HDL to close doors in Q2

of all the posts i have ever read this one is the best..... the absolute best....a true testimate to either a blue wave or hdl rep actually showing concern.....You would know where WE WERE ALL getting our information from if greed was not blinding you from moral code..... I admit...Cafe pharma has become a place to vent and share details. while the governement is sharing details from within... oh and by governement to anwser your question...
both the STATE AND THE FEDERAL GOVERNEMENT ARE INVESTIGATING THE PRACTICES OF HDL AND ALL LABS FOR THAT MATTER..... while both have revealed some very off color practices.......yes this parts sucks for you......it is well worth the wait for the federal investigation to be completed....oh and how is this information uncovered.... um... yeah you....brainiack thats concerned..... "ever hear of forensic accounting or forensic email tools"? no.... thats ok....something tells me you will have nothing but time next year to learn about anything you are interested in ;)

Yeah, BlueWave reps need to keep telling themselves this. I suggest you find a good hiding place for "all that money" you made because once the OIG starts freezing your assets, you a** is gonna be out in the street freezing!

And "your" better tests weren't even "your" tests...not sure what you're referring to there.

Bluewave reps should get some sleep now because it wont be long before those 1099 fraudsters will face the wrath of investigators. We hope that you didnt spend those millions because you are going to pay it back along with jail time. Greed is bad and you knew what you were getting yourselves into. When you are making hand over fist abusing the system, do you not think that there are concequences?

you are so correct.... i think the bluewave reps have no idea how much evidence against them is circulating out there. In all states there is the ability to contact the justice department and share concerning fraudulent documentation and they "HAVE TO INVESTIGATE" all claims brought to them. so....... as previous posts have indicated.....only a matter of time ;)