Hey, where did the awesome culture go?

I think we all may be outta here soon. JR quit to work for paragon, Kentin bailed before yesterday's pathetic earnings call and our stock price is down 13% over the past 2 days. Dying companies dont attract the best leaders.

Carlos is single handedly killing the culture of the sales team. He is a tyrant that comes with no experience. He needs to go!

Likes fine wine too. Yells, doesn’t listen, short little guy with Napoleon complex who commands no respect from his direct reports. New guy coming May clean house and bring in his own crew. Don’t matter. Nothing shaking here anymore.

He gets drunk at almost every meeting , bad mouths everyone and is completely unprofessional. How he is a VP I will never understand. He needs to go. Knows nothing about the business and wants to pretend he knows it all. Doesn't listen and makes assumptions. He's dangerous. Aristada sales will not improve at all if this guy remains the leader. Morale is at an all time low.

He gets drunk at almost every meeting , bad mouths everyone and is completely unprofessional. How he is a VP I will never understand. He needs to go. Knows nothing about the business and wants to pretend he knows it all. Doesn't listen and makes assumptions. He's dangerous. Aristada sales will not improve at all if this guy remains the leader. Morale is at an all time low.
I REALLY want to know who had the idea for Aristada reps to promote Vivitrol. Serious people who know the true answer please reply. It has me and many in my district scratching our heads. Makes NO sense. Vivitrol is a long sell. Can not be done by devoting only a limited time to it. It does more harm than good. Don't get me wrong, I like trying to sell it, but in order to get any traction with it I will have to take a lot of time away from aristada.

I REALLY want to know who had the idea for Aristada reps to promote Vivitrol. Serious people who know the true answer please reply. It has me and many in my district scratching our heads. Makes NO sense. Vivitrol is a long sell. Can not be done by devoting only a limited time to it. It does more harm than good. Don't get me wrong, I like trying to sell it, but in order to get any traction with it I will have to take a lot of time away from aristada.

Aristada selling Vivitrol was Jim Robinson’s idea, 100%

He’s not 100% to blame though. He shared this idea with people who should have pushed back, but did not.

Robinson royally screwed this company. We haven’t even felt the full impact yet. Wait until all the non revenue producing overhead hits our bottom line. I can only hope we don’t expand the FRMs and we pump the breaks on any of Robinson’s other brilliant plans. Pops is to blame for the hiring of this used car salesman. As much as some people didn’t like Mark, he understood our business. Maybe he botched the 5461 expansion, but he did a lot of things correctly and believed In Alkermes. Robinson believed in himself and lining his pockets.

Robinson royally screwed this company. We haven’t even felt the full impact yet. Wait until all the non revenue producing overhead hits our bottom line. I can only hope we don’t expand the FRMs and we pump the breaks on any of Robinson’s other brilliant plans. Pops is to blame for the hiring of this used car salesman. As much as some people didn’t like Mark, he understood our business. Maybe he botched the 5461 expansion, but he did a lot of things correctly and believed In Alkermes. Robinson believed in himself and lining his pockets.

Starts at the top. Where is the leadership at the top executive level? Who hired Robinson? Who approved his plans? The bubble has Popped and the reality is fugly. God help us

Robinson royally screwed this company. We haven’t even felt the full impact yet. Wait until all the non revenue producing overhead hits our bottom line. I can only hope we don’t expand the FRMs and we pump the breaks on any of Robinson’s other brilliant plans. Pops is to blame for the hiring of this used car salesman. As much as some people didn’t like Mark, he understood our business. Maybe he botched the 5461 expansion, but he did a lot of things correctly and believed In Alkermes. Robinson believed in himself and lining his pockets.
I totally agree. I too hope we stop this stupid addition of FRM's and slow down further KAM expansion. These positions are not only not needed. They are not wanted by anyone in the field. They add no benefit other than to have people managed more headcount and build their own little empires within the company. This is getting completely out of hand.

Robinson royally screwed this company. We haven’t even felt the full impact yet. Wait until all the non revenue producing overhead hits our bottom line. I can only hope we don’t expand the FRMs and we pump the breaks on any of Robinson’s other brilliant plans. Pops is to blame for the hiring of this used car salesman. As much as some people didn’t like Mark, he understood our business. Maybe he botched the 5461 expansion, but he did a lot of things correctly and believed In Alkermes. Robinson believed in himself and lining his pockets.

How did Mark botch the 5461 expansion? He put the brakes on it when approval looked uncertain and good thing he did or we'd have hundreds more TBMs running around with no product. You may not like him but he was not the one responsible for clinical or regulatory and he made the right call to slow down the expansion to wait and see (despite Pops' confidence in approval).