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HEDs and HDs?

Come on if you have not started looking over a year ago while weighing you severance package, shame on you!! Yes Gene this, MK that. It going to be a new cut throat world after the coronavirus and you better toughen up..

Some youngish punk will surely make a bitchy remark, but this marketing consulting shit show McKinsey together with Genentech unnecessarily ruined a lot of people’s lives. You can say boo hoo all you want but good people built this company and there only needed to be some shaving down in oncology, not this massive slaughter. This has ruined people who were loyal to a fault. Who the company begged to stay when competitors tried to lure them away. That’s the price people paid for believing in DNA. A shitty company who offs its employees 50 and older who have been there and are still doing good work with good reviews and great numbers. Vile corporate behavior. Shameful.

Don't blame McKinsey or ZS. Blame your "leaders" who paid them a lot of money and made the decision to destroy people's lives. And destroy lives while ROCHE continues to make record PROFITS. Shameful and disgusting corporate GREED!

Don't blame McKinsey or ZS. Blame your "leaders" who paid them a lot of money and made the decision to destroy people's lives. And destroy lives while ROCHE continues to make record PROFITS. Shameful and disgusting corporate GREED!

This is very true. Genentech is destroying lives by continuing to layoff with record profits. We all knew that the cuts should have been deeper during bold. Now it's a complete slaughter. People who think they will make it might be surprised.

This is very true. Genentech is destroying lives by continuing to layoff with record profits. We all knew that the cuts should have been deeper during bold. Now it's a complete slaughter. People who think they will make it might be surprised.

Look at the people they are keeping. Complete kiss asses and followers. Smile and be positive that’s all they want. Mark my word, this experiment will fail.

Look at the people they are keeping. Complete kiss asses and followers. Smile and be positive that’s all they want. Mark my word, this experiment will fail.
Agree. It would have been a huge feat to make this model a success but with this leadership and the people they are keeping - impossible. These are not the types who made this company great.

At NFM I ran into a very well respected DM who was ousted in the pioneer ecosystem . He told me that it might not be the ecosystem that would bring this company down. It's the group-think that would ultimately destroy this company. I think he was right. They want everyone to have the same BS "mindset". When we look at the HDs they picked and the ones they ousted, it is impossible for this company to succeed. Just send me the check already. I am so ready to move on.

You guys are all doing it wrong. I was one of those who passed the ecosystem interview. I told them I identified as a pink dolphin swimming at the Castro District. Of course, they hired me immediately. How do you like them apples?

Be grateful people. This is getting you to leave a terrible place. GNE was great in the beginning but has sucked the last few years. The people that are desperate to stay are a joke. Look at Nancy. Who in their right mind would think that she is running things. I can't listen to another call.

Judging the intellect and leadership of Nancy, I would have guessed that she's the hostess at my local Bob Evans. I mostly just tune out when I hear her talk on our calls. And when I listen to Kate. it takes me back to my high school days for some reason. And by the way, Dean, do yourself a favor. Please don't talk. God bless this company!

Judging the intellect and leadership of Nancy, I would have guessed that she's the hostess at my local Bob Evans. I mostly just tune out when I hear her talk on our calls. And when I listen to Kate. it takes me back to my high school days for some reason. And by the way, Dean, do yourself a favor. Please don't talk. God bless this company!
NO ran Hematology into the ground by trying to force RH into the marketplace. They got so desperate, they tried to make it better by hiring LJG. Whoops! Even LJG knew when to abandon ship.

agreed. BA will stab you in the back to cover his own. I think CS’s are more qualified as directors than the people most ecosystems hired. At least they will know their accounts.

agreed. BA will stab you in the back to cover his own. I think CS’s are more qualified as directors than the people most ecosystems hired. At least they will know their accounts.

When you have a small trace of conscience and EQ like BA's, the first thing you do when you get the power is to purge the people you deem threatening and useless. The intellectual and independent minded people are the biggest threat to his sandbox. Please line up the VPs, HEDs and HDs, it's almost impossible to find a decent human being in that crowd. There is no coincidence and it is done by design.

Just got a call from a friend and was told I'm not getting a position, Some positions are only being hired from the outside to control things. What are they trying to control?

Just got a call from a friend and was told I'm not getting a position, Some positions are only being hired from the outside to control things. What are they trying to control?
Thank your lucky stars! They did you a favor and you'll realize that once you're at another company that understands and appreciates success. Godspeed.

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