the associates were to blame. We only did what we were told to do. There were so many things that led up to this point. All the ELT is going to do is acquire more companies and push the loyal employees out. This is not even about the healthcare reform. It is about incompetent leadership who ran a once thriving company into the ground. They never understood the home care business and did not take the time learn it from all aspects.
You cannot be serious in blaming the entire CPS team. Upper management is the blame for all of this. They are the ones who make the decisions and implement policies and procedures. They did not care about ethical procedures and when things went wrong the associates were to blame. We only did what we were told to do. There were so many things that led up to this point. All the ELT is going to do is acquire more companies and push the loyal employees out. This is not even about the healthcare reform. It is about incompetent leadership who ran a once thriving company into the ground. They never understood the home care business and did not take the time learn it from all aspects.

I don't disagree about the incompetence of the management team. Why they didn't spin the HC business out years ago is beyond me. At the same time, the amount of potential reimbursement that was blown by poor billing practices and frankly incompetent team members and leadership of that department is appalling. I'm not talking a few thousand dollars, I'm talking millions per year.